How quickly can a person lose 50lbs of fat if they have 16 hours of free time during the day?

How quickly can a person lose 50lbs of fat if they have 16 hours of free time during the day?

Thinking about buying a cheap treadmill and walking for 10hrs a day.

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spend 15 of those hours not eating

Get a job you dirty neet

Get spin bike if your drity need that doesn't like to go out

Been out of work for too long, my resume goes straight in the trash.

Sidewalks here are just going to be ice for the next 6 months.

the quads have spoken, do not argue


do HIIT instead of pointless cardio

Get a fucking job and stop making excuses you waste of oxygen

Do week long fasts with 500g refeeds every 7 days while drinking snake juice and doing fasted keto cardio

Nah I still make money on my own.

get a job faggot I'm tired of paying taxes for trash like you

I make more money than you stupid wagie.

Nah, he might build muscle with HIIT and therefore increase weight. Better do gains killing cardio.

you can burn more calories walking than doing a bit of cycling.

Are you that faggot who made the burpee thread?

are you the faggot that browses Jow Forums 24/7?

stay on a sock you fat retard

Do Keto, OMAD, lift PPL? Or maybe run every day

what does "stay on a sock" mean? is this slave lingo?