Do 3x5 bench with 180

>Do 3x5 bench with 180
>5 min rests
>Tiny pump
>Don't feel sore

>Do some dumb shit 2x10 bench with 135
>2x8 with 145
>1x6 with 165
>90 second rests
>Biggest chest pump ever
>Get sweaty as fuck
>Chest still sore 2 days later

Hmmmm..... Wonder what's gonna build my chest better. Probably the low volume one that the lazy fatties at Jow Forums shilled to me to cope with the fact that they're out of shape and have program remorse and fat hanging off their gut

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Do both you stupid fuck

DOMS is not the only indicator that you've stimulated growth, plus 3x5 is for strength not size

please don't tell me that you're actually so dumb that you couldn't figure this out on your own

>180 3x5
>15 total reps
>2700 lbs moved


>various weights, total of 42 reps
>6,010 total pounds moved

really makes u think

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It's not necessarily an indicator of growth at all.

your muscles being sore isn't a sign of gains

Post bodies

Are you fuckholes implying more volume isnt better for more growth?

Volume is better (up to a point and provided it's not junk workload). But soreness is not a good indicator of effective volume.

so you did double the volume in 1/3rd the time and it was harder no fuckign shit retard

>Not doing 5x10 heavy
Not gonna make it

This guy is right

Happy Hanukkah

Even just the 2x10 bench has the same workload as the 3x5 in far less time, no shit doing a higher workload is better, you dumb fag.

A big pump only is not directly related to maximum muscle growth. The biggest chest pump of my life was with 80kg x 35 (2 sets). I bet this wasn't optimal for size, but it was fun.

You literally can't separate strength from size you brainlet.

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Fuck off with that Jew number wizardry and reddit spacing.

>if someone knows multiplication they must be a jew
>t. person who failed high school

Do 5x10 heavy.
Start with 5x5, increment according to your capability.
Fight through the pain.

>this level of damage control
Numbers don’t mean shit. You can’t just add it up like that.

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This. I do 5x5 then move up to 5x6. Then I put the weight up. But I'm a barbell dyel so this is until I can do at least 2platelmao

Bro if you’re not trolling you legit need to go outside. Math is not a j00 conspiracy

and thats the dumbest post ive read today, stop perpetuating this broscience, dedicate an hour to understanding muscle fiber types, fiber recruitment, the henneman principle

>do dumb shit with baby weight in the gym
>gets DOMS
>thinks he got a good workout

Just do 5x5 bench, 3x8 dips as an accessory, and on OHP days, do 3x8 dumbbell bench to improve your stability

work smarter, not harder

Who is this slag?

It's obvious that higher reps cause size gains (aka sarcoplasmic hypertrophy).
It's less obvious to a beginner that lower reps help with strength.
You a beginner?
It's good that you're getting a feel of your body, now. You now know by experience, not just by hearing, that the higher rep scheme gets you more swollen.
Whatever your goals are, adjust your training to them.

>not doing 20x5 with 30 second rest times

>do significantly more movement than normal
>surprised and amazed when there's extra blood flow and soreness in muscles used

Clearly 3x5 is bullshit and everyone claiming to have gotten results from it is lying to fool you. After all, you scientifically determined that because it FEELS like your muscles are going to grow more then they definitely have to.

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Who the fuck rests for 5 min between sets. 5x5 will gain you mass. Do full reps rest 90 secs. Progressive overload. Not that hard

This is why i do the good ol reliable 3x10. 30 reps total and i increase the weights each week. Mix it up w 3x5s for checking my maxes

>junk workload
define that

I'm not OP but he's probably talking about shit like 50 reps of 20lbs for example. Sure you'll get a pump but it isn't doing anything useful

Alex Harper
t. someone who knows how to use reverse image search


>he thinks soreness is a good indicator of muscle growth
want me to tell you why I know you are dyel as fuck?

Don't forget about your back. It provides the most volume for your chest. I prescribe weighted pullups and barbell rows.


>In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that high-intensity (3–5 RM), low-volume resistance training program utilizing a long rest interval (3 min) is more advantageous than a moderate intensity, high-volume (10–12 RM) program utilizing a short rest interval (1 min) for stimulating upper body strength gains and muscle hypertrophy in resistance-trained men during an 8-week study.

i can bench 180 for 20 reps you sound like a little bitch

you all right excepted taht 90s rest when you are progressive overloading is not sustainable if youu want to complete your 3x5

>be me
>do 3x8-12
>take rather lengthy 2-3 min breaks
>get stronger quickly cuz noob gains
>now commuting to university
>only on campus 3 days a week
>get to work out each muscle group once per week instead of twice
>same workout regimen
>get stronger much more slowly obviously

fuck short rest intervals. literally what's the point?

15 reps vs 42 reps with less rest is more work!?!?

... my god! he's uncovered the secrets of the universe!!

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but you gotta do both, bro
here's a car dude analogy

>spend 8 weeks doing volume work for mass
increasing those cubic inches, bro

>spend 8 weeks doing 5x5, 5/3/1, etc
maximizing the output of the cubic inches you got

and for fuck's sake, do cardio
cardio is your valves, cam, and cylinder head work
why build a high performance motor if you're gonna run factory heads and cam