Is eating overrated?

Is eating overrated?

So i've reduced my calories quite a bit, whereby i'm losing weight each week. My strength still increases and my bodyfat is getting lower.

I've been training for 5 years+ and so this isnt some noob gainz thing.

What do you reckon, is low calories and heavy workouts the key to slowly building muscle without fat?

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Same happened to me, my lifts went up during cut

Even though you might lose some muscle mass, that doesn't your muscles won't get stronger

Ur probably just weak

i'm eating ~1850 calories a day at 6'0 170lbs, and i'm adding weight to my lifts every other workout. it's working for me quite well. i feel mentally and physically beautifully all the time, no bloating or a full stomach ever

Eating is a meme when you have excess fat reserves, unless youre under 10% body fat or so eating wont really help you much

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post stats, if your squat is at 315 after 5 yeasr I dont fucking care that you've been lifting for 5 years

If any of you lifted you would know this is the answer.

being under 12% bf as a man reduces systematic cortisol levels and is better for your hormonal profile.

I'm 6 foot 2 and 200lbs. Around 11 percent bodyfat. I eat 1500 calories a day and fast for like 3 days a month.

Consistently getting more muscle and stronger, gaining weight while losing fat.

Food is a meme. So is the whole "gotta eat protein all day".

how are you gaining muscle without eating on a surplus?

It's probably because your hormones are regulating. All those high GI carbs spiking your insulin levels all over the place can't be good. And eating less shitty hormone packed Americanized "food" will do this too.

Because he's not actually counting his calories and is bullshitting to impress people he will never meet.

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I don't know. Maybe the whole deal with eating at a surplus is way overestimated.

Ever seen someone "eat at a surplus" and they just get fat as shit? They are obviously eating way to much.

Also, I talk on about 300 extra calories for 36 hours after a workout. I doubt any calculator for BMR or TDEE would put me near 1800 as surplus. In fact, when I went by the calculators, they would put me at 3500+ calories.

I also do high volume training so my reps are usually around 20.

Still, it works for me. Proper form and te under tension seems more important than stuffing shit down your face hole every 4 hours.. at least for me.

Inuse an app called Fat Secret to count calories.

I think that as long as you have over a minimum level of body fat, your body will use the fat itself to create whatever surplus it needs to build muscle.


This. You can be really strong and wirey and not look that strong. Muscle size doesnt always equal strength. Just look at the guy who took the refrigerator on his back while riding a bike. He was super thin but yet strong.

This article mentions using your current fat stores as energy to build muscle while on a deficit.

Iny opinion, the nutritional supplement market is a huge scam. I do use protein powder directly after a workout, but even that is suspect.

Most of the shit you hear about building muscle is a lie. All you have to do is lift hard with consistent progression and eat every once in a while.