talk about what features are most masculine, and how to improve facial aesthetics without surgery
Facial aesthetics thread
A large hook nose is s sign of wealth and very popular for the ladies
>how to improve facial aesthetics without surgery
so you are saying if I lose bodyfat my face won't look any better?
Eyes that are wider and look in opposite directions are seen as high tier genetics cause you are able to scout for prey. Trust me
How important is the size of the forehead?
>Mouth breather
that and high body fat is why he's fucked for the most part
Just be yourself brah
am I ugly as fuck or good looking
you look like a stupid fucking retard if this was 200 years ago I would hire one of my nigger slaves to attack you at night
6 points to Gryffindor
look like a faggot
try adding 'dark' features to your face (i.e a simple cut, a scar if you're really desperate, use dirt or makeup to look more rugged, furrow eyebrows constantly) the point is to look evil, or bad, not in a creepy or incel way.
i will say you're autistic if you do any of this, especially long term, but i'm happy if you're happy.
you look like you could be in a hitlerjugend photo
Is this a "troll" or are you clinically retarded?
kid, i'm a makeup artist for a living, you should take my advice
Unironically, mewing. It's actually sharpened my jawline and improved my jaw strength to the point where chewing has gotten easier. My jaw used to dislocate itself whenever I yawned, but ever since mewing, it's firmly stayed in place without cracking.
Super helpful
you look fine retard 6.5/10 no homo
thanks brah, were all gonna make it
>spend years trying to find a good look
>short hair, beard
>short hair, shaved
>long hair, beard
>long hair shaved
It's all about experimenting until you find a good balance that works on your facial features.
I'd rate myself a 5/10 but what should I do to raise that score?
Lose weight so your jaw seems more defined.
Practice your smile, your eyes look dead.
Try to play with your hairstyle a bit, maybe shorter on the sides. You have Chad potential but the sad eyes, incel haircut and the face fat are holding you back from being an easy 8/10
Thanks user. I'll work on it.
You guys know how to make your tonsils smaller? I got huge tonsils that doesn't let my jawline shine like it used to
significantly raise your income
youd look 7/10 with eyebrows
You're /fa/ but your pose in that picture is too forward leaning or something.
fix posture and acquire neck gains and ur model tier.
your pretty ok
Move to Mexico/South East Asia for an instant 8/10
Ugly but you can manage
rate my unconfident friend, this is an old pic of him.
this pic was also taken right after shaving, so he looks way younger
yeah m8 sure
Prey, prey, prey. Would hunt / 10
>my friend
>knows its an old picture and even that he had just shaved there
top kek
Honestly you look underage
Bored on my train home
Rate me Jow Forums
dios mio....
I think im honestly a solid 6/10 though i do admit i look kinda twinky. Losing bf and mewing legit worked for me, my face changed in the last year increadibly
hey bro wtf you look mexican and black while being 25-40?
7/10 room for improvement you twink bitch
Spot on
Lose weight and youl look really good man
You look average to above average atm friend. Get low bf and you will age like fine wine
You look good but not amazing to be honest. Again, losing bf and getting a better jawline will make you go up in attractivnes by a lot
Im This doesn't really belong on Jow Forums but oh well. Chew and mew guys. Most of you can get up to 7/10 if you have a good lowe third
you look like you could be his son:
Lmao cum to daddy no homo
Welcoming, to the thread, for one night only! Feast your eyes on the 3/10!
thanks schlomo
lol post face
u look masculine but something is just off idk bro. you look like u have alot of potential though we all gon make it
its forward neck, im slowly fixing it that pic was from a few months ago
thanks doods
Yeah I think i'll tint them actually
I'm already working on both, also mewing hard as fuack
;( damn bro is it the nose?
ill fucking beat you to death in a corner m8, say that to my face
is there anything I can do to improve besides lose weight?
>but something is just off idk bro
small anglo beady eyes and an unfortunate hairline. Also serial killer stare
You look like you have very low IQ.
Kidding, nice eyes, and lose the face pubes ("beard"). Also try a different haircut, this one seems to hide your ears and looks off
No homo. Hottest guy in thread so far
is your mouth closed in that picture?
only reason ur 3/10 is because you look like your dog just died or something.
smile fucker
you look good, take the neckpill and you will look a lot better
change the hair and youll be 8/10
Right now youre at 5-6/10
Lift weights, maybe roid
Get a fuckboy haircut
make your eyebrows darker
get a deep voice
dress like a chad
and youll be fucking chicks
This is the best smile I have. The light is on but nobody is home.
how can i make my eyebrows darker? im not buying makeup or anyshit like that
Been lifting weights and i'll be buying new clothes soon
dude no way you can smile more than that
this isn't even me but I would like the answer as well
and don't say microblading that shit looks like ass some girl told me to do that when we were talking
Gf left me last night friends, need some laughs
>took while shitting
Maybe get some manners first and then start actually going to the gym
Suprised she even allowed you to call her your gf
Bro how tf do people tell this just by looking at me wtf
does my hair look fine like this? i'm growing it out and i'm at an awkward stage so i've been tucking it behind my ears. also, what to do about acne? i've started moisturizing, which has helped
Im really ugly i know ):
Rate me niggas
Cut your hair you square headed nigga
Bond. James Bond
Well Lads How Bad Is It?
Cut the shitty pubic hair of your face
that haircut is terrible for your face., you look good though
is this the same guy?
You look like your forcing a shit out of your ass try siling dickward
rapist tier
Nice thick eyebrows
other than that alright
>if only you knew how bad things really are
you look fine mate
ive done the awkward hair phase and it's worth it.
u look creepy as hell m8
try smiling
thats a very gay facial expression m8
top kek
how old are you?
I get the whole haircut thing often. Have no clue what would suit me better then the typical fade with length at the top.
Nothing gayer then forcing a smile, even more so when it’s for a bunch of autsist on Jow Forums
>tfw look like a fucking gorilla
at least my jawline is solid
You have poor person hair. Grow it out on top.
holy FUCK that chin
Used to be longer but my gf dyed it for a Halloween costume and she used the fucking professional shit, so I buzzed it. Currently waiting for it to grow out some more so I can buzz it again and get rid of these horrid fucking frosted tips
I'm good looking right guys
stop tilting your head like a fucking faggot, it doesnt make you look good.
Pretty good 7/10
And im 20 but i think i took that photo when i was 18
You will never be this alpha.
u look like a jap and a Mexican as if ur about to jab a katana through your stomach because u "a disglace tu emparah"
you're looking into the camera as if it just fucked your girl