Thoughts on fencing?

what about normal sword fighting?
>TFW no tomboy gf to forge two skyrim sword replicas and play fight with her letting her dom me if i lose

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What types of excercises would you recommend me to do at the gym

It’s fun as fuck and i did it in high school and college. Muscle wise you could get kinda ripped. Not as much as SS or anything for sure. But enough to get some mires. It’s helluva way to do hard cardio.

You would have to do some isolation exercises for the non dominant arm. But anyway if you love fighting and getting bruises and thinking about your next move, do it. Aim to get into epée eventually for a no man’s land lawless fencing. Foil and saber are fun but i hated their fucking rules (you can only hit this area for points etc right of way etc)

i dont know, when i was doing it, i wasnt working out outside of bodyweight stuff
explosive movements, sprinting, rope jumping

fencer for 9 years

great fun, great way to meet people, helped alot with my fitness and gave me big legs

Did fencing throughout highschool, sis did HS and college. Don't. It's fun if you're decent but you'll end up socially stunted from hanging around other autists all day and crippled because the sport is shit for your body. Half the people on any given team have some sort of chronic knee inflammation. Every adult I knew who stuck with the sport were in braces. My coaches both had double knee replacements. You could probably counteract some of it by actually being Jow Forums and keeping your muslces balanced but it's still very hard on your joints.

>TLDR not a sport for making it

It's fun, but you won't get jacked

I want to add to this user that it’s good to be tall for epée but you don’t want to be tall in foil. Saber less so. Unless you are the .1% who are tall and super fast. I wont get into it but basically any fast shorty could just get inside your long reach before you can react and pick you off, if they’re good. If yoi’re good you can deflect that. But it’s not a death sentence if you’re too tall or too short.

>normal sword fighting
It says its good for core, shoulders, tri/bi-ceps, and shoulders
Also it should be heavy for extra gains
>that greentext
pic related

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>what about normal sword fighting?
Is there any serious competitive scene?