Explain with evidence, why I wouldn't be able to beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey

> xD you meme apeposter :O (onions face)
Shut the fuck up

My stats: 1/2/3/4
My height: 6'4"
My intellect: Above average

This fucking monkey's stats: fuck all (go on and tell me he'd magically lift 2pl8 bench with 1 arm retards)
Monkey height: 4'
Monkey intellect: Fuck all

There's no evidence for your "muh 4x stronger beast instinct", and no documented evidence of an ape mauling a man, but some of an ape mauling an old lady. I'd beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because i will shoot u

>Apeposting is funny and not forced

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how many times are you going to post this?

You have no evidence that you'd win.

So go prove us wrong and record it.
Find nearest zoo, punch ginger Ape and see what happens.

You wouldn't beat the shit out of that monkey because you're too big of a candy ass posting on Jow Forums than going out into the real world. My evidence is your shitty fucking thread, OP. Kill yourself, loser.

Why would you want to hurt him, he seems like a chill dude

because you don't workout and just spam these shit threads
post body with timestamp

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You're too much a coward to shoot a man

Maybe if Jow Forums didn't glorify these shits like some fucking monkey gods I wouldn't be upset

Until you admit a lifting man would beat a monkeys fucking face in

Logic, didn't you see my stats?

Pic related

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timestamp or fuck off

Monkeys have tails

It's a recent pic, nobody has or ever will post timestamp on Jow Forums because why would anyone

How about you fuck off you ape loving fag

Well you convinced me
Apeposting is such a funny maymay

Go on and tell me how this magical 4 foot monkey will tell me apart you ape-looking motherfucker

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>Implying the people who think they could beat up a monkey are any less cringey than fags who kiss their asses

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Yeah brah, that monkey is good as dude. You’re big as fuark. Kill that som bitch and become king of Jow Forums.

Fucking retard

I'd mog you so your point is invalid

Post body faggot


I’m a 5”4 140lbs puertorrican with a gun, monkey is dead as fuark.

with retard intellect, comes retard strength. unfortunately for you, it seems only retard intellect has manifested

nigger you realize this thing doesnt punch it fucking bites, scratches, and slaps. You won't fistiecuff it retard you will bleed to death or lose consciousness from the amount of hits to the head from mr karate chop over there. Not only that but it weighs more than you and it WILL fight dirty. Dirty as in bite your lip off, gouge your eyes out, and snap your fingers off. Go do it faggot and record it with a death man's switch to make a thread and instantly upload a video so I can watch retard number 3256 get slapped around by Winston from overwatch with his orange hair skin for 600 credits.

You're little faggot ass can't bench 1 pl8 for reps. 2 pl8 bench would guillotine your little twig neck and 3pl8 squat would crush you. You're a tiny dyel fucktard that ape would rape you.

You can type on a message board.

It can chew and digest vegetation that would break those same hands.

Don't let your memes be dreams, user

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this monkey would fucking murder you


probably if you had a 500 kg deadlift and a 300 kg weighted pull up you had a chance but

1/2/3/4 is a fucking joke if you want to fight an ape let alone a 300 lbs orangutan, MALE

>Explain with evidence, why I wouldn't be able to beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey


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Am I just going to be standing there like a retard? No, I'm taller and heavier than a fucking ape (a 4' orangutan is around 180-200 pounds) and will be pummelling it in the face. Yeah it may be bloody, but go ahead and tell me how it's magically going to evade my stunning 2pl8 punches to its fucking face. Nothing an ape knows to do can stun a man right off the bat

Fake as shit fucking video, look at the fake expressions and stationary camera shots. So you're telling me a 400 pound man can't pull a 180 monkey, that's scientifically inaccurate so it's either a stupid fake show (looks like it is) or the fat fuck has never lifted a day in his life (also likely given his DYEL arms). Doesn't prove shit

>shows me a video of some ape mauling an old woman

First of all, any human Nigger can do that. Second of all, all he did was rip the old lady's face off, no "torn off limbs" like you idiots like to claim. So yeah, I guess an ape can beat up an old lady. Fucking wow

As far as I'm concerned all pro-ape argument are horseshit, nobody has defeated my logic. So long as Jow Forums keeps up this magical monkey strength bullshit I'll keep reminding you that I can beat the fucking shit out of a fucking monkey

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>I can beat the fucking shit out of a fucking monkey
Bro I'm with , prove to us we're wrong, do and do it. Believe in your dreams and make them come true.
godspeed user. Awaiting for the video of the showdown now, you'll call "The Darwin match".

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I believe you can

Dad please, let's go home, put you shirt back on

he would tear your fucking arms off

>Nothing an ape knows to do can stun a man right off the bat

>*ape immediately rips off your dick*

Man, this shit is really funny. I mean this right here is really an EPIC meme, truly came out of nowhere and started spreading VERY naturally. It totally isn't 5 virgins just spamming this everywhere because they desperately wish to have some sense of achievement in their lives. "I KNOW SGT.AUTIST IF WE SPAM LE EPIK APE POSTING MEM MEYBY I STOP HAVING EXISTENTIAL CRISIS" Here's a newsflash for you virgin, nobody likes you. In fact, nobody would rememeber you if you died. I'm pretty sure if you hung yourself in your room, you wouldn't be found for 10 years until the IRS comes to see why you haven't paid your bills yet. It's a truly sad existence you live when you find spamming this garbage fulfilling you faggot. Pro tip for you, champ: Get off Jow Forums and do something with your life. I don't care what it is, but seriously. You need to get something to do besides sit your fat ass at the computer and spam your unfunny meme. Let me guess now you're going to respond to me with "LOL THIS GUY'S MOGGED BY MONGEY DEWD HAHAHAHA" That would be truly unexpected..

>some of an ape mauling an old lady.
A chimpanzee can literally rip a human's face off. You cannot.

Orangutans are stronger than chimps.

Lookin pretty dyel my man

What do you have against gingers

Those stick-legs
Lanklets... When will they learn?

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