What will you do when you go bald?

What will you do when you go bald?

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japanese are developing multiple different cures. just gotta wait it out a couple more years

>We've already talked about this bro. It's time.

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Get a hair transplant

Thank you regrow ratto

Go full Heath Ledger or Jude Law

I won't. no one in the family past NW2, using creatine daily for 6 months with no change in hairline

Thank you regrow ratto

I am bald on the forehead. Theres just a few hairs left. My hairline is gone. im 24. strongly considering a hair transplant.

I am a NW2 at 27. Im hoping that my hair will look decent for another 5-10 years and after that hair transplant/regrowth tech is probably good enough for me to want to get it done

Arigatou gozaimasu regurou ratto samma

Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

31 and all I have is some hair thinning on top, which isn't that bad. Assuming I don't get a wife before I go bald, I'll just get a hair transplant.

based of relatives I'm keeping this full head of hair until the day I die

Thank you regrow ratto

I got hair from my dad's side and they all have thick hair. Grandfather has very thick hair and he is 90.

Thank you regrow ratto

probably just suicide, my looks are literally all I had going for me and I'm balding rapidly at 20

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Regrow Ratto Arigato

Get that bread then and save up for a hair transplant homie

Thank you regrow ratto

I'm already there.
I shave or buzz cut it.
t. 24 year old
Also, do I kill myself now or wait till 30?

Thank you regrow ratto

thank you regrow ratto X2

Commit sudoku.

Same, but I’m not balding.

Thank you regrow ratto

I haven't shown any signs yet, but if it happens I reckon I'll just embrace it until hair plugs and whatnot are indistinguishable from the real thing.

Shave my head.

Thank you regrow ratto

Soon. Male pattern hitting me at 21 years old. I wear hat most of the time so it’s whatever. Having trouble deciding on if i should do it before my brothers wedding or not. Im the best man so i gotta look decent.

nothing, I don't care

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Thank you regrow ratto

only weak men need hair

i dont need hair to be a man

i dont even need to be a man

hear me roar

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exactly, brah

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Thank you regrow ratto

Regrow Ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

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Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

embrace it and shave my head
doubt it will happen tho, I come from a long line of men who have kept their hair throughout their lives

This is my dad, aged 60.
Hopefully I'll be fine.

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Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

Nice man. Hope you can spread your seed so we can get rid of the baldies

Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

i hope stem cell hair folicle regeneration will come online soon but I doubt it. I have multiple scars on my head since as long as I can remember. I think i was abducted as a child by Aliens and had experiments performed on me but I'm not sure, since I'm not /x/. Balding would not be fun for me

Post pic

Balding genetics come from your mother's side

I'm already bald op

>god please work

Thank you regrow ratto

I don't have shit genetics so it's not something i'm concerned with.


26 here
no baldness in my family, just shitty hairlines

pic is my "before", just started with a .3mm needle roller and 5% minox. Gonna minox daily and needle roll EOD.

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Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you Regrow Ratto

What do i do bros

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thank you regrow ratto

“Thank you regrow ratto”

Thank you regrow ratto

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Thank you regrow ratto

I'm 26 and regrew mine with rogaine and dermarolling, now at a solid NW1 I laugh at hairlets who didn't have the wits to catch it early on.

thank you regrow ratto

Looks fine, keep your hair longish and sweep it to one side. Literally almost not noticeable.

Losing your hair is a lot easier once you accept it. When I realized I got mad depressed and it really got to me for awhile, then I did a buzz cut, found I looked good with very short hair and it gave me a kind of relief and calm knowing that even if I eventually lose it all (and I will) that I'll still look good.

That being said, I still take minoxidyl to try and maintain what I have while I have it, and I've grown my hair out again to cover up the temples and enjoy it while I have it. But I did a full shave during the summer and loved that too. My gf loves my hair and she enjoyed it when I had it shaved. Just learn to be happy and confident and come to terms with who you are. Tons of guys go bald, it's not a death sentence, though it does feel shitty. Cheer up boys, just train and enjoy the hair while you have it.

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100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats and run 10 km everyday.

Domo Arigato Mr Regrow Ratto

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Nothing, you vane cunt.

My only fear is that I become bald.
Regrow Ratto


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>japanese are developing multiple different cures. just gotta wait it out a couple more years
The Japs are bluffing you. Balding isn't even a problem with their population.
They want Europe to think they've got it covered so you can relax and they laugh at you whilst you hope for a cure.

I'll save time by not having to buzz it anymore

first pearl harbor now this?


Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

As a 25yo man with an absolutely, sheerly, unadulterated, luxurious head of hair but also with a father who started thinning in his early 40s (albeit he kept with hairline well into his early 60s), ill be shaving the instant I see my line start creeping back. Depending on my lifestyle I MIGHT go buff skullet status, simply out of the high quality of my locks, but likely as not the whole bitch will come off and Ill be 40 years covered in angelic yarn and hopefully just as long shining as the sun.

Destroy the child


Thank you regrow ratto


I shaved my fucking head because Chris Hemsworth has spent easily over 100 grand on his hair to make it look that way.

Almost every actor does. Their look is their paycheck.

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You're 20 years behind, user. Hair transplants are better than ever.

Thank you regrow ratto


Full sleazecore mode.

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>Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

Thank you regrow ratto

thank you regrow ratto

Just Glue It

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japan is the most balding country in the asian region

>look in mirror
>think I'm going bald
>turns out it's just a bright spotlight directly overhead

close one

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