Form check

can Jow Forums give me an honest assessment of the things im doing wrong, the things im doing right?

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doenst look terrible, but a side view is always better for form critique than front

looks good from the front. Get video from side and back view now

I think you're falling a little too far forward on the way up, but the only way to know is a side view.

hehehe i can see your nipples

I’ll try for next time

I am, it’s always been like a two stage motion for me on the way up, first hips then like a good morning motion. Doesn’t happen with low bar (?)

You're clearly losing tightness at the bottom, causing the chest to cave in and all the spine to round. Work on your core bracing You also probably lack strenght in your glutes and hammies, since you're not driving with your hips, that's why your knees open before the rest of your body even starts to move.

All wrong.
Your form is shit. Your hips should not be rising so much, so fast. Stop trying to Good Morning the fucking weight up.
Go down in weight, and fix that god awful forward tilt.
You're likely NOT bracing your core, at all. Stop not doing this.

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Forms not that bad. I mean you lose a little bit of it at the bottom of the movement but thats probably just cause of the heavy weight and it looks like you know what its meant to look like.

You should put the camera sideon for better view next time.

Also have you tried not wearing any shoes at all? Have you tried thumb over?(putting it with the rest of your fingers)

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Looks perfect for a ~3-5RM max (im guessing?

Don't lean forward, keep your chest out.

Now this is pod racing. Thanks I’ll try to keep this in mind for next time.

im more worried about the guy doing tricep pushdowns in the background, Kek

Listen to these two anons and eat more, fag

You look like a type of guy who would just hop into my car and review it's quirks and features

This. Better than 90% of the people squatting in the gym, still not good form but def not bad. It is hard to tell with a front angle, do side next time.

For doing a high bar squat you look like you are leaning forward too much on descent. Switch to low bar (preferable) or don't give that much angle and then good morning it up. Slight vargus (your knees collapse in) could be improved with either a mental cue (I don't think you have a muscle imbalance at such a low weight) or doing the hip abduction machine. I didn't see you root, but it is hard to tell. You could open your foot angle up a bit more and possible go a bit wider with stance. You are a quad dominant squatter.

You definitely got depth, didn't bounce, and braced right. Cues for you that might help:
>grab the ground with your feet and brace all the way up to the bar
>knees OUT
>crush a walnut in your asscheeks on the way up
>drive from your lumbar (if you switch to low bar from the weird hybrid you are doing rn)

6/10 bruh u dun good for hitting what I assume is near maximal weight.

I can’t like, not lift in shoes. I have long, flat, trout shaped feet lol. I even prefer deadlifting in Romas desu. I actually used to squat with hands open like that when I was 18 (12 years ago) and didn’t lift for the last decade or so. Why do you ask?

This was first set of 5x5

Thanks for the input everyone I’ll try to implement what you’ve told me.

also careful of your knees buckling in, can cause nasty knee injuries, keep them out

I still don’t understand knees out. Like I can roll my knee caps outward but it feels like the weight is moved towards the outside of my feet? I’m still experimenting with stance and flare...

Will do

put your hands on the outsides of your knees sitting down. push as hard as you can against your hands. that's what you should do to prevent vargus.

How do you know this that’s exactly me

Because lifting with shoes on feels like benching with mitts on for me. I like to feel as connected to the floor/bar ass possible completely eliminated any cushioning/rolling/tilting etc.


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How do you dingdongs typically record yourself? I've heard of using a shoe to prop your phone up, but I've never actually recorded my form.

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I used to enjoy my hands a lot wider when I did back squats. Now I only do zerchers anyway

You appear to have long femurs which definitely influences your form. It necessitates more forward lean of the torso, the shins, outward knee travel, or a combination of the above.
Don't let knees cave in, let knees travel forward and out more, get your abs stronger to stay upright

Hips shooting up out of the hole, causing the bar to move forward and forcing your back to muscle it the rest of the way up.

Problem- weak quads making you compensate with your hips.

Solution- deload 20%, do pause squats and switch every other squat session for front squats

Great just don't let your knees cave in

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I personally prop my phone up using one of those wooden blocks you use for block pulls.

The dude doing quarter rep tricep push downs. Top kek

Yeah I have no care strength big facts. And yeah I’m all legs. I sat down next to a 5’ 9” girl with our clothes off in front of a mirror recently and we were the same lengths.

But everyone tells me I’m quad dominant??

Jfc you look like a god damn string bean. Why am I so weak bros? I look easily twice this guys size and only squat 2 pl8 and bench 1. Fuck.

Quarter? That's being generous.

I disagree, simply put. Coming out of the hole is where the struggles begin and the rest of the movement is a compensation of that.

Your glutes dont have anything to do until the upper half of the movement.

The way you compe sated is also causing a horizontal bar movement which is imbalancing you enough that it's also a contributing factor of you collasping knees.

When your quads are ready the knee and hip movement will syncronize all the way down and back up.

No that can't be true. Size equals strength you know.

knee cave

slight rib flare, strengthen your core

I literally have never lifted 1 weight in my life and I can tell there's too much pressure on your back and not enough on your legs
Take it as you wish

Just a tip: don't close your eyes and watch yourself in the mirror or look to the left or right. Helps me keep my back straight and if I feel like I'm leaning too far forward I'll watch over my shoulder to make sure I'm going down and coming up in a straight line


Are you pushing with your glutes on the way up? Your knees look woobly a bit and aren't tracking ideally.

Work on glute activation on the way up or just keep squatting and make it cleaner.

i believe you, this is just what people tell me. i never believed them either desu. like nothing about my anatomy or mechanics or lifts say that but i think people see big femurs and assume i must be?

what is rib flare?

i would have to think about that next time, i kinda of just visualize starting the movement from my lower back.

tall people are usually strong

I would rest the bar a bit lower on your back. Don't go full low bar, but enough that you don't lean forward. Helped me a heap.

intedasting. i do low bar on my heavy days. i like high bar when doing lighter weights because i can hit better depth.

widen your feet angle and push your knees out so they dont buckle or come in on the way up

maybe stand a little closer to hip/shoulder width

make sure your thumb isnt below the bar

the bar could maybe sit a bit lower on your back, thats a flexibility thing

buy my wood barbell it should help with all of this

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Way too fast, personally. The way down should be slower.

Form check me? I fucking hate OHP because it's weak AF. In this vid, i'm trying to stand and vertical as possible and squeezing my abs, but in doing so, i can't shrug at the top. If i arch my back a bit, i can shrug but i feel i'm leaning too much and can't use my weak ass abs so i get more lower body motion.

looks fine desu, the only thing I would suggest is not straightening your arms at peak but other than that it's fine

from the man himself

You need to work on your ankle flexibility. Make it part of your protocol to stretch your calves before squats. Listen to anons telling you to brace your core and lower the weight. Also break at your knees first then your hips, not both at the same time.

you're going down too fast and you just lose all your tightness when you get to the bottom portion

Squat plug will help with this

lack core strength and perhaps strength in hammies/glutes to keep upright, lower back takes the weight to good morning it up.

i assume this doesnt happen on your working weight though - the weight is just too heavy for good form. It's really not that bad though.

wearing your socks like that and having shorts that high up makes you look like a total fucking faggot nerd. fix that shit ASAP.