Why are apes so much stronger than humans?
Look at this ape beast for example, this guy is considered as average by ape Standarts
Why are apes so much stronger than humans?
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Have you not heard of natural selection?
Must be the keto diet
The ape is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The apes demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man.
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The ape penis is largest of all the spicies. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the ape the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the ape impregnates.
In total, the ape expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the ape is the epitome of masculinity and male dominance.
Coz we are born in soft fancy hospitals while apes are born in the out doors, most of them are strong except the ones starving ones in Africa
If you don't think cimps will steal babies and eat them, then you haven't been paying attention to the literature.
Yeah, which one is the dominant species on the planet and which one is poached for it's skin?
jews, whites.
pffffft i could take him on
humanoid you don't stand a chance
gorillas avoid eye contact and are alpha as fuck
le 140 lbs average /fitizen makes eye contact to people to look badass and cant even bench 200 lbs
based Asperger's poster
Gorrilas have like three inch dicks you tard humans are absolutely hung in primate terms
apes, for the most part, lack fine motor skills with their limbs. their bodies are for doing work -- ours are for building and using tools to do the work for us. can't have it all.
Penultimate means second to last, is doesn't mean extra ultra like your post implied.
I want to be a gorilla bros...
That's because gorillas have small dicks, that's the joke
>mfw one chance at life not a gorilla
Are you retarded?
SS and GOMAD obviously
I read once somewhere that chimpanzees, not gorillas, are stronger because their nervous system is wired to trigger more muscle fibres at a time than humans, (In addition to other things like skeletal structure and muscle density obviously), so they use more muscle fibers for shit but are far less dexterous and lack the endurance of humans, who can walk hundreds of miles no problem.
No idea if it's true or not, or if it's even relevant to Gorillas rather than Chimps though.
same reason niggers are stronger than whites on average
Myostatin inhibitors. /thread
No homo...?
Because theyre fucking animals
Humans evolved for endurance. Compared to an animals, a healthy human cannot get tired, which works bettter with intelligence
Apes quite literally broke their limiter in exchange for losing dexterity. Their muscles are constantly in super sajin mode.
Just more mass and shorter height.
A gorilla will weight 150-200kg will be 1,6m tall and almost no body fat.
Find a man of that height and mass and he will be a beast too.
This is why Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson at 190 kg is so much weaker and dosnt hold any world records while being twice the weight of people who bench just as much as him.
The Icelander would be no match for a gorilla who is 50kg light than him.
And compared to normal guys like us? I weight 100 kg, and i know that gorilla or a man, a someone weighting twice as much as me all muscle will be impossible for me to take on.
Also again the low body fat of most mammals is a huge impact here, for a man being under 10% is seen very low, meanwhile a male gorilla in its prime can be under 5% without any extensive diets.
Okay nigger
This is the correct answer.
Humans traded raw strength for precision and dexterity.
The world as we know it today proves that this trade was well worth it.
>This is the correct answer.
>Humans traded raw strength for precision and dexterity.
>The world as we know it today proves that this trade was well worth it.
Thats idiotic.
We have the same skeletal and muscular structure.
We didnt trade shit, we are smaller since this allows us to eat less and travel more that was a core reason our ancestors dominated the nature. Those who could not eat for a week and walk the desert would be the ones to survive, not those who hunted their local game to extinction due to their speed and strength only then to become weak and get killed by a rat.
Been at one of those big zoos once, and i saw one chimpanzee use a stick to draw stuff in sand.
His scribbles didnt make any sense but the dexterity with which he used it and drew perfect lines and curves easily matched that of a human. Im fact the speed and accuracy at which the monkeys moved there was scary as fuck, most normal people could never match it as we dont keep in athelthic shape out whole life, they do.
>the ape penis is largest of all the species
That's the blue whale though
Even with land mammals there are like horses and elephants
I don't think a gorilla penis is 8+ feet long to beat a whale
fake knews
Be thankful you're not, otherwise you'd get shot and eaten by niggers
>impaling nigger don't shot and eat humans
when will you learn ?
I could humiliate a gorilla one on one, I could take him with my bear hands. I've been training in kickboxing for 6 years, MMA for 11. All I have to do is avoid its clumsy bulk with my far superior speed and footwork and then with one right hook to the temple, it's lights out
wow what a great meme
Most great apes have a higher amount of fast twitch muscle compared to endurance muscle. Us humans have more endurance muscle, allowing us to do our whole “chase something down” forever tactic, whereas chimps and gorillas have the fast twitch responsive muscle needed for quick bouts and minimal hunting. They choose to eat more vegetation, so they truly have no need to chase anything in the first place.
Gorillas have tiny dicks actually. They're about 3-4 cm long on average. You wouldn't expect it but it's true.
less myostatins than us leading to more muscle mass
thicker and denser bones
skeleton focused on strength rather than efficiency and brain size
They aren't
You ever try fighting one? They're bitch-made. It's fucking ape propaganda that they're strong. Also diny benis muh dik
>There is more meaning and mutual understanding in exchanging a glance with a gorilla than with any other animal I know. Their sight, their hearing, their sense of smell are so similar to ours that they see the world in much the same way as we do. We live in the same sort of social groups with largely permanent family relationships. They walk around on the ground as we do, though they are immensely more powerful than we are. So if there were ever a possibility of escaping the human condition and living imaginatively in another creature's world, it must be with the gorilla.
- David Attenborough
Fun fact if an ape tries to charge you just stand your fucking ground and they'll wuss the fuck out because you didn't
>impaling niggers
Their muscles don't fatigue as quickly as ours. This allows them to accomplish incredible feats of strength. It's similar to watching a human on pcp. They can usually power through 5 large cops trying to tackle them.
Just like a nigger but a little smarter.
No, they fatigue faster, as they have more fast twitch fibres.
then why dont desert animals that can go weeks without drinking not have civilizations like us?
>47 tabs
Jesus Christ man
I have 63 on my phone. All porn.
basically this, humans traded mongo strength for fine motor control that chimps lack. if you watch chimps use wood to break into bees nests, you see they are uncoordinated as fuck.
t. primatologist
so this is the power of veganism...
>then why dont desert animals that can go weeks without drinking not have civilizations like us?
They are stupid?
And have no thumbs you retard?
What kind of question is that, the difference is millions of years of evolution. Most of the species living today are very young, our evolutionary tree reaches 10mln years back straight and further back, outside of few species of reptiles and sea creatures rest was hunted into extinction by other predators, died to natural disasters, or never had a chance to dominate their environment like all the rats that make up the oldest surviving mammal species.
Only most versatile animals like primatess could survive the ice age and other rapid climate changes.
Not to mention evolution is random, and success creates stagnation. A tiger has no reason to evolve as it already is at the top of food chain, so those who stay the same will live on, those who stand out too much wont procreate.
Humans always had to adapt as back then animals were even larger and we never could kill them with strength alone.
I currently have over 600 open, all hentai. All in chrome. All mommydom incest or muscle girls. Taking up almost all my ram
based degenerate poster
I could kill a gorilla with my bear hands