What routine should I do to get hunter eyes?
Hunter Vs prey
And don't say mewing.
Just embrace the permasquint
>hey user have you had your eyes checked recently?
A $5,000 plastic surgery
Am I Chad now?
>tfw mfw when
inb4 upper e*lid exposure
Does all asians have hunter eyes?
Just keep your big eyes bro, chicks will think you make a good dad so they'll let you hit them raw.
Go overseas and fuck a bunch of Jap chicks raw get chlamydia but get em pregnant they'll hit you up on Instagram asking you if they should come to Australia but quickly deactivate your insta and hope you've got yourself a couple of half Japanese Lebo kids and you can pretend you're Joseph joestar
I ca n only imagine what kind of severe autism causes someone to dream this up
Oh man I need help
I had a good chuckle
>tfw my right eye naturally droops
i guess im only half-alpha
I didn't say marry them, just Genghis Khan the world
What the hecc
Keked and checked
That's what happens when your mom gets pregnant with a chads baby, but a beta is left to raise it.
The gooklet is wearing 4" heels, stood on the 8" step and is still shorter than everyone else.
Yeah but she's the hottest one there
>tfw I'm shortsighted and I do this all day long
can't complain
yet her son is taller than everyone
I'm pretty sure that black guy got cucked
Absolutely based, spread that seed wide
3x8 ass-to-grass squints
3x8 supinated eye holds
3x8 decline eyelid raises
3x5 pupil flies
Does this actually work?
i know... it's incredibly hot
Based trips
Their children will be half white but none of their parent will be white.
Welcome to america.
Yeehaw please someone stop this madness
It his nose on the daughter though.
Why are you fags so obsessed with cucking?
Non stop racebating on every board
I are hunter deer. This is a hunter thread.
I'm usually against BMWW, and WMAW pairings,but they look like great people and it resulted in best pairing, AMBW. Kinda.
I always get compliments on my eyes but I really dislike them. Am I just being dismorphic
>Pic related
The blueness tends to change with the weather too. When it's bright they look really blue but when it's dark they look more grey/blue. It's the light reflecting I imagine.
>The blueness tends to change with the weather too.
Sexy. London?
>that feel when my face when when
I am the ferryman
Entrust your souls to me and they will be delivered to thine destination
I usually don’t go for this sort of thing but I’d fap to White Dad railing the petite Asian MILF.
Based cuckposter
When I squint and smile, people tell me I look really girly. Like I'm trying to seduce them.
There's a fine line between looking like a tool and being in your masculine sexual seducing swagger. Try to work on it
1. Infraorbital rim implants
2. Blepharoplasty
3. Filler injections in your brow region
4. Slayer mode achieved
Should only set you back $18k or so from a reputable surgeon
>knowing this
Get a fucking life lmao
I will once I can afford one
As soon as I have that spare $18k ready to drop I'll have Yaremchuk on the line and kiss this shit incel life behind.
shut up idiot, this could literally take like 20 minutes to research its not a big deal.
>i-if my eyes were just a bit different I'd get my dick wet!
>wasting 20 minutes researching shit that literally does not matter
As I said, get a life lol
>i-if my eyes were just a bit different I'd get my dick wet!
Yeah, pretty much
I have a shitty eye area and the eye area is the most important feature by far, I mean when you interact with someone thats where you'll be looking 95% of the time.
Shouldn't you be posting on or r/incels or some other shit hole away from the rest of us?
Jow Forums is a board largely based on self improvement so it's not a stretch, especially considering that I was answering the OP's question which is more than you could have done
>Jow Forums is a board largely based on self improvement
Jow Forums is about fitness, not self-improvement per se. OPs question is bait aimed at incels like you. Don't you faggots hang out on lookism or whatever the fuck it's called? Maybe you'd be happier there wishing for plastic surgery to fix shit nobody cares about so you can realise you still ain't getting laid
wh*tes really need to stop stealing the good black male genes from the black population.
It's extremely dysgenic to the black population.
Their kids prolly look like turks kek
you look old an ugly af
yea, my ass, compliments from yo mom and grandma don't count
you look like a drunk.
nice eyes. I have the same. same hair color too.
fuck though shave that upper nose hair.
What the fuck is it? Just having eyes far back in your orbitals?
Imagine how pathetic your existence must be to insult random strangers online in an unironic way
It's probably another lookism incel trying to feel better about being utterly unwanted