>Come to Britain
>Expect children to grow up well
>Daughter becomes a slut and gets banged by British lads all day
>Son stays a virgin, goes to Iraq and dies for Isis
fuck my life
My second oldest is already spending his time watching youtube arab shit
How can I raise my second oldest son to be more fit?
at least your one son had the opportunity to fight and die for something he believes in, a choice of freedom most of us will never experience
Did this really happen?
gotta love arab bitchez
>tfw you found your virgin arab gf
>banged by British lads all day
Fake and gay, arab girls in the west only fuck niggers
>British lads
Pick two and only two.
Being British isn't about ethnicity, it's about the shared values of tolerance and openness we share.
Good and tolerant lad
Evil and vile neo-nazis full of hate
You should go back to Pakistan or where ever and raise your son there. I'm sure he will turn out better :^)
Get out of here, Sweden. We're talking about England.
Tolerance is a quintessentially British value.
Tfw angloid dating an arab girl from a sort of family you described
Kill yourself, retard.
you think someone would just go on the internet and lie?
This is what happens
No fucking way some middle age Iraqi immigrant is shitposting on Jow Forums
Why not, this place would be perfect
I think your sons need some discipline in the form of a fist in the face, user
>you come from a country where the men fucked up
>you think you're not any different from those men and will somehow be a better father
>you will see england lose falklands and gibraltar in your lifetime while at the same time becoming children of men
beautiful feel lads
Ok, I laughed at a couple posts in this thread but...
Why is Jow Forums now Jow Forums 2.0? I left Jow Forums for a few years. Back in 2014 there were def posts like this but now it feels like half the board is pol posts. I wouldn't even care if the overall threads we're at least fitness related with dumb pol posts inside. Did everyone escape pol after the 2016 election or something?
I know this won't change anything, just wondering if any Jow Forums historians can explain what happened
What your witnessing user is the pushback against leftism everything, these beliefs are the new counter culture which is extremly strong on the internet and amongst avid lifters
You chuckle fucks are cucked beyond saving. That statement is the most onions, estrogenous thing I read this whole year
hitting the gym makes you right wing, proven fact
Less left leaning people use the site than back then. Plenty were cool with saying faggot and nigger back in the day (self included) but got tired of legit racism.
And this is where the bloodline ends.
Millions upon millions of years, blood sweat, turmoil. Some of his ancestors would have fought to the death and won, took a chance on the tribe qt and won her over, worked their entire lives to ensure their offspring would grow up healthy.
All that only to get mogged by a shitskin in another country.
Every part of this god forbidden place is Jow Forums 2.0 my friend
>Halal in the streets, haram in the sheets
Your first mistake was thinking that an overly comfortable western livestyle would yield strong sons and dauchters.
yet we still keep coming
Jow Forums has effected everything in the last year or so. More and more people are being right wing and thus it's effecting all areas of the internet.