Pls respond

Have I escaped dyel mode yet?

Attached: IMG_20181203_220801.jpg (2448x3264, 1.39M)

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you entered Gyno mode, thats for sure.

Gyno Mode

This can’t be real.

Boobies mode

This has got to be some cherrypicking fake
there is no way that every single american on this website has gyno
also you gay for posting naked pics for other men to look at

nice gyno fag

I strive for the old fit
Where we all weren't just shitposters about gyno
Fuck you fags
Can I get a serious opinion so I can determine how much I have to go before I make it

Attached: gib.jpg (800x786, 72K)

not yet, keep working guy

I dunno what it is but the majority of people I know who lift have some sort of mild gyno going on.

My stats are : (in lbs)
Bench: 185
Ohp: 100

No, lose some weight and work core

Keep lifting, try to get surgery if you can. If you have kaiser in the US and go tell them it hurts like hell etc they will take it out. I had gyno on one of my tits and they cut it out and did a really good job, can't even tell. Everyone is going to trash talk you but just keep at it.

You look juicy but you do have puffy nips. Might be time to hop on raloxifene.

Fuck off with the gyno meme
Actual gyno would be noticable goofball sized nipples
>Inb4 a .5pl8 dyel spouts " like what u have XD LE REDDIT

Are all of you on some hormones or some shit?
I have literally never seen that shit on anyone where I live (yorp)

I just took a shower. Come on, in warm temperatures all nipples are puffy

The nipples on OP ain't fucking right dude
If you think that is normal I have some bad news for you

Have you ever heard that in warm temperatures nipples get puffy?

I'm not trying to roast you, I have the same shit but to a lesser degree. It's why I'm on raloxifene.

>Where we all weren't just shitposters about gyno

Stop working out with transsexuals. To them, gyno is progress.

*higher degree

That is 100% gyno. There is breast tissue behind those nipples.

How to spot a redditor everyone
They just copy everyone else and try to fit in with retarded buzzphrases from a decade ago, in hopes they will be accepted, as their psuedo intellectual groups don't even know about your existance as you are a pathetic individual who goes on mongolian gyno forum to mock people trying to better themselves. I can see you like a fly in milk. Kys fucking fag

Well I happen to be in posession of 2 nipples actually and I can tell you that in almost 30 years I have experience in looking at them and showering I can assure you that my nipples never look even remotely like that.

>Fit is really this far gone

thats more than nipples mate, the ops left gyno(right one in the photo) is raising a shit load of non nipple skin, how is that a puffy nipple?

>A shitload
Like a few mm

Onions is in virtually every product here. BPA (synthetic estrogen) leaches off of virtually every food container. It's a sick fucked up mass feminizing deliberate attack on men. You should be happy your country has better standards and that (((they))) haven't poisoned you lto the degree they have us

that must be it!

You mean America?


Should I just start eating raw onions every so often?


>misses the "old" Jow Forums
>looks like this
doesn't really look like you were around for the old Jow Forums hmmm

Attached: 1452304673354.jpg (500x375, 47K)

Im 24
I was 14 back in 2008, browsing this site

So it didn't help you?

and what did you do with the supposedly way better and pure version of it? I started at 15 and have been consistently lifting since then. Memes are fun and all but you have no excuse to not be much further ahead than you are if you've been here this long.

More than every so often. Eat them before bed so you sleep off a the smell

Stop Joshing yourself.
This guy is bigger than you but this is a before and after pic of gyno removal surgery.
Do you think you look more like the before tits or the after pecs?

Attached: Tits to Pecs.jpg (750x450, 36K)

I barely hopped on it a week ago. Will report back in a year/when size noticeably decreases

Is it dangerous? Redpill me on it

Idk I just know that r/steroids (find me a better source that isn't reddit, "muh ribbit" doesn't apply here) recommends it for pubertal gyno.

>post a picture of your body to the most toxic and non supportive internet society known to man
>get buttflustered when people call you out for your flaws
There are other websites on the internet you know and pics like this belong to gay dating sites

*milks you*
Nothing personal, kid

what a waste of some good man titties

meatcuck dairyboi lol

"Previous studies have shown that about 60–80% of estrogens come from milk and dairy products in western diets "

"The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk."

Attached: Vegans vs meatcucks.jpg (2522x1233, 818K)

Damn if I had tits like that I'd stay home to play with them and masturbate all day.

you got at least 4 years of training to make it. 3 years on gear (based off muscle/fat distribution)

There really is nothing worse then a vegan

Attached: carnivore vs vegan.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

To the average person, absolutely yes.

To the average person on Jow Forums who isn't autistic, also yes but you're on the lower end of intermediate.

>I can't get a series answer to my serious question of whether or not i've left 'dyel mode'

Attached: Dq2If15X0AAmIXQ.jpg (1024x511, 27K)

That’s a man baby!

>roiding for that

hahaha look at this seething newfag

Lol, if you think z0y would give you gyno you have a severe misunderstanding of the science. BPA is a legit concern though

Daily reminder that only 5% of men have gyno and the overwhelming majority just stored fat in their chest and made their nips look weird.

No he didn't look at his stomach and abs he just lost body fat percentage. /fit likes to claim anything is gyno because it feels terrible thinking you can't fix your physique with exercise, they are also projecting really bad