Has lifting made you happier anons?
Has lifting made you happier anons?
No, but it makes the pain stop for a few hours.
It helped me A FUCKING LOT to deal my dad's death. I have been a shut in for a year and the only thing that kept me going was lifting, I had literally nobody and I was extremely fat due to depression. Now I'm still awkward and not like I used to be before his death but at least I can go out to buy groceries or whatever. Next year I'm going to back to school and hopefully my life will be normal
It made me worse because it made me realize my physical appearance wasn't the problem.
It's hilarious how people really fuck themselves up just because of other people.
Can't you just be happy for who you are as a person and stop comparing yourself to others and shaping your life for other peoples acceptance and pleasure.
You'll never be happy if you life your life for others rather than yourself
nope, made me more self conscious. Before I lifted, I'd walk around the party shirtless and not give a fuck. Now I'll go to the bathroom just to do push ups randomly just so I have a pump. And don't even get me started about being shirtless, I will only take that off when I hit 10% or lower
Very much. When all else in life seems lost it gives me a reason, something to focus on. If it weren’t for that I’d probably become a ceiling ornament during the worst times. And during the best times it helps me see my dreams more clearly
>Can't you just be happy for who you are as a person and stop comparing yourself to others
lol no
>You'll never be happy
You can't make yourself happier user. You can only delay the sadness. Everyone must realize you cant run cast away an emotion forever. It always comes back.
i guess it made me feel better
but im still lonely tho all in all nothing really changed that much
This. Just while actually lifting.
I have imposters syndrome so after a week or two the urge goes away
Yeah it did, and I figured out what was wrong. After 6 years of lifting I decided to cut my days down in the gym dramatically.
Instead of lifting 5-6 days a week I just do 1 full body session every 72 hours. Maintaining my gains very easily and have plenty of time for my new focus in life.
No, being fit/leaner made me happy and got me a femBF and lots of chasers.
being muscular never got me shit and only nigresses or fat 50 year old white womyn are interested in that.
I'm a pretty white boy who looks like he spent a lot of time in jail. Getting fit as fuck is drowning me in Latina pussy.
Yah... pretty happy.
yeah, i like seeing my body change little by little. it has also boost my confidence. so yeah, im pretty happy
And what's the new focus buddy
Yes. I was chubby before but lifting helped me drop pounds so it turns out I inherited my dad's chad jaw line. Coupled with better physique I feel healthier than ever, look better than ever and landed myself a little qt Asian gf.
Good for you, embrace the school gains. I started lifting in February and started my program at my school in September. I'm sad because it's only two years; ending in April, and I'm going to miss everyone. We've all become so close, there's only 22 of us, but when we graduate we are all going to move back to where we came from.
At first it made me happy. Then the confidence came which made me happier. Then the attention from a girl I can't have came. In the end, lifting made me miserable.
No, because now I am insecure about how I look, how much I can lift, how tall I am, etc. Lifting was a curse and I wish I hadn't fallen into its trap.
No, and now i have body dysmorphia
Yes because people pay a little more respect to me since normies are tiny. However it's also a constant balancing act not to obssess over getting bigger. So overall I'd say so. As far as just bring yourself bro it's made me more comfortable in my apathy for most people which can be mistaken for confidence
i unironically still want to be a girl
didnt mean to giev a (you) to
>not wanting to be a lesbian
gives me a goal in life aside from "get healthy". having a rare medical condition is a bitch
lesbians are still girls, user
idk whats wrong with me
Come on over to /LGBT/ and make a thread you agp.
i did
Definitely, there is no problem in life that doesnt seem smaller after a 3 hour leg session (yet)
Yes. Physical gains are something to look forward to and much more concrete than social or other mental health gains.
meditation made me happier, lifting just made me realize the true nature of the body and lookism, meditation made me just drop all the bullshit and focus on myself
Yes, I am happier and healthier physically and emotionally than i ever have been in my life. However Ive become to realize how lazy, broken, out of shape, boring, and predictable most of the general populace is. I just dont care for people anymore. Basically given up all hope for ever having a relationship again. I wake up early feel amazing eat garlic and coffee for breakfast workout go to work and do a myriad of hobbies that i enjoy after. I love my routine right now. Im doing everything that i love. Lifting made me realize that i dont need to be like everyone else, theres no reason to fall into the trap of society. I get mired all the time damn near everywhere i go and all i see is someone else fucking up the fun im having.
I want to try to get good at meditation but I can't seem to do it. I've talked with a coworker from Thailand and she says to sit on the ground nice and tall and focus on your breath either in the nose, throat, pharynx or diaphragm. How well do you meditate?
I do mantra meditation because it's the most trippy one for me
once im in trance and i do long sessions i just use my breath though but that's when im already deep into it
search the typical Om mantra meditation
I've been doing basic breath meditation, basically what you described. Worked up from 10 minute sits to 25 now. Read the first few chapters of Mindfulness in Plain English (should be able to find it online) for more details. Use a cushion or folded up blanket for comfortable posture.
lifting is fun except i can't do it all the time which is unfortunate.
Yeah a little bit.
Proud of you, bud.
Ultimately yeah.
I'm stronger but I don't feel like I look too different, even though some friends I haven't seen in a while go "user GOT GAINZ"
I feel more confident though. It's false confidence because I know many people can still kick the fuck out of me but after gaining 25lbs and still escaping skelly mode, turning fat into muscle, I feel more confident than I have before
actually yes
Yes, no doubt about it. Best decision I've made in a long while.
Men in dresses are not girls
yes. i would have killed myself if it wasn't for liftan
Kek banned go back to Jow Forums
Not banned idiot
Made me feel good to be alone.
I'm 6'4, 230. 10+ years of lifting.
Everything it's done to me is feeling good about the knowledge i've gathered and experience but it havn't made me happy.
I got a wife, good paying job, no credit cards/loans. I can live my life however I want it.
People judge me.
People want me to help but wont listen.
Everything I do to people is a waste of time.
Friendship doesnt mean anything because people around me feel bad about themselves all the time.
I love my life when i'm alone because I got such control and I can say it's ALL because of lifting weights.
But as soon as I'm around people there's this cloud of unsecurity. Eating out? People feel fat around me. Working out? People feel weak around me. Doing anything? People feel bad for what they got.
I'm not a bad person but I got told a few months ago by a friend of mine who is depressed that I hate people and it's been hitting me hard.
I knew a girl that had a similar face to jordan but she was so ugly, is weird how a little change in your face can make you go from 2/10 to 9/10 jordan
who is that girl?
This is accurate.
Very true
solution to fixing this is not surrounding yourself with losers
I'd be way too proud of my achievement to care about weak people's opinions
Trannies are gross
post body
Started lifting, school went better and I actaully found a little qt, so i guess so.
At least all of those insecurities are theirs. It's true that being around a big guy like yourself will make people feel awkward. Keep looking for those few who are genuine with themselves
no, i'm still a
>33 year old khv
>no friends, no social skills
>no money and live with parents
life is suffering
Lifting - Yes
Bulking - Fuck no
Just ate chicken, rice, broccoli and sweet potato for about the 100th consecutive day. Fuck lanklet genetics
Yes. I now feel more confident in myself and body.
It hasn't brought me a gf or more friends, but it's okay, I will take what I can get.
>be me last night
>head a crowded noisy jumble
>think "i should meditate"
>jumble gets louder, head hurts at the thought
>nah i'll just shitpost on Jow Forums
>read it
>can now meditate
t-thank you user
>I'm not a bad person but I got told a few months ago by a friend of mine who is depressed that I hate people and it's been hitting me hard.
It doesn't sound like you hate people, and this does sound like the kinda thing a depressed person would say because their worldview is so messed up.
It sounds rather like you have extreme empathy for people. As says the solution may be simply to find new friends who aren't losers (they do exist, they're just rare, especially if you're college-aged and everyone is super insecure) and who are also comfortable being alive.
But a more general solution is to perceive their insecurity, the way in which you perceive the insecurity, and accept this experience for what it is. Encourage them to do better, remembering that nobody can make large steps all at once, but otherwise simply let them exist as they do now.
If you want friends who can repay your empathy you've got a long search ahead of you.
>Caring this much about some faggot dying
>Caring about any of your family members
You deserve this
It's one of the few things that's connected me to my life goals. Before my addiction and my suicide attempt, I lifted in hopes of being kind of like zyzz (it was 2011 and I was a 19 year old faggot). After I reevaluated everything including why I lifted, and it's brought me more peace by being both an outlet and a means to a goal. But I wouldn't say its brought me happiness
It's made me so much happier, holy shit. It's made my self confidence skyrocket, made me attractive enough to experience my first long-term relationship, overall made life so much better. Things are rougher now but with the gym I've got therapy that works, three times a week.
Yes it’s the only thing that makes me happy
Consider making ottermode your goal bro, we might not ever get as big as we want but we can be the tallest, toughest twinks there are.
Wait, it's not just me? Cool.
neck yourself subhuman beta cuck
It has helped me come to terms with who I am and what I want out of life. I have finally let go of the desire to find a gf as I only ever really wanted one because society told me I did. Now I focus on improving myself and pursuing my long term goals.
>100% a DYEL
>Broke depression after two weeks of lifting
>Broke up with girlfriend cus relationship was shit
>Was too scared to do it before
Kill yourself dirty subhuman cockroach nigger tier faggot.
I don't lift any more tend to just do cardio but yes lifting made me happy. When I was 20 a was 6'3 and about 140lb. Over the next 3 years I put on 60lb lifting and eating right. By 23 I was no longer depressed about what I saw in the mirror and it really helped me to develop myself in work and socially. Feeling some pride in how you look and seeing how other people look at you is such a confidence booster and put you in a much better place in the social hierarchy.
its crazy isnt it user. your whole life people tell you to, "just be yourself," but it means nothing coming from someone else. its a long journey to realize that for yourself
It's lonely up at the top
BTW what city do you live in? Maybe you don't want to hang out with a bunch of Jow Forumsizens but it'd probably be better than normies.
Dude, please delete
Thanks guys, it's weird posting a rant on Jow Forums and get these responses. Just wanted to say that it made my day.
Thanks for the meet up question, to be honest I wasn't prepared for it. I feel bad for turning it down but i must.
Also i'm from Sweden so that might've been an issue. I just like to keep my stats in "freedom inches" since this site is mostly US dominated.
inb4 some weird remark on how Sweden is a bad country. I'll never understand where that comes from 'cause i havnt seen it yet.
doesn't sound like it
No, not even a little.
nothing makes me happy
Yes, extremely. People ask me how I can spend 3 hours on average in the gym, aren’t you overtrain8ng, aren’t you bored, don’t you have any other things to do etc... Well, FUCK THEM GAINS GOBLINS,
They don’t understand that I enjoy every second I spend there. You can always achieve new goals, breaking PRs, doing a minute more on cardio, that it makes you feel accomplished.
You can see your chest developing, your lifts going up, your weight going down, your back becoming joocey as fuck.
I love lifting and I will continue to lift until I can’t. I’m doing it for Rich, Zyzz and everyone on Jow Forums.
Well, I don't lift, I do bouldering. However, having always been the weakest guy in class it's nice to be mediocre at something physical.
Also training to use my strength wisely has helped me overcome obstacles in other places in my life
Fucking edgy cringe. kys
.t making it
>wanting to be a lesbian
user, i...
Meh not really
But 500mg of test a week has majorly lifted my mood and helped with my anxiety
Nice fingers. Good nightmarematerial
This is BS. Our society is so individualistic and thats what makes us so miserable. Listen to the ads in a 24 hour fitness and you'll know what I'm talking about.
You either find some purpose that serves the earth or community or you sink
Yes, I don't know why I didn't lift when I was younger. It's like XP grinding but with improvements I can feel and see. As a person who likes seeing numbers go up it gives me great satisfaction.
>inb4 some weird remark on how Sweden is a bad country
You're not on Jow Forums so maybe you're OK, but one thing I've heard from many actual Swedes is that the culture does not encourage talking to strangers and being outgoing. This can make it hard to "spam friendships" the way you can in the US where you just go out every night and talk to people until you find ones you connect with.
yes, insecurity is annoying as shit. People will try to make you acknowledge their lies as truths when you know deep down these people are desperate to appear a certain way they are not. But at the same time, its understandable people don't like who they are.
This book brings up the metaphor of "the mind as a glass of muddy water" many times. I first heard this metaphor in the context of meditation from a very Jow Forums Lyft driver in Austin TX who was taking me to a tax office. You aren't him are you?
Sort of, I feel better going to the gym and lifting than I did beforehand, but I'm still depressed. I figure that it's only a matter of time before I start mirin myself in the mirror and boost my confidence from there. But for the time being I still feel like shit because of a shit sense of self-confidence
Are SJWs really that obsessed with trans rights? Did they intentionally make themselves uglier so it would be easier for trannies to pass?
Absolute subhuman, crawl back to r9k. We're trying to better ourselves here.
How little I care about my family is the greatest shame of my life.