How do i lose my thigh muscles/fat, they're so fucking gigantic. It's jiggles but it isn't fat either...

How do i lose my thigh muscles/fat, they're so fucking gigantic. It's jiggles but it isn't fat either. I also have skinny arms so that's awkward. And no i won't bulk up from the waist up, i want to lose the thigh muscles.
Pic not me but pretty much identical body.

Attached: skinny-fat-to-summer-body.jpg (345x688, 28K)

your thigh fat is the least of your problems. legitimately almost threw up at your picture

Jesus this can not be real...

Start some form of cardio 3+ times a week, on off days from cardio do pull ups, body weight squats and push up. Get your diet under control, 1-1.5 grams protein per lb body weight. Shoot for 1-2lb a week loss. Cut weight until you're looking a smidge too thin, then clean bulk 10lbs above roughly what you want your street weight to be. Cut back the 10 lbs and see how you look.

>hourglass figure

Attached: 1532544887203.jpg (625x482, 68K)

not you, sure... but with that figure you my as well just start transitioning.
do light calisthenics every day, cardio at least three days a week. lots of squats and lunges.
avoid red meat, strive for plant based proteins.

Why do you guys always need to complicate things.

> if skinnyfat, just lift and eat less
> If fat, just lift and eat less

That's it. For more details, read the sticky.

OP here, that's not fucking me you dumbasses. Why would i careless just post my body lol.

Eat less and lift.

you told your body is identical so might as well be you

Is not muscle on your thighs is fat. Lose weight, you cannot spot reduce fat so you must cut calories and lose weight all over.

I suspect you are basedboy. You not welcome here. If you don't leave, we're going to anal town.

Please leave legume lad

I'm having a hard time understanding this. I'm new to fitness in general.

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Lift frequently
Start eating like a man and less like a toddler.

OP you look so repulsive im gonna have to hide this thread. please lift and eat well for 6 month before posting a picture of yourself again

Your nipples keep staring at me, tell them to stop

Also, fast until you're ~12% body fat and start working out afterwards

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You got some nice titties boy

Post your actual body and crop the head. You cannot be identified. Only then can we tell you what to do.

Have you thought about not being a fat lazy cunt and doing some form of exercise?


Do only upper body, dont fucking do legs

when will mods start banning this NSFW shit, it might as well be a woman ffs

If you're new to lifting you could just recomp until you get low bf% then bulk

You are fat. There is nothing muscular on your body. You are fat, and you are week.

Stop eating (literally, fast) and do what exercise that you want in the mean time. You are so weak even doing stair flights will grow your muscles).

Again. STOP EATING. Join /fasting general/.

Why is he standing like a fat girl? Are his leg bones crooked?

Now those are some nipples son

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I hAVe nEvER tOuCHeD A wEIghT OR dOnE anY FoRM oF eXErcIsE bUt i'M mUScUlAr GuISe

Listen little baby,

You're gonna get a lot of degrading and hurtful comments in this thread, but that ain't what I about.

Let me just say you are perfect the way you are you hear me sugar? PERFECT don't ever change, you deserve everything and anything you want.

stay safe for me baby girl

>mfw thinking about you hurting

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might as well become a tranny at that point

Stop giving advice you fucking moron


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you think it is alright to show the disgusting nipples?

>tfw we found a loophole in the Jow Forums legal system
>we can now post 'males' with feminine bodies with their nipples exposed and it won't get deleted

This is it, chief.

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>it isn't fat either

I disagree

This is what peak curry performance looks like

Same situation than you 2 years ago
You have to face it you are fat.

Lift hard on a cut until 11-13% body fat then lean bulk because you will gain fat too fast

Attached: IMG_20170706_165307.jpg (4096x2304, 1.44M)

Attached: giko.jpg (800x450, 39K)

Get your testosterone fixed mate. Get a blood test and start megadosing on zinc and d3 before it to see if you're deficient in those.

can this body type be fixed? im almost the same

See 2 months progress

Attached: IMG_20171009_185255.jpg (4096x2304, 2M)

yours wasn’t nearly as bad

Still had an hourglass figure and wide hips.
Lifted 5x5 SL then GSLP on a cut.

Here's what you do, OP.

>start taking mega doses of cypro and estradiol daily
>buy some dresses and thongs
>learn how to do makeup
>find alpha male
>present anus

Jk, bulking up on top is the only way to offset. You can't spot reduce from just your legs.

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