Is chun-li's body attainable for a natty female?

Is chun-li's body attainable for a natty female?
Lean, muscular upper body, with large thighs concealing a mid-sized butt. I always see one, but not the other.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is close to her upper body level, but chun-li has tits also

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Like seriously, where are the girls that look like this.
Why won't they stop doing their meme butt exercises and try to actually look good

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It would just be very hard; harder than most workout goals

Yeah, all it takes is SS + GOMAD

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A more important question OP, Could a woman with that type of body become a world class fighter?

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seeing as how rip done turned me into a male version of chun li id say its doable

I've seen two girls in my gym built KIND OF similar. With the thick, powerlifting type legs and ass, and obviously some upper body muscle. But both have higher body fat levels. They're not FAT by any means, but they aren't as defined as a video game character. I'll see a physique/bikini competitor types in there every once and a while, and they have the definition, but not the size, particularly in the upper body.

>world class fighter

Pick one and only one. Women are far, FAR too lacking in the Type IIx super fast twitch muscle fibers to ever compete with even Slightly Above Average men at any physical activity that even remotely benefits from power production.

>Mannish and misproportioned Chun-Li
>Not the feminine and nimble Ling Xiaoyu

Your waifu a shit

Attached: ling-xaioyu-tekken-hybrid-cg-artwork.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

literally just SS + GOMAD

Stfu brofessor, your bullshit pseudoscience has no basis


>not trynna get cammy's physique
Its like you have shit taste and wanna be obese

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Someone post the .webm of the chick crushing a watermelon with her thighs.

It's contextually appropriate to OP, plus I haven't beat my dick in a week.

I like you senpai

Tiny asian females like that are a dime-a-dozen, and in real life girls with bodies like that aren't strong and can't beat the snot out of pandas. Tekken isn't real. Fighting games aren't real.

squats 5x10
noose hang 1rm

no, it seems bodies like that are only achievable with surgery and good fat distribution genetics. no female powerlifter looks even close to chun li, without looking like a roided ape

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>Approving of communists
Better dead than red

It's not that hard to fuck the political ideology out of a girl.

imagine the smell haha like what if you were able to just press your nose directly against her asshole and take a HUGE inhale haha

if your goals are chun li, I really need you to be my gf

haha imagine how pathetic you'd be to have to do that. hahahah imagine how pathetic you'd have to be to get a boner just reading about doing that hahahahaah

what about this one?

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your wrong my dude

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>senior girls beating up freshman boys with zero grapple experience

lmao literally a broken system to make girls feel good about themselves.

chicks are even winning state tournaments now

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Depends if you have wide hips, but better focus on looking like best version of yourself.

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The shame in those three "guys" faces

thats a guy right ? wtf with these feet

those chun legs are crazy accurate

losing to a girl sucks my dude

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that dude on the end.

hahah. he's like i'm sorry dad. haha. i wish my dad loved me.

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They should just forefit
There's nothing to "win" since they are expected to , only shame of you lose

Hips not rounded enough

Kill yourself samekikeniggerfaggot
You even posted the same repost images from the last two threads, but no its not natty (especially for an asian)
What faggot cuck with no life keeps making these le strong gurl threads?

Attached: all the same images from the last one.jpg (1270x517, 82K)

Its pretty obvious I'm replying to myself there you retard.
I'm a girl btw, trying to see if my goals are attainable. No different from your shitty "is this natty?" thread, every hour

>I’m a girl
never gonna make it. Sage in every field.

You too

lmao go back to tumblr, you worthless dyke

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Those lower proportions are absolutely but not easily achievable. Lowbar squats have to be basically the foundation of your program, as they should be anyway. There are some of the smaller muscles at the proximal end of the femur that aren't really hit by squats though, and would be worked with the kinds of high kicks and rotational movements in taekwondo or an art with lots of kicking movements. It will take a while to get there but I imagine by the time you've worked through a linear progression for 3-5 month and then spend 2-3 months on a program with a little more volume and rest, you'll be right about where you want to be.
Her delts, however, aren't likely natty on any woman.

>I'm a girl btw
post bobs and vagene

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>I look at to video game characters and girls who juice for inspiration, and spam these threads to boost my ego
cringe and will never make it pilled
You're probably a R9Kike incel who wears dresses

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I've never made a thread about this before you autist
Why don't you go complain about one of the millions of threads active right now that get spammed every day. Or are you still locked?

>I'm a girl btw, trying to see if my goals are attainable. No different from your shitty "is this natty?" thread, every hour
Shitposts by some fag =/= the same cringe you repost 3 times at leaast every day for your little dopamine rush of feeling better than men

I think he meant female MMA. It's just a different sports.

Cope harder, feminist

>3 chunli threads in a week
>same images
>same filenames
>is a l*cknigger
Oh, ok, you actually are a R9K tranny who makes these shit threads. You don't lift so why are you here

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Kek. What the fuck are you on about.
You sound legitimately autistic

I work at a gym and that's one of the most common body types of the fit female regulars. The others are either have broad shoulders as well (too much upper-body work) or are not muscular at all (runner-bods)

Well you're obviously a newfag, lurker, and or lying.
This "chunli le strong gurl" thread was pruned the first 2 times because the OP and a couple people were samefagging hentai, meanwhile you do the same thing with the same images from both threads, gas yourself

OP is a kike trap who can't do a pushup

No way. Pretty much every other girl I see at my gym just has a big butt, that's all
>he thinks everyone renames all the images they saved
>actually going out of his way to check history of the image being posted because he hates women
Get yourself checked, bozo.

>don't like off topic threads
>don't like masculine women/feminine men
>he hates women
>sips soi
The filenames weren't changed which is the point, its just really easy to recognize when one or a small group of people is using the same images
Like edible bug posting... You'd know if you weren't a lurker

While he took it too far, that's a fact of female physiology. Women lack the right fibers and hormones to compete with men at strength and power sports, but not to the extent like he said, where no woman at all could compete simply because of her womanhood. Especially in a combat sport where technique generally wins out over power unless the power is backed by substantial technique.

>Could a woman with that type of body become a world class fighter?

They can begin by beating dis dik

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There's 33 posters in this thread alone. Do some simple logistics to find out if your embarrassment was worth making

>Spamming shitty threads=/=posting in them
what are hormone injections

With steroids or testosterone needles, sure
Not for an asian

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>not having the one true fightfu

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Meanwhile in non rigged reality

The best natty upperbodies I've seen on females have been on Asians

Is this what girls need for an ego boosts these days

The C*inese have been sending doped athleetes for years and they make their juice with natural roots

I'm talking females that I've seen and know are natty irl

haha holy shit what a champ. Most people would've backed off or something after the first punch but she kept coming at him making him retreat. He was using tactics or "martial arts" on someone who he's supposed to be stronger against

>"Live" Jew media
>Same instascreenshot from the last feminist thread
>Same low t tranny making these threads

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she was probably trying to process the information after getting slugged

I don't think so. How muscular her legs are is unreal. They're actual THICK tree trunk Joestar legs, not made of fat

>I'm a girl btw
Post 1rm

well its 2d and drawn by a virgin fag who knows nothing about muscles or human anatomy
unless she's juicing, which is very probable

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Are you c*inese?


>Its pretty obvious I'm replying to myself there you retard.
sure, so why are you posting the same images from the last thread
all these are reposted from the last chinkli thread
also its shit taste, enjoy your elliot rodger children


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shes not a commie

The woman I posted is from Russia.

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rin nakai is the closest thing we have to chun li irl

What's wrong with Asian women u nig?

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Fuck, even when they're behaving like men they still come across feminine.

>behaving like men
maybe injecting men's hormones may be why?
>they still come across feminine.
user you're fucking retarded

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Its the Ch*nese I got a problem with to be exact
They have weaker genes than stronger asians like mongols/russians and frankly its imposible for a gookette to get that body without roids

Plus cumli is shit tier

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Pineapplebrat has a similar build

Hey we all know who is the true goddess here.

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No, she really does not

>japanese vidya
>asian girl
No, japs are horny weaklings who got weimared harder than germany or anyother axis/centeral power. They only draw things to give people boners and make sure men jack off and stay docile
t. what my russian dad told me about his trip there

Holy shit
Her upper body surpasses Chun's
Lower body not so much though. Would probably have to look to volleyball players

Autism really is genetic

wtf is this locked shit? NPC memes are already fucking garbage, and now locks? I have been away for a while and by the looks of it I need to stay gone.

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>this whole fucking thread

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>Sending in freshmen with no grappling experience
Lmao its literally rigged just for feminists and soibois to get a quick dopamine rush.
pic related is (you)
Meanwhile in the real world

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