How to stop smoking?

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don't smoke




Today I stopped smoking 100 days. Its not that im counting the days, an app does that for me. And I just found out because I was showing it off to someone, I actually dont care about it anymore. I do still crave occasionally, but most of the time im cool.

>make a list why you want to stop, do it for yourself
>set a date you want to stop
>just keep smoking up until that date
>cold turkey stop
>Do not fall for Jew-memes like vaporizers or nicotine gum
>use an app to keep track of what you saved and days
>treat yourself

Good luck man!

It worth it

Build a habit of running and do it so often that your brain rewires itself to recieve dopamine and pleasure from it. Eventually you will more than likely choose running over smoking because you’ll realize the world is ending and you’re gonna need every last breath your lungs can puff when the shit goes south

You could taper down but nicotine withdrawal is actually really easy compared to almost any drug or medication. It's a few days of irritation and headaches most. Most people just psyche themselves up thinking it's going to be hell.

Serious question: i kind of want to quit vaping (i already quit smoking) but what do you ex smokers do to cope when you see someone cool smoking on film?

Or when you think about having a romantic coffee and smoke on the porch in the morning or whatever?

are you gay or something ?

Apparently nicotine intake affects how hard your dick gets and its size. Makes sense if you think about how it affects blood flow but there's a bunch of studies done for this.

That helped me cut down smoking :^)

It's a vasoconstrictor, but the effect only last a short while after smoking a cigarette.

If you quit, can you still occasionally have a cig or two or will you go all in again once you touch nicotine again?

Switch to chaw pussy.


In all seriousness, make it a point to not buy any and toss out what you do have.

Most importantly identify and remove or limit your triggers to smoke. Maybe even try to find a replacement.

I found it helps to say out loud that smoking is bad for you when you crave. Your on the right path user, just do not give up if you relaps.

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I've been smoking for 5 years and have been off them for the last 2 weeks.
Idk what's wrong with me but I never felt the addiction? Just quit cold turkey and no cravings, it's not a worry, nothing.
My baccy is in a draw, I just don't go near the draw. It's easier not to roll one than to roll one.
So don't buy straights.

thanks user

> how to lose weight
> put down your hand with food
> how to stop smoking
> put down your hand with the cigarette

are we on to something bigger here , brehs? is the solution to all problems to cut off your own hands?

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If youre dead, you cant smoke.
Should kill yourself

I smoked a pack a day for 7 years and recently quit, about 3 to 4 months ago. Pic related is my tallys, one for each day I didn't smoke, but I stopped making more tallies a few weeks ago so there should be more. What I did was listen to an audiobook, I'm a trucker fag. It's called stop smoking with Allen Carr and it literally made it so fucking easy to quit. I did the tallies originally because I knew the chemical addiction to nicotine dies in 3 weeks, so once I made it to 3 weeks any urges was just my brain being a jew. Honestly though I felt great after just 5 days, and I never had any of the crazy bang my head into a wall effects of quitting. Truth is nicotine is actually a very easy addiction to break, it's just your brain that has convinced you it's hard and you need it. I really encourage you to get that audio book, it's free with a one month trial to audible or whatever

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Quit smoking - started again tonight. Feels good man - smoking is one of life's pleasures, I'll quit again when i get sick of it ;)

not like you fuck anyone anyway

don't start smoking in the first place

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step one start smoking 75 cigs a day.
Really tho it's a mindset, you make yourself believe you will quit smoking as soon as you run out of your cigs. You'll be tempted to buy a new pack but every time you get that temptation you tell yourself that you "can and will" continue to not smoke. You might fail couple of times but every relapse will dissapoint yourself in yourself and you'll bounce back stronger until you're over the mental image of yourself being a cigfag. Godpseed, it's doable. Also you'll notice an energy change and this will motivate you.

Switch to vaping a slightly more powerful nicotine concentration than you're used to because vaping is ass compared to cigs. Every week get a vape juice that is 2 mg less powerful until you've quit.

start dipping or vaping

Cigarette put downs

Pharyngitis. Even breathing normal air will make you feel like you have glass shards going down your throat. Smoke a few while you have it, so it will be extremely painful and you will associate smoking with pain.

This video helped me understand how to break a habit op. Hope it helps you as well

I just stopped when I moved back to California and couldn’t find Lucky Strikes as easily. Only two stores that I could find sold them in a city of 1/2 a million

At the same time I stopped dipping only because I couldn’t work and dip

I don’t think I have an addictive personality tho so that’s why I was able to stop so quickly.

On a side note I’ve taken percs and Xanax sometimes snorted them and never felt anything off of them... or felt like I’d want to do those drugs

Should i leave my girlfriend for smoking behind my back? I was never the smoking police about it but she "quit" because she knew i didn't like it but just hid it and eventually I found out. If someone lies about this I wonder what else they would lie about?

I moved out to Montana and noticed these Zyn things next to the dip. I dipped for ten years and smoked sometimes but dip was something that I just could not give up until I tried these nicotine pouches. They give me a good buzz and it's tobacco free. Not as good as quitting but I haven't dipped in three months.

Give her to me.
>tfw no gf

Its hard for like 4 days and then after that it's piss easy. Honestly just don't be a little bitch and trust yourself to have the will power to do it. I used to smoke about 12 a day and haven't had a cig for about 6 months now

Can confirm your suspicion. Did the same thing to my gf awhile ago and im a lying scumbag

Don't put the ciggies in your mouth

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A single puff of tobacco, even decades after having quit, is very, very often enough to hook an ex user into their former level of use within 24 hours. You can either smoke all the cigarettes, or no cigarettes. There isn't a middle path.

Nicotine gum

You quit by understanding your addiction, and then making a commitment to break it and then sticking to that commitment.

Quitting is as simple as just not smoking.That doesn't necessarily mean it's easy, but it's not a complicated process. The important thing is not to make excuses for your addiction, not to make up reasons you can't quit. Anyone can quit smoking, it's very possible, it's just difficult to see it that way when you're in the grip of addiction. You've got to let logic win over that primal, dopamine seeking urge.

I would highly recommend looking up Joel Spitzer on youtube. He's a man who's dedicated his life to helping people quit smoking and over the decades has converged on the best methods of doing so. He has a wealth of videos explaining the mechanisms of addiction, how to break it, little tips and tricks, he even has a series of playlists that will take you through the quitting process day by day in real time.

Good luck on your quitting journey user, never stop trying, remember, even if it hurts to quit it is so worth it.

I switched to the Juul in July... still a nicotine fiend but my resting heart rate declined, blood pressure isn’t elevated anymore, and my cardio improved.

>nicotine gum

NO. Never, ever, ever use nicotine replacement therapy if you actually want to break an addiction to smoking. It will do nothing but sustain your addiction and move money from your wallet into pharmaceutical companies' pocket; it's a scam. Nicotine is the addictive agent your trying to break away from, you don't stop being addicted by continuing to use the drug you're addicted to. That's like giving a heroin junkie gum that has heroin in it and saying it's helping.

Stuff like buproprion and veriniclene I can get behind though, because they do reduce cravings while not putting any new nicotine into your system.

Cutting down would be the best method imo. Find replacements for situations which "prompt" you to smoke, eg during your break at work, first thing in the morning, etc. Replacing nicotine with caffeine works pretty well. Try to postpone your first cigarette of the day as far as possible. What you'll hopefully notice by doing this is how much more tired you feel after smoking, creating a negative association in your brain.

It helped telling myself I wasn't going cold turkey, allowing myself a cig every once in a while.

When I quit it was because I got a job and wanted to make a good impression, so no smoke breaks every half hour. I was driven to succeed so I stopped being destructive.
Now I smoke two packs a day because I moved back in with my parents and don't work.
I basically use cigarettes to measure time. There would be nothing to do if I didn't smoke, no reason to leave the house. So I go out and get cigarettes, sometimes drive out of my way to a different store just so I could have some time out of the house.
Then I smoke and it's like something's going on. Tried quitting again and realized I had nothing to do.
So I'm going to start running or whatever to replace the stimulus. I guess I'm addicted to stimuli so I think I need to constantly be active.
Basically I guess I'm scared of trying to succeed in life because I'm terrified I might fail.

Be strong. Be smart. Be a man!

I smoked for 12 years and now quit for 2 years but even had a couple of relapses.

It's such a shitty little addiction and much more of a mental battle than anything else.

It's so easy to just make an excuse and have another "one". Yet you will be surprised how is easy it is to quit once you've gotten past it.

If you made any decent gains you have some understanding of doing something hard now to benefit in the future. How to make a decision in your head that your body finds unpleasant.

Be better than your impulses. You are so lucky to be alive today.

Just say no to that urge and it will pass.

And it gets easier and easier. I used to absolutely love smoking and I never saw myself not smoking. But now I really don't think miss it.

You will slip but next time say no.

Be strong!

Please stop. It genuinely brings tears when I think about the damage I've done to my precious lungs. I can feel it now I've quit but they have drastically improved. Imagine how you will feel when you are lying in bed, infirm and in searing pain, imaging what a stupid, weak cunt you were.

>each cig takes 5 minutes off your life
>enjoy cig for 10 minutes
I don't see the problem here Bros

Read Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking"

Why quit? smoking is based

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That's pretty sad bro

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Lived with smokers my whole life and am 21, whats the likely-hood secondhand smoke has already killed me?

I've seen a couple people walk the middle path but most of them were never really addicted to nicotine. Like with most addictive drugs, some people can do blow once every couple months, some people will spend their life savings smoking all the crack they can get their hands on.