Nu-male soygoy kicks woman

And immediately regrets it

Fuckin' lol

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>4.2 million views
this has really blown up a lot.

And he supports abortion too, which is keeping the nigger problem under control


>butthurt: the nation
Fucking ridiculous. How the fuck did you end up like this.

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>satanist chain
>flower in his hair

The guy would probably turn anti-abortionist if he found out abortion was killing niggies.

Okay he's a basedgoof and cringey but this video is fucking hilarious and that cunt deserved to be kicked

>kicks a roastie for no reason
>does naruto thing before kick
>supports murder of niggers
Only Jow Forumscucks get mad at this

>some sjw rainbow cuckwaffle
We need to have a talk.

It's called mental illness and it's not something to point and laugh about and gain entertainment from. This poor homosexual needs to be confined and segragated from society, not mocked and ridiculed for his cartoonish mannerisms and appearance and delusionsal, schizoid world views and beliefs.

>wears tights
>friends with feminazis
>sucks male penis

"Murdering babies is so based guize, death to the noggers, amirite??"

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Enjoying your new office after your last one got torched boris?

No murdering babies is bad. But abortion is not murdering babies until at least a few weeks or even months unless you're a radical christian who believes sperm has a soul.

Did you hear what the bitch with the camera said?

>fertilized egg

>can't distinguish between these three things

"You fucking radical Christian brainlet it's just a bundle of cells"

Yes and she's 100% right. Rape is illegal and treated as one of the most evil and serious offenses a person can commit, one of the many reasons for this is that rape can result in forced, unwanted pregnancy.

Holy fuck this is gold. Who is this man responsible for such comedy?

She isn't right. If you get raped you should abort the baby as soon as you know you're pregnant. I am disgusted by women who keep the baby because they have zero self respect or common sense AND they doomed that kid to the life of a rape baby with a single mother.

>fertilized egg
It is just a bundle of cells you brainlet.

jacking off isn't murder. periods aren't murder. the removal of a fertilized egg isn't murder.
the life and rights of the person carrying the fetus take precedent over the fetus. you don't have to like it, but it's true and more.



You are just a bundle of cells too, bucko.

>still can't tell the difference between sperm/egg and fertilized egg

Not going to engage in a discussion with a brainlet.

Yeah I would not want to have never existed just because my Dad raped my Mom. But great try, roasty, you're as transparent as a brick wall.

If you throw fertilized chicken eggs at the wall, you're not killing chickens. (Am a farmer, chicken analogy is all I know).

From what I read, the woman he kicked was a rape apologist. He should have killed her instead.

>You are just a bundle of cells too
I'm sentient.

from the video you can hear her say rape apologist shit.

>I am disgusted by women who keep the baby because they have zero self respect or common sense AND they doomed that kid to the life of a rape baby with a single mother.

I am an incel just like you guize, not an roasty fishing for orbiters and trying to subvert the culture of the board towards pro-female policies

I grew up with a single mother, it was fine, quite a comfy life actually. My dad was a total cunt, abusive too, so glad he was out of the picture.

My mum was great, more than a match for two parents any day. But I guess I should never have existed... or something.

I am a woman. I think abortion is an unpleasant necessity.

A newborn isn't sentient. It can't even form memories, can't process external stimuli properly, can't even open its eyes.

Not even really human, right?

I mean you're killing an unborn chicken, sure, vegetarians and vegans can't eat eggs, can they, lol.

But we eat lambs too, animals are animals, humans are humans.

she's clearly just concerned about the child in her quote triggered radfems please go

How am I being a radfem by opposing rape?

if you are pro-choice take a look at this video

a human is an animal, you colossal fool.
throwing an egg is not "killing an unborn chicken". it's "throwing a fertilized egg"
do you think zygotes should have rights that supersede the rights of their host organism?

How about you abort yourself to spare any child being aborted by you then, you repulsive sack of excrement.

I know people that grew up in foster homes all their lives too, shitty awful backgrounds, drug addict parents, kids born of rape.

Don't know any of them who would rather be dead, know many of them in fact to be a lot happier than people born in happy and stable two parent homes.

Suffering can give you an appreciation for the beauty in life, the good times and the peaceful and stable times.

But nah, just fucking crush the kids skull and vacuum it out the mother's womb right, because its potential miserable life is not deemed worthy by you or the wretch carrying it.

okay give me a few minutes to watch this.

brainlet pro-life faggot absolutely seething

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>a human is an animal, you colossal fool.

Humans and other animals are very different in an ethical and legal sense.

>throwing an egg is not "killing an unborn chicken". it's "throwing a fertilized egg"

And it's killing an unborn chicken, how on Earth is it fucking not, lol. You're destroying a chicken at one of the earliest stages of its existence.

>wdo you think zygotes should have rights that supersede the rights of their host organism?

You're throwing in terms that make no sense, in what way does the unborn child's right to life supersede the mother's right to life?

you're being radfem by seeing "rape apologizing" (i had to google it) somewhere it clearly wasn't. it was obviously a pro-life aimed statement.

>Humans and other animals are very different in an ethical and legal sense.
Are you admitting that any difference is a social construct, rather than a biological one?

you're arguing off feeling like a typical righty. Foster children have higher rates of depression, suicide etc. Sure a few might come out fine but it's statistically more likely they'll be fucked

Someone being a rape apologist doesn't make me a radfem. I think you may be badly retarded.

...or took a Biology class and passed it

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Also the 17 year old patient should not have had the child, that is a health risk to the mother. This doctor is overemotional and using his daughter's death as well as the graphic nature of a late term abortion as a tactic to "tug the heartstrings", so to speak, to push his anti-abortion agenda. He is being emotionally dishonest and putting peoples health at risk.

I don't care user, stop with the emotional whinging. The fact is that the woman's life and desires are more important than the life and desires of the person within her.

damn nigger, she wasn't attacking you and your values, at least not the value you got upset over. get called out sorry this isn't your safe space tumblr.

Pretty sure the people who perform abortions in clinics have all passed biology, unlike you.

How could you pass it if you believe that something that basically is like a tumor is human? It's impossible!

How does being opposed to rape make me "tumblr" and someone who demands a safe space?

women don't own their kids

>durrrrr I never even TOOK Biology, let alone failed it huuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr
>Eggs and sperm are haploid tissue
>A zygote is a diploid organism
I fucking love how pro-choice people parade their superstitious ignorance and do not realize
>the rights of some people allow them to murder other people
Fuck off, relativist

No, parents don't own their children. Children are people, not property.
If you're already born, your life matters more than a zygote or a fetus though. You alone reserve the right to say who uses your body and you reserve the right to make them stop at any time, even if they die as a result.

You are
Real farmers intimately know the difference in reality between fertilized and underutilized eggs, LARPer

oh sorry, diploid organisms are special and deserve extra rights.

there is a reason you do not "count your chickens before they're hatched". as soon as a chicken hatches, its survival rate goes up 80%.

>I should be allowed to force women to carry out a pregnancy
Fuck off psychopath.

>rape apologist

How am I a plebbit roastie by opposing rape?

h-he's fast! wew

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Prove it
Protip - learn the Problem if Other Minds first, brainlet

>I am a woman
Then you should know men DGAF what you think

I DGAF about men's opinion on abortion.

>lemme use terms from Star Trek, that will PROVE I am smart!
What a fucking idiot

Witnessed and kekked.
This guy's my hero. Why did he do it lads? Why did he attempt to roundhouse kick the camera?

Diggin the double layer of irony in this toast

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Foster kids also live, unlike aborted kids.
>some people die so murder is OK
is pretty fucktarded, pal

Because he's a retard and thinks real life is just like his ebic animes.

My favorite when I saw it. He cried that "I only meant to kick the phone!!1" after assaulting a woman in public. Also the looks of disgust from the pro-choice woman behind him.
...and we are the autistic ones.

Knowing you are killing and being ok with it != not knowing

>he's so unfamiliar with reproductive terms he thinks I am referring to alien-based fiction

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>Let me PROVE I failed Biology!
You did it.
Tumor = undifferentiated tissues
Zygote = metabolizing organism.
High school level Biology and you do not know the difference
>PS, circles are round

Real life is just like anime.
If you decide it is.

Why haven't you roundhouse kicked anyone today, Jow Forums?

You got busted being stone ignorant and *double down*!!!!

niggers can open their eyes but apart from that you described them perfectly

something tells me you aren't okay with 'terminating' all of them, tho...

a worm is a diploid organism. why does what amounts to less than a worm (not fully formed) have the right to occupy somebody elses' body?

How many unfertilized eggs hatch, Farmer John?

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>I want to be able to kill people for convenience
Pro-life reply
>killing is bad
>You wont let me kill innocent babies?! YOU PSYCHOPATHS!!
Lulz every fucking time

none you dumb bitch.

Only one in the whole recorded chickstory. His name was Jesus Chickst.

>muh "abortions is babeys"
cry more silly cow, you lost roe vs wade.

You think a pro-lifer saying
>dont kill the baby it didnt rape anyone
Is rape apology. Only women and the weak-minded are that fucking stupid

>not having the reflexes to dodge a kick by a low test unexplosive nu male
>screaming to be saved from a numale
Womboids don't deserve to be referred to as fe"males" or wo"men"

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a baby being inside a woman without consent is as bad as rape or worse.

When women demanded the right to vote WITHOUT ALSO demanding they be drafted they proved they are narcissistic morons to be disregarded in decisions that stretch beyond what to cook for dinner.
BTW sweetie - takes a man to get pregnant so your position on male opinion on abortion is fuckwittery

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Women demand the draft be abolished.

That's not America, you dumb faggot, it's just outside of downtown Toronto. Bait better, please.

>host organism
is a term used to discuss parasitism or symbiosis. Both of those are about separate species.
The term used to discuss gestation is

wait for it

No, moron, you originally compared sperm and eggs to people; someone pointed out that apples and oranges and you moved the goalposts so fucking far you mustve thrown out your back.
No, fuckwit, a period is NOTHING LIKE abortion, in any way

Fuck that's heavy. Feminism has killed motherhood.

A baby is not an unemployed Gender Studies major squatting in a coffee shop demanding a free iPhone.
Gestation is the process of growth for a (in this case) human within its mother.

An abortion is usually an induced period, shedding the uterus lining with the zygote in it.

"mother" has emotional connotations that you can't place on a sexually precocious 12 year old, an unwed teen or a rape victim.

See the fucking difference, LARPer?

less arguing and more roundhouse kick discussion plox

>millennials, am i right???? xdd
a fetus isn't entitled to human rights because it relies on another organism's body to survive.

>a judge changed scientific truths
That is one hell of a court you Americans have, there. Had no idea that
A) law courts determine science and
B) America = the entire planet
>fucking amerimutts

DEFINITELY a feminist
WTF are you doing here, feminist roastie? Looking for orbiters?

no matter how much you assert that you're spilling the objective truth to a bunch of uncivilized mongs, you're still wrong.

I am right though. A baby coming out a vagina is a lot worse than a dick going into a vagina.

But in the great majority of cases, that baby ends up inside the woman through her own consensual decisions. Why do pro-choicers pretend that abortion clinics just exist for rape victims?

Is it because the reality is unsavoury to most people, that it's simply sluts making bad decisions and then getting off without consequences?

Nice try, kid, but youre back to
>egg = haploid tissue, zygote = living organism
so they ARE different before we even get to
>period = natural process, abortion (at that stage) = purposeful chemical burn

>mother has emotional overtones
To the mentally and emotionally healthy that is fine. Of course the inaccurate term
>host organism
was ALSO a choice made to emotionally influence readers - right, roastie?
If a sexually precocious 12 year old cant kill her neighbor she cant kill ANYONE.
Your unscientific emotional appeals are so shallow

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A baby isn't a consequence, it's a person. It's not a lesson to teach responsibility to women you deem sluts.
Like sex, you reserve the right to withdraw consent at any time.
I'm not pretending abortion clinics exist for rape victims. Abortion clinics don't exist where I live and many women have a much worse life because of it. We also at one point had sex education but we don't have that anymore, and birth control is not affordable or widely available. If my mom had access to abortion when she was raped, she would not have tried to kill herself so many times. she would have money because she would have been able to get a job when she was young instead of being a single mother.

You're really going to bat for a fucking zygote? Please google what that is before proceeding and then decide if it's comparable to murdering a neighbor.