Which one of you 300 lbs gains goblins wrote this?

Which one of you 300 lbs gains goblins wrote this?

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>tfw according to this article I'm an extreme athlete.

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What's the authors family name? I MUST KNOW!

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50g protein, you're not gonna get any gains on 50g protein a day believe me. You need to EAT BIG to GET BIG. You need FIVE SCOOPS in EACH SHAKE. Right babe?

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Steroids in my supplements..lul.

Gains (((goblins))) at it again

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I don't supplement protein, but I also eat six eggs, 7 oz of salmon, 1/2 lb of chicken, 1/2 lb of pork, and 2 Tbs of peanut butter every day.
What I do supplement is fiber, because I replaced most of my grains with meat and now I can't poop.



>"I need fiber"
> he doesn't eat his oats

Never gonna make it like that bud

This is the protein required for numale NPR listeners who are 5'10 115 lb soaking wet

For the average person, that's true. If you're just eating more protein for the sake of more protein there's no point. If you're eating more protein with the intention of building muscle then there's a point.


>50 grams of protein per day

I usually hit that in a single meal.

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>thought I was a 160 numale for years, unchanging despite gains
>read scale wrong
>I'm 185 but retarded

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In USA if you've ever set foot in a gym, you're already an extreme athlete...


You weren't expecting anything useful, were you?

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How is that even controversial considering that it obviously counts bodybulding several times a week as extreme athletism.

I mean, the 1g per lb is astroturfing from the supplement industry, so NPR isn't too far off...

Bodybuilding.com got busted and received a huge find because they were sending out "supplements" that contained steroids, and there have been many supplements that have come and gone that contained banned substances. It is definitely not a farfetched idea.

I’m actually pleased with the comments. People are calling bullshit

In the article They count “more than 2.5 hours of moderate exercise a week” as extreme athlete
The absolute state of this country.

>traditional journalism

It actually isn't astroturfing. There's been a wealth of new studies suggesting 2.2-3.4 g/kg protein a day carries greater anabolic benefits in trained individuals. I can send you a review article.

NPR usually isn't this retarded

who the fuck created this. Is it easy to turn "memes" into as few points as possible, because its seems impressive. Never tried it.

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The sentence is correct. Your average person doesn't need much protein. The exception is (as it states) athletes, old people AND body building fags (aka us).

They said extreme athlete tho which would be even a DYEL skelly doing SS 3 days a week in this scenario

100% this

(((Gains Goblins))) have always been against us.
>pic related.

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that's not even RDA for the average male

as usual journalists don't have a single fucking clue what they are talking about

Really makes you think...

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what does it mean
t. newfag retard

They've been getting progressively less unbiased and legitimate over the past several years.
I've noticed an especially exponentially accelerated plunge in the quality of content this year.
t. Lifetime Listener.

Post link plz

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Journalists have been going hard with the anti-fitness shit recently. I know thanks to Firefox always pushing these shit rags in my face.

Oh fuck why did I save this as a screenshot I deserved it for phoneposting

1.5 g of protein per kg of body weight


If you don't want to read it, they say it doesn't cure/prevent cancer so it's useless. Totally clear from the headline.

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>Not 1# of protein per 1kg of body weight.

I would bet my life a woman wrote this.

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>extreme athlete

I understand

It means you have to go back

>not 1 gram per lb

I'd bet $100 right now that 95% of facebook's userbase is either out of shape or in a very subpar physical condition

>all these people on Jow Forums eating 200g of protein a day and still looking skinny fat DYEL

I didn't know they could be so subtle.

The Jow Forumsringing asside, that grammar is horrible.

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I always wondered about this. I mean it makes sense.
You see alot of labourers get pretty fit without even trying to go on a healthy diet.
Also it's suppose to be 0,7g per kg of LEAN MUSCLE MASS.
Not your actually weight. so for your average person and beginners 60g should be enough.
It's only once you start building a considerable amount of muscle that you need more protein to facilitate grow.

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>Bodybuilding.com got busted and received a huge find because they were sending out "supplements" that contained steroids
why the fuck would they lace their own product with steroids?
Was it a way to say their formula of all natural shit was the best or something? Sounds like a waste of money to do that.

In USA if you've ever walked to the gym that's next block from your house, you're already an extreme athlete..

The article is correct. Most people get literally no exercise and the ones that do get next to nothing. A Boomer that jogs each morning and 'does push-ups sometimes' is already more athletic than 95% of Americans and those guys don't need more than what they would naturally eat.

Dude 3/4 of American males are overweight. If you can see your dick you are unironically an athlete

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Here you go you applet.

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This actually does seem to be the case. There hasn't been a study that I'm aware of which showed increased muscle retention at anything above 0.68 g/lb - 0.75 g/lb. of intake, including studies from the US Armed Forces with heavy training.

Most non-athletes likely only require 50 or so grams to maintain homeostasis, and even certain medical practitioners such as Drs. Fung and Rodale who focus on fasting seem to think that low protein intake can actually be beneficial for those who are very obese (the lack of protein would cause catabolism in excess skin before organs). This however, is not the mainstream opinion which tend toward Drs. Phinney, Volek, and Westman.

That's a bit too much tho, you might not be absorbing it all.
The limit was around 30/40g per meal, more and the human body loses digestive efficency.

I get 200 grams from my food without supplements, kek.

I wish I was making enough money to eat salmon every day. Fucking landlocked country, fish is expensive.

what? that isn't even an athlete, that's just what normal people are supposed to do every week

That's including food though.





Keked, checked and saved

those two dots are not advertiser friendly, can you please delete them?

When they say "extreme athlete" they mean anyone who's physical activity is greater than one zoomba class a week and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Patti Neighmond

In USA if you ever thought about going to the gym, you're already an extreme athlete...


that's total bullshit

Tarnopolsky, M. A., Atkinson, S. A., MacDougall, J. D., Chesley, A., Phillips, S., & Schwarcz, H. P. (1992). Evaluation of protein requirements for trained strength athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology, 73(5), 1986-1995.
>"A suggested recommended intake for S(edentary) was 0.89 g.kg-1.day-1 and for SA(strength athletes) was 1.76 g.kg-1.day-1."

Phillips, S. M., & Van Loon, L. J. (2011). Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation. Journal of sports sciences, 29(sup1), S29-S38.
>that protein intakes in the range of 1.3–1.8 g · kg−1 · day−1 consumed as 3–4 isonitrogenous meals will maximize muscle protein synthesis.


An 85kg sedentary male will need 75grams of protein according to the top study, a strength athlete or someone trying to maximize muscle protein synthesis may need up to double that amount. A far cry from 50-60grams. Who are they trying to kid?

roids aren't expensive to manufacture
in fact they probably sell cheaper than meme supps

broscience based on a flawed study

>Implying bioscience isn't often based, and later validated by actual studies not designed and funded just to corroborate a large business' interest.

Read your own studies:

These results indicated that the MP and HP diets were nutrient overloads for S. There were no effects of varying protein intake on indexes of lean body mass (creatinine excretion, body density) for either group.

The Med. Protein group was only 0.63 g/lb and found to be over adequate. The study is also from 1992. You don't wanna use 26 year old studies.

>50 to 60 grams
Try 50 to 60 scoops

fair, I can't access the things I just read the abstracts

You know we are all considered "extreme athletes" by normie standards, right?

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you'd be shocked at how many peoples diet doesnt contain even 50grams.