>tfw the world’s greatest conqueror was a manlet
Lanklets BTFO
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werent all people really short until somewhat recently? I heard this anecdotally once and dont know from where or how it makes sense
Diet was shit back then but idk y all these tards fall for the manlet meme theres always short asian girls
It's well known that great manlets are the engine of history user
Yes they were, especially in the south..
>dies by some bitch ass flu
>napoleon died from mold in the walls
>hitler died of cyanide
when will manlets learn?
t. coping uneducated manlet
Either baiting hard or one of the most poorly educated manlets on earth
>world's greatest conquerer
>Not ghengis Khan
>Manlet cope thread
Not convincing anyone breh
>mfw he should have died like 10 times before that
Yes. Its natural selection. Once women gained the ability to breed with taller men, the naturally left manlets behind.
we never got Ghengis Khan's accurate height measurement because he only ever got off the horse to fuck
That's according to Plutarch who was writing 300 odd years after the death of Alexander. In reality we won't know how tall Alexander was until his body is discovered. Since he was likely buried in the city of his namesake the tomb is underwater and sea water does not do nice things to bones.
Tldr,we don't fucking know how tall he was and we never will so why the fuck does it matter to you insecure fucks?
Because of height inflation he was probably around 6"3 by today's standards
>>hitler died of cyanide
he did take cyanide but he shot himself in the head thats what he died from
>getting off your horse to fuck
Never gonna make it.
Yes, women are breeding with taller braindead manmores because there is very little environmental pressure. It’s also why civilization is degrading. We are headed back to the days of the vikangz once society collapses. Hopefully the glorious true white savior manlet meds can recreate the glory of Rome.
You can actually see this really well with average height in Japan from ww2 onwards, they were all malnourished as fuck during the war, average height is like 15cm higher now.
The average Greek man was 5'7 in 2500-3000 years ago.
So Alexander would have been a manlet among them.