Shes right, you know

Shes right, you know.

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it's sugar, not genetics

stopped reading at + weight

>muh genetics
>muh money
fuck off

I go to the gym 5 days per week, no matter how long the last meeting of the day at work is. Sometimes we go till 8:30, 9:00. I still go. My coworkers are blown away that I go to the gym after work on any day. People are just lazy

>weight is genetic
Her entire post is fatty cope. I bet she doesnt even give a fuck about teeth or acne and is just trying to camoflauge the "weight is genetic" line.

People will do anything to find an excuse.

All 3 are caused by diet.

What a retarded roastie, who allowed women to vote jesus fucking christ sometimes i wish the muslim invaders would hurry up with their plans of taking over the west

The other two are correct.

This. People find it so shocking that I still go to the gym after a tough day, whether at work, uni, or practice. People are lazy as fuck.

Teeth I agree with, the other two are bullshit.
>Regular exercise schedule
Fuck off, your exercise schedule doesn't need to be regular. In the most hectic parts of my life, my schedule sure wasn't regular, but I still worked out whenever possible. I didn't let myself become a wreck because boo hoo life is hard and unpredictable.

Teeth and acne are mostly genetics though but can be reduced with diet and good hygiene but she right
>be son of dentist
>he never checks my teeth
>never floss
>only got one fucked up teeth in five years

Fuck no

I actually think she's right but I feel like she's pushing for people to stop caring about aesthetic shit which, I mean, she might as well be yelling into the void or something. Classic wokeposting. Kernel of truth, pound of angst, zero solutions.

I'm very glad my parents are tall and thin, payed for my braces and tooth whitening, washed my sheets, and fed me healthy home cooked meals. Made things easier for me then they probably even needed to be. I intend to provide the same and more to my future children.

no, only whether they are crooked. Everything else is a matter of taking care of it.

Nobody gives a shit about acne, I used to hook up with this girl who had crazy amounts of acne and it wasn't a big deal


it makes more sense to be harsher on people with bad genetics because you want to discourage them from breeding. genetic faults should be condemned

Teeth I agree with because mine is godlike, acne not so much since I notice changes whenever I actually use the face creme I should be using. As for weight, that's obviously bullshit.

exactly this, my female work mates cant believe i get up early to go gym/run

they're all overweight and some of them try laugh it off like "id rather stay in bed"
"i'm always to tired to exercise"
nothing worse than people who try to justify being lazy

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good morning retard


She eats a lot of sugar, is fat, has acne because her general inflammatory repose is through the roof and never washes her teeth.

Next please.

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> hurr durr my meetings

There are people who lift heavy ass shit as their job 12 hours a day and still manage to lift, youre not that special, its just your coworkers are absolute lardasses

yeah except the first one

>tfw excellent teeth and weight genetics but horrible bacne and little face acne(maybe 2 zits a week)

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It's okay, the top can occupied by a select few. Let people come up with whatever excuses they want.

Teeth whitening, do you mean brushing your teeth?

so what if she's right, it's not like she'd take these in to consideration when deciding to date a man, heck she may even shame a man for these things.

however she will fight and whine about them when it affects her or other women.

I wasn't saying I was special, I was saying that I don't let it get in the way, and that my coworkers are lazy. You ok, buddy?

Partially taking care of them, partially genetics, but everything genetic cam be fixed on the dentist
In some cases is genetic, in some cases is an undiagnosed allergy to things like dairy, in some cases it could be diet, in some cases hygene, etc.
I mean ¿yeah? But not to the extent fatties say, some people just have a faster BMR, but i dont think it's enough to turn you into a fatty and even then is changeable trough habits

> regular exercise and a healthy diet are a luxury
I'm assuming she doesn't live in a shithole country so she's got the luxury
Secondly, look at those Africans lifting rock weights the village welder made and making gains (while prob being on steroids that were stockpiled in their countries in case of AIDS)

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are you me lad?

/threading himself (wrongly)

There is still a fucking LOT you can do to improve your skin, teeth, and weight, so you will still be judged on all 3.

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Of course she's right. That's why i don't hang out with poor people

stop being a fucking fatass

but muh genetics. muh class. :(

do any men really give a fuck about acne?
i know women hate that shit on a guy, but i saw this girl with acne the other day and i still thought she was really qt.

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yes, those muslims are really the bad guys here. we should nuke iran desu

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Acne prone skin is largely genetic but get on Accutane early enough and you can correct your skins overproduction of oil before it gets out of control and scars you for life.

fatties are now saying it costs more money to eat less food

good nutrition is a luxury, just not an expensive one. it takes time and energy to make good food and to learn how to cook in the first place. if you're a kid and your parents just feed you chicken nuggets every other day, you're fucked and you really have no control over that until you're older. but yeah, being an adult and complaining about that is pathetic

>acne since 12
>scars all over my face
>cant get fixed

its over for me lads


>not being a landwhale is a luxury

why are women allowed to share their opinions?

Retin-a might help

Fucking this. Let these people wallow in their cognitive dissonance it only makes life easier for those who don't come up with excuses for life's challenges.

I've had acne for years and I'm honestly attracted to girls with acne bc it makes them seem more "real" to me

Get blood tests done, supplementing zinc and magnesium wiped out my acne 90%

Agree that weight is class and parent related, shitty parents will make you fat. Once you're an adult there's no excuse though

What is dentist
What is skin products
Just eat less lol

Bet shes a whale

Nope. Cosmetic whitening, from a dentist. Before high school and college.

I know that feel.
I had horrible acne all over my face and upper body, it's gone now, but when I workout all of the scarring on my back goes really red and it looks like it's back full force.

miotherapy and mewing
Good diet, 30 minutes of sun exposure daily, and good hygene habits.
Intermittent fasting, omad, keto, finding out what type of food is good for you and not abusing what type of food bloats you.

Its simple and not necesarily expensive, the thing is the average person doesn't have either discipline or the education to do this.

1 teeth. Are you telling me paying the sum isn't worth it? And braces aren't even that expenisve, get them fucking fixed. Having a presentable bite is of the utmost importance.
2 acne. Accutane. Fuck you
3. weight. lol

There is a correlation between chewing tough food and the development of the jaw, maxilar and dental posture in general, so even if it is not a direct impact, diet makes an impact in teeth health.

Stop eating milk derived products, get some sun, apply apple cider vinegar and/or coconut oil on face.





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I have awful teeth adn always have, my mouth has been as much fillings as actual teeth since i was a teenager, my mom got dentures in her 20s.

I'm probably gonna need dentures in the future.

Obviously I agree with everything except for the weight part. Fuckin sucks for kids who are too poor to get their teeth fixed. Even worse is when you’re born with a cleft palette and look like a fuckin mutant.

Acne is unavoidable for some people. No matter their routine their face will get fucked up.

Some people’s teeth are way more resilient against shit like cavities. My dad isn’t a total slob and practices good dental hygiene but his teeth decay super easily. On the other hand my moms teeth have almost no problems and my teeth came in just like hers. I didn’t go to the dentist for years and on my last visit just had to get a little plaque scraped off.

black pill: she is right

If it's correlated to class then it's correlated to taking care of yourself

99% of people can fix their shit skin, teeth, and weight with simple and relatively cheap changes to their diet, oral hygiene, and skincare routine. And I am not even including dentist procedures/accutane/etc or that percent would go up even more.

>regular exercise schedule/great nutrition is a luxury

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its called a budget you millennial fuckass

wow just look at those privileged assholes sitting atop their ivory tower