Thoughts about Transgender athletes?

Thoughts about Transgender athletes?

in the majority of the cases i have seen,it's a man with the fantasy of been a woman,things that would never happen.

I know that women do the same shit too,but i don't have seen many of them.

¿Are they just some ugly cheaters for having the advantage of being a man?

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I think that they should be allowed to compete in all events and glorified with an emphasis on them being women and totally not men. I think that they should also open the door to trannies who have not yet even started hormone injections or had their dicks lopped off, because apparently all anyone needs in order for politically correct and mentally ill society to consider them female these days is the simple declaration that they believe they are.

Force that shit right the fuck up in everyone's faces. The impalpability of it will push more fence sitting retards into a rejection of this degeneracy over time.

they're mentally fucked like every other transgender it's only a complete disgrace and a ridiculous disadvantage for the actual woman who compete.
Sure the trans fags put in the effort too but it's a sport separated by gender for a fucking obvious and scientifically intangible reason.

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Fine but all would compete in men's classes with strict testing to disallow ridiculous testosterone replacement. This would have to extend to a good amount of time prior to events.

>he says as he jerks off totge thought of trannues ramming his ass

based strokeposter.

You know what, fuck it. Let them in. I want to see feminists and sjws burning themselves in counter-logic and mental gymnastics.


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Sporting events should be categorised by xx / xy to deftly circumvent any dumb sjw bullshit
I also don't think they're competing purely with the intention of taking advantage of their genetic situation, I think they're just "mentally ill" people who want to participate in the sport they love
Let them compete in a trans section like the special Olympics or something

I remember that.
Wasn't the canadian and some south american beauty pagent winners transexuals?
Like kind of obvious transexuals?

Lot of models are transexuals as well if you guys didn't know.

That would be giving in to tranny sjw shit. XX = woman, XY = man. End of story

Transgenders aren't even people

Intangible means not tangible. Love is intangible. Their dick is tangible.


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>Trans join the olympics, and start dominatig because men bodies.
>To be at the top of their game they stop taking hormones
>In a couple of years the olympics and all other sports are all males.
>Feminists can't do shit about it.
>Same shit happens in jobs pushing women to be unemployed
>Males win the sex wars by a landslide.
>I for one salute all the brave "transexual" male taking one for the team.

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>Thoughts about Transgender athletes?

Hilarious because men will win everything.

Either we let them compete as men, or we stop gender segregating sports entirely and go by weight-classes alone.
A 6'5" 250 lbs man in a dress competing with the average women doesn't sound fair to me.

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SJWs don't want trannies to be in the special olympics lol

plenty of pornstars too

I'm not sure if you knew, but models aren't exactly a major interest of men unless they are almost naked.

Whatever you do, don't name them. Otherwise we'd be able to debunk your ridiculous bullshit.