Nah bro, I don't go to the gym. Just the occasional footy game with the boys haha

>Nah bro, I don't go to the gym. Just the occasional footy game with the boys haha

Attached: 1542109959646.jpg (1080x1030, 90K)

> no shit

Left Chad doesn't lift, right Chad does chest day x1, curl day x2. Middle isn't a Chad.

it's insane how handsome the dude on the right is
no homo btw

right definitely lifts
incels are genuinely the dumbest people on the planet


that guy on the right has really voluptuous lips

>Brad, Sad, Chad


>You still going to the gym and stuff? I'm just too lazy with that haha, girls don't care about that user. Just be yourself dude, you'll do great with the girls!

Attached: large.jpg (500x500, 52K)

Left looks like he tries too hard and wants to he like his best friend Chad, probably secretly is very jealous. Middle wishes he had the looks of the others, but looks like he accepts it and is very funny, probably gets as many girls just from his charisma. And the right is Chad, we all know about chad.


left face looks much better than right boye.

Middle seems like a brad who could be a bro

I used to dream of the aesthetic bro lifestyle :'(

I'd rather not exist than look like any of those faggots

>awaken my masters

footy game with the lads*

t. left boye

Left guy isn't Chad, Right guy is Chad.

based. everybody get a load of that Josh trying to sneak his way in to a Chads-only photo.

Green shirt would make a cute tranny

>tfw you'll never have Chad's muscular arms on your knee while you put your foot between his legs

Jordan is a bretty cool dude. Always took me surprise how close he looks like Mila Jovovich when she was a teen

Attached: milla-jovovich-teen.jpg (285x385, 69K)

1 is only marginally better looking than 2. Dude on the right is the ugliest, this is non-negotiable.

Attached: he cute.gif (554x400, 120K)

Goddamn this incel shit is cringey

ITT: cope

Chads love lifting


Attached: 1528909804052.jpg (785x725, 67K)

>negative canthal tilt
>bitch lips
>faggot eyebrows
>NPC haircut