/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

>Dave Tate at 15 years old edition

Reminder that most of you hate lifting heavy, and you should probably quit powerlifting.

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what metal tube legs

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Reminder when gbro said his buddy broke the ATWR squat @110 on his second attempt

Look how fkin high this squat is. Gbro BTFO

Today I squatted 300lbs for a single repetition and started doing memeburn

Non shit op

Reminder that herniated discs can be healed with a month of rehab.


reminder that 90% of herniated discs are self diagnosed bullshit


I want a gf that has bigger tits than me and also weighs less than me

Non shit op

Real thread

Nice blog *no sex noises*

Your thread was made later, stop with the thread wars.

Bench: 1x1@90% 5x8@70%
Dips: 5x8-10

Paused Bench: 6x2@80%
Seated DB Press: 4x8

Bench Press: 3x1@90%
Close Grip Bench: 7x5
DB Bench: 5x10

Bench Press: 1x1@90% 8x5@75%
Dips: 5x8-10

Paused Bench: 6x2@80%
Seated DB Press: 4x8

-Do some AMRAP test, say with 85%. If you get 3 reps, add 5 lbs to whatever max you're using to calculate percentages for the two week cycle in the first place. If you get 5+ reps, you can probably add 10 lbs. or you could do the same thing, but with a lighter weight (80%, increasing estimated max if you get 5+ reps, increasing it a lot if you get 8).
-If you prefer RPE, warm up and then work to a single that feels like a 9. This will be about 95% of your max. So divide that weight by .95 and use that as your new max. Benefits in that you can easily do a competition rep for this, while higher rep sets really don't agree with pauses. Downside is that a bad night's sleep or some such might skew your RPE. If you do this, follow it with 2x5 or 3x3@80%
Also, DB Bench Press: 5x10

ALSO, stuff that doesn't have a percentage listed lacks it because you aren't going to know your max Dip weight, or your heaviest Seated DB Press single. Pretty much all of them are assistance exercises, to be done with a rep or two in the tank, and somewhat short (2-5 minutes) rest between sets.

Bench press is a cope meme for people who lack the muscle mass to lift weight that isn't bitch weight. Their total failure at being a Man leads them to do gimmicky bullshit with the shortest ROM possible, relatively little muscle mass, and no useful movement pattern for actual sports, all in all basically a glorified accessory exercise, and claim it matters. These dirt dwelling plebs are inherently scared of anything weighing over 400 lbs, due to abusive relationships with their incredibly overweight mothers. And therefore avoid actual lifting, like squats or deadlifts, like the plague.

Deadlifts, however, are the working class lift. A simple lift for simple people, there's no getting around the raw, feral strength required to deadlift well.

Squats are a combination of the greatest muscle mass, purest technical proficiency, and highest level of mental focus. Truly the King of exercise and the one, true Patrician lift, one must be not only strong but also in total physical control as one lowers the weight of the world into the hole, if they hope to recover, and not have their dreams of squat excellence literally crushed under unforgiving gravity. The Squatchad Master Race should encourage and guide the Deadlift working class, and have sympathy and patience for the Bench Only GDE peasants, for they know not what they do, and understand not what fundamental failures of reproduction they are.

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Real thread
Non shit op

Migrate immediately

Nice blog *furious clicking*


In defense of the judges, it's pretty hard to identify the top of the knee when the lifter's legs are wrapped in more bandages than your average anime protagonist.

Who do homosexuals throw mentally ill tantrums?

Is this sean, raffy, or hank?

your hair looks nice in this picture

This is the straightest PLG I've seen to this day

can we just start doxxing these faggots already?

*shits in your face*

Nope. They will procreate by molesting children, and the cycle will continue.

i just want to see them get banned

Is that a face or an asshole

Reminds me of trappys porn tantrum on discord. That dude is fucked in the head.

What the fuck man

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