>haha i can beat up a monkey
>mfw unlocked
>eating bugs for protein is based
>girl power
>8 neck nigger threads
when did this board get so fucking shitty?r/fitness is better than here at this point
Haha i can beat up a monkey
Other urls found in this thread:
I have no clue what unlocked means and I come here every day. To answer your question, it’s been pretty awful for a while now.
its some unfunny forced meme posted by one or guy(s) like apeposting
Most of us have achieved transcendence so we enjoy jesting with other enlightened ones, just like the Greek gods. It's also pretty gay, just like the Greeks
Jow Forums has been a trash fire for the past ten years, how new are you?
I know its been bad but it got so much fucking worse
Not him but I started browsing Jow Forums in the summer 2011 when ISHYGDDT was the hottest meme around. Seems downright quaint now. I think the cuck meme was kind of a nuclear bomb that really changed the tone of the whole site.
these fags are why Jow Forums got balkanized
What, pussy, you don't go apemode? Never gonna make it fren
>that rectumragnarocked nerd that takes Jow Forums seriously and gets upset that his favorite anime imageboard is low quality
um sweetie this is 4channel :)
Take your whining to or grow the fuck up.
Whenever I see the onions grin I always get the fear that the creature is going to close its teeth around my head and decapitate it messily. Especially OP's picture, it's giving me the chills.
Here's your (You) buddy
Hang in there pal
>>eating bugs for protein
>Treating this as a negative
Fuck off newfag
pic related
Mexicans eat fried grasshoppers/locusts and you can buy them at mexican stores/food trucks sometimes
I wish my fellow burgers weren't a bunch of fucking pussies so there were a market for it around here so I could get that shit cheap
Fuck white people
Many such cases. Sad!
Farm your own, I fucking hate the UN and I'll still eat crickets, I farmed them when I was a kid and now I could start a big operation in my garage for cheap, tastes like shrimp or lobster desu and lobsters were concidered disgusting bugs fed to prisoners and used as fertilizer
Women think its gross mostly and nogs will freak the fuck out and release a ear curdeling screech equal to a gunshot if they nigga be eating crickets
Any advice for setting up a farm? My boss hasn't been very helpful in that regard. I was thinking of farming crickets in a 6*8 *3 space - which is readily available to me. Is that sufficient, or can I further downsize
Its not that hard, really
Not only does it have no gmos but more die so you get to dab on the vegans extra hard
>that guy who uses that ebic SOI boi face to mock maymays that he does not like
ya at this point i think im gonna go back to browsing misc.. this board seems immature in an age sense.. bye guys
It's THE misc you tryhard phaggot
I've been gone for a couple months. Unironically what happened?
r9k tranny discord is raiding us
they post this shit, trannies, steroid girls, etc
I suddenly get aroused by that ksg 12 suicide now