The female tries to find a beta-male to care for her and the children, and an alpha-male for reproduction

The female tries to find a beta-male to care for her and the children, and an alpha-male for reproduction.

Castrating the beta-male is just a genetic imperative. Everyone wins.

Prove me wrong.

Attached: vasec.jpg (994x1180, 122K)

can someone translate those into english for me?

he has frozen peas on his nuts

Peanuts, Pea -> Nuts
Frozen peas aisle 4, aisle 4 is his scrotum.

You put frozen bag of peas on scrotum to help with the swelling. The joke is that he has peas where his nuts should be. Peas are also smol, like his masculinity now. tiny peepee and not making sperm. balls just kind of useless at that point.

the look on the guy's face. he knows he fucked up in life at some point, to be led to the situation he's in now.
the roastie in the picture should be publicly executed.

I struggle to see many women in the childfree movement as anything but cynical and/or fickle actors, though anti-natalism itself is one of the most important ideologies out there and assuming she isn't fucking some other guy already and getting pregnant they did a great thing.

You can reverse a vasectomy, it's just kinda expensive. also it doesn't reduce your dick size and he won't make sperm but he can cum and produce testosterone still.

at least he has his beer and vidya console

Did they atleast freeze some sprem just incase?

in case of what? in case they decide to bring kids into a world that's gonna be burning by 2040?
they'd have to be hit on the head

>that's right goy, don't have any white kids! the niggers, spics, and chinks will keep popping out 12 kids a family, but whites need to remember to have no kids to help with pollution and overpopulation!
hang yourself.

This bitch wants this guy to get a vasectomy and if he has any dignity left he will tell her to fuck off, and then go work on self improvement.

>white people can live on venus

Don't have any kids, there should be no conception from any race. This isn't a "humans must die" thing, they'll die even if you had a million kids, we're not going to live forever and neither are your children or their children or so forth. It's "don't bring any more vessels for which suffering can be experienced". The primary source for all murderers and all murder victims is procreation and all that needs to be done is for people to stop having reproductive sex. It isn't helping the world, if you wanted to do that you would adopt or volunteer, it isn't giving an opportunities, people that don't currently exist don't exist and can't experience suffering from lost of opportunity nor is such a thing possible. You aren't pulling lost souls from the ether and giving them a chance, all you're doing is bringing about unnecessarily suffering when you could have just done nothing and it would've eradicated all future suffering your progeny could had experienced or caused.

Every person should be an anti-natalist.

Le anti nationalism
When are you going to leave this board already?

>anti nationalism
I didn't say that.
>When are you going to leave this board already?
You first.

To suffer is to live. There can not be joy without suffering. There can not be life without death. It doesn't matter what you do, you can not change the duality of the world. Not having a child is not going to end suffering. Every human not having a child is not going to end suffering. All living beings on this planet suffer. How is lack of life and death any more morally righteous then life and death?

No more memes, no more bullshit. Can we finally just suck it up and admit asian women shit all over western women in this day and age? It's getting ridiculous.

Attached: 1538566435048.png (800x918, 1020K)

idk about dat. If i impregnate a western woman she aint aborting, ill make sure of it :D

What is it with women that makes them loathe the idea of childbirth these days? Women make the same face as the girl in OP's pic when they post about getting their tubes tied.

Don't worry buddy, you'll graduate high school and outgrow your meme ideology phase one day. In the meantime, look on the bright side, at least you're not ancap.

I dont support anti natalism but im not having kids because im a tranny...i wish I wasnt a tranny

The collapse of any higher purpose beyond the self. If your sole ideology is a kind of soft hedonism, in which all you want is material comfort and the avoidance of stress, why reproduce?

Vaginal tearing.

>the guy arguing against an edgy teenager saying people should stop having children is the high schooler

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 41K)

Because the religous left as convinced them their lives are sin and thus any reproduction of them will be evil. Thats just how guilty they have made white people.

>To suffer is to live.
and live, just don't create new humans to force into your ideology that's personally detrimental to them. Reproduction is forcing a pedestrian into the bank where an armed psycho has had you all hostage for the last 3 days, people are starving and some have died from not receiving their medication but come on, Mr. Robber is such a nice, lovable guy and the starvation and seizures just highlight his good parts! Everyone should be here!
>There can not be joy without suffering
People who don't exist get nothing out of joy so it's not bad that they aren't experience but reproduction necessarily creates minds that can and will experience suffering and it can create minds that will suffer tremendously and endlessly before their death. It's also not right to play dice with life. Every time someone murders another person there could be a scant chance that their action brings about effective policy change to reduce the rate of murders. This doesn't make the murder an action that should be avoided.
>Every human not having a child is not going to end suffering
It will end the suffering of potential members of our own species and that alone is a huge boon worth striving towards.

Reproduction breeds death, reproduction breeds suffering. Not reproducing harms no person yet to exist and everyone who isn't currently conceiving does it.

I'm rallying against human suffering. Ow the edge right? Bet you cut yourself on that statement.

Kill the pigskins and replace them with Arabs, blacks, Asians and Hispanics, oh what a great time to be alive.

Attached: downloadfile-35.jpg (474x315, 26K)

>so it's not bad that they aren't experience
aren't experiencing it*
>This doesn't make the murder an action that should be avoided.
shouldn't be avoided*

>hurr durr im against my species existing

Antinatalism is the edgiest ideology going, bar none.

The species is everyone currently conceived, people who are yet to exist, again, don't exist. I don't necessarily want anyone currently conceived to stop existing, they will stop existing but so will any person we create. Continuing life can be good but procreation necessitates adding more and more to the fires and more and more to the graves.

It would just be more practical to give the chick some kind of form of permanent birth control. Insult me for my limited knowledge, please. It just wouldn't involve castration so seems immediately beneficial in my mind. Especially if she's telling him what to do with his body, she can go first. Guys won't castrate themselves as a preventative measure for having babies unless it's to impress women, society, or they have an overall fear of being inadequate or letting down some status quo, but there's nothing intrinsically that's making them do it. Again, birth control for the female that prevents surgery having to be made makes more sense and is more in line with what's really going on here, anyway. They're going to be together forever anyway right? It sucks knowing in school if you were to write "in line" like I just did you would get a red pen telling you to define that phrase more closely. "What does 'in line' mean, user?". Ugh. You can see it now...

Genetic imperative also calls for beta males to cull the the population of other males offspring.
And it sure as fuck does not call for betas to provide for alphas offspring.

As far as I know, a permanent form of birth control for a woman that doesn't involve surgery or something as risky or prone to chemical imbalance doesn't exist. A vasectomy is probably the best option between the two of them, it doesn't fuck with your hormones, is reversible, quick and apparently has little risk to it.

I kinda get what you mean though, if it were her idea and he was neutral or opposed to it then it would be wrong for him to be the one who gets the procedure yeah, but besides their meme expression in a staged photo there's nothing to indicate that. Some dudes think "I want to make it so I don't have babies in the future" and they do it. Absolute mad lads(who are justified by the way, procreation is death).

Isn't there a way to "flush" an egg?

thats pretty fucking cuck tier
though i cant really talk though since im a tranny and the pills i take basically do the same thing

I feel like it's contradictory to say on one hand there shouldn't be moral input into what this guy's inclinations are, but there should be say in what people generally do and don't do. I was actually just thinking about what you said, otherwise I wouldn't have came to that conclusion. Like it's clear the restrictions painted by this post are saying this guy's OK to do what's right for himself, but I still have problems believing he should be that controlled and powerless. I want to kill myself too, but I wouldn't have anything go inside my testicles to formalize that statement. I was under the impression you could "flush" an egg, but, hell, my unconscious bias is even if it's exactly as hard to sterilize a woman I dictate it would be right for her to take the stance in this position. Not because it wouldn't the guy uncomfortable to, but because it's "right" under the same authority I'd say nobody having kids is right.

Not because it wouldn't make* the guy uncomfortable to
>I meant

>say on one hand there shouldn't be moral input into what this guy's inclinations are,
I don't think I said that, I said, from what I understand, that vasectomies are the safest and best way for a couple to fuck without making babies, that he shouldn't be forced into the decision, that we don't actually know that to be the case and that if he did want to do it then there's nothing wrong with that.

You kinda start from too many assumptions, that he couldn't possibly had wanted it himself and that the woman forced him into it.

>in exchange for not being able to have children without another surgery to correct it
Holy shit is it really that hard to just wear a condom or take birth control?

Attached: pathetic.jpg (500x307, 38K)

Condoms suck and aren't as reliable, birth control fucks with hormones. If you don't want kids then that's the way to go until they come up with a better form of female sterilization.

poor fool he is. The righteous white man is to dominate the niggers and kill all whores. How did he fall pray to her lies?

The longer you take to reverse it, the less chance you'll have of succesfully undoing the vasectomy.