Yeah, i've been browsing here for over a year now, and lemme tell ya, this place has sure changed a lot

yeah, i've been browsing here for over a year now, and lemme tell ya, this place has sure changed a lot.

back in my day, we had Jow Forums, not this 4channel buuuuuullshit.

i tell ya, you newfags really ruined this site. we used to have good memes, memes like pepe and wojak.

we played fortnite and raided twitch thots with our discord groups.

those were the good ol' days, boy i tell ya.

now all i see here is a bunch of sadboi Gen A phaggots (who probably don't even lift)

you Gen A's really ruined this site, ya know. you killed Jow Forums and turned it into 4channel.


Attached: Untitled4657869685746.png (338x330, 32K)

I'm loving it. Jow Forums shitposts are being deleted almost immediately now instead of never.

Nigger what the fuck is a Gen A

>Something I don't like is Jow Forums's fault
100% guarantee that whatever you respond with as an example existed before Jow Forums

I'm talking about the blatantly off topic posts that use a twitter screencap or something. It's about fucking time those started getting taken down.

Off-topic threads are a core component of the site, if you want hands-on moderation and only completely on-topic threads the community for that is reddit

To a point I agree but man it's nice to see mods finally cracking down on all the Jow Forums garbage that's seeped into Jow Forums.

100% of it has been on Jow Forums for over 10 years

do you live in fuckin lala land?

tfw no gf has always been a component of Jow Forums sure, but you have to admit it's gotten a lot worse in the last couple of years.

ive been here for like 15 years and yeah Jow Forums has changed. obviously.

the world has gotten a fuckload worse n the last coupe of years as well. almost like there's some kind of correlation

Attached: 1517897772847.png (512x512, 24K)

>but you have to admit it's gotten a lot worse in the last couple of years.
Not really no. The difference is that every board is faster than it used to be several times over

4channel is unironically the best thing to happen to this site ever. I cannot fucking wait for the day you get banned for saying ‘nigger’ or ‘faggot’ just so you edgy incel fags get booted off the last part of the Internet you can still call your own. GLORIOUS!

You'd think a harder world would toughen these fags up but instead it seems like they've gotten more meek and beta than ever.

why not just post on reddit then?

I don’t give a fuck about where or what I post, I just like seeing manchildren like you cry about ‘muh boardculture’ and ‘muh Jews’

you're the one crying about board culture, i don't give a fuck what people post

Why’d you ask why I’m not on Reddit them? Huh?! Faggot.

because if yu care about moderation, you should post in a place with plenty of moderation. i was simply refering you to a site that would better suit your needs

I don’t care about moderation, I just encourage it because I think it’d be funny to see people getting banned for saying nigger, not because I don’t like it or find it offensive. Some men just wanna watch the world burn, user ;)

>implying 4channel isn't quickly going to become the same why now that the NSFW boards have been split off.

This is the most reddit post on 4channel right now.

Attached: 1527244261747.jpg (1080x793, 119K)

Apart from

underage shitstain

I haven't seen a single racebait or BLACKED meme all day, thank you hiro for freeing us from the Jow Forums demon.