Hello Jow Forums, I just wanted to remind you that No-porn and No-nut are real. You should only nut inside a woman.
Hello Jow Forums, I just wanted to remind you that No-porn and No-nut are real. You should only nut inside a woman
Other urls found in this thread:
>not nutting in cute twink boipucci
>not setting aside some time every now and then to lay on the couch
>grab that lube
>get nakey nakey
>think about those qt girls at the gym
>give yourself some extra love
>bust a fat nut
>just lay there and feel good about everything before taking a shower and falling sleeping
Wait is there scientific evidence that has come out that has supported no nutt or is this virgin just rationalizing thier existence?
What if you fuck twice a day, every day? I'm dead serious, is this bad for test levels? And to answer potential questions, yes my dick hurts 24/7
that just means your pullout game weak
How so?
well dont get me wrong id like to have 10 kids but most people dont want that
There is nothing wrong if you are actually having sexual intercourse with someone of your opposite sex.
actually there was that one guy that had so much sex his dick split open
There was some study it makes performance worse just after but thats about it
Be happy you arent incel like me
For some reason only married already or girls with kids and bfs like me
Just go to Vegas and get an escort. You’ll be cured of your sex obsession. Like if you’re starving you’ll be cured if you eat a bite of food. Don’t make sex starvation your fucking lifestyle you dumb fucks
>>give yourself some extra love
This is how Shlomo Jews your gains away
>just lay there and feel good about everything before taking a shower and falling sleeping
Yes goy, be complacent and manipulable
I can hear this
i havent had sex in 4 years
masturbating is the only way i can experience sexual satisfaction
what if i nut in my slep?
how do i stop madderbaydin'?
>grab that lube
Do Americans actually use lube to fap? I thought it was just a tv/movie meme.
No porn no fap no condom no pull out
No. Frequent ejaculation does not reduce free test and might even increase it. Basically, one of the key nofap claims is BS.
do you just jerk it dry?
this but unironically
They're retarded. It was just Christian goobers. Even if it worked (which lacks scientific support), it attacks the symptoms rather than the cause. The actual solution: to encourage monogamy by having people marry young and support them as well as ostracize corrupting influences, would have to admit that Christianity in America is powerless for much more than platitudes and whining.
You don't need lube when you have foreskin
I've not read something so deceitful in a while.
you should be ashamed of yourself.
Nah, I just jerk my foreskin.
these are the type of posters complaining about ed
>jerk off dry
>sometimes have ED
The absolute state of americlaps
You're making God proud, son.
some people correlate a lack of sensitivity in the penis to erectile dysfunction.
In reality, it's just a mental desensitization due to excessive exposure to arousing material (porn).
On top of that, there's edging involved, and sometimes masturbation sessions can last hours due to the inability to find appealing material.
Real sex is boring and most women don't want to be fucked for more than 30 minutes (some do).
Well that doesn't have anything to do with my "ED"
I'm just a stressed retard and kind of freeze when I'm with a girl and have to think to what I have to do.
Which results in multiple flaccid before getting in.
try to boost your test levels naturally by abstaining from porn and reducing masturbatory habits down to a maximum of once a week. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep helps as well.
>not making as many kids as you can
fucking betas
Also, it's the opposite in reality.
Once you quit watching porn and jacking off, you walk around with a metaphorical boner all day.
This is what women find attracting.
That's the exact opposite of reality
Nofap is the jew user. I'm so sorry you feel for their tricks AGAIN.
I am a lot more worried about my porn consumption in combination with masturbating then I am with masturbating in general.
I'd love to take a 30 day no nut/no porn and then try to never look at porn again when I masturbate. I don't think it's wrong to masturbate once a week and try to keep it to a 3-4 month maximum.
However, I am 27 and masturbating to porn regularly has been a thing sine I was 16-17 years old. Have I 'permanently' fucked my brain up by conditioning it to all the different weird scenarios/taboos found in porn and all the various types of women? Can I reestablish a clean brain again if I go no porn from this day forward?
Thank you sir, thank you and carry on
Porn wouldn't be an issue if not for weak Christians letting it happen and being retarded about the sex drives of young people. Expecting people to be chaste until they're 18-20 or so is way more realistic than expecting them to be chaste until 25-27.
Nah, with nofap you'll find the most vanilla shit to be arousing. Your pic is the sort of thing that happens when you go down the porn rabbit hole
That's the exact opposite you retard
>trying reverse jew tactics
You're wrong you fucking hook-nosed kike
Nice digits. Heil Hitler.
my only question is: how fast do you think shes running
Bundy was just looking for any excuse to get him off the hook.
He was born a psychopath.
Porn actually keeps people down.
absolutely weimar
>expecting them to be chaste until 25-27
haha you can imagine haha
Other way around.
It really isn't, you don't begin to see real women as hot sluts when you do no fap, it's just your mind is purged of the thoughts of hot sluts you had from porn, and thus your mind is in tune with reality, regular women are what you think about and find attractive. Which is what the picture describes.
Yes, stop looking for excuses not to try you cookie cutter porn addict.
Not fast at all, she looks like a midget. Would impregnate though.
If you're taking flak, you're over the target.
yes but translate to mph
t. nigger dick sucker
Unironically based. Fap responsibly and with moderation and your fine. Noporn is the real enemy
Could I get a name on this plumpy mobile beefcow ?
I didn't think womanlets were possible until that vid
Considering i will never have a woman to nut inside, i need another place. Like my foreskin.
XHamster's response is what sold me that this had merit. If someone tries to shut you down for unrelated wrongthink, you're onto something.
the """people""" who participate in no nut November weren't gonna get laid anyway
It works the opposite way, and it's supposed to. Stop being an aspie and start seeking out women again, your instincts will take care of it just start growing some balls to get after what you actually want.
Dunno about MPH, currently trying to do the math but I counted 39-41 steps in the 15s, so I multiplied that by 4 and got 156-164, looked up some other info, and saw somewhere that said look at one foot ( the left) and count the steps (22) with that multiply that by 4 (for a minute) then multiply that by 2 (for both feet) and I got 176. based on some charts shes most likely running somewhere between 6-7 MPH, way to go user you actually got me thinking about kin shit on the weekend. now I'm gonna try to figure this out.
i get saliva inbetween foreskin and head tho
its a winna
No fap is basically the same as not playing mmorpgs obsessively or using benzodiazepines as tranquilizers. Instead of escapism and drugs you fap yourself to loosen anxiety, and when you do it five to six times a day it's addiction.
It's not that fucking hard to understand. Fapping continuously to relieve anxiety is bad. Fapping once in a while to release sexual stress or fucking someone is totally ok.
going to post my anecdotal evidence.
When i no fap for atleast 3 days i start dreaming again, i have better mental capacity IE better cognition ( noticeably better ) always fuck up after dasy 3 though but im getting there i can feel myself breaking from this addiction slowly
Just don't masturbate to porn as a form of self-discipline, jesus you fucking animal the pseudo science of magic powers is obviously bullshit but not being some sex crazed maniac and instead focusing on something beneficial and building yourself to be a better person rather than just an animal who wallows in the instant self-gratification of the common age.
fuck you user I miss this show
Porn is the issue, not masturbating you fucking retard.
No, it's physical desensitation.
They are chafing the penis, gripping it too hard, and the unfortunately circumcised increasing the rate at which keretanization happens and that is not good.
The level of scarring and numbness they have acquires is something that's supposed to naturally happen when they are in their late 30's too early 40's not late teens early 20's.
Holy fuck that pic is accurate.
There is no issue. You're both retarded.
More bullshit. I can wack off 4x a day to Pokemon porn then still fuck why wife properly.
>You should only have sex for purposes of procreation
Joke's on you OP, fucktardedly stupid isn't attractive so no woman will ever let you inside her pussy.