Confess Jow Forums

Confess Jow Forums

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I'll go 2 times to the gym this week, not 3 because of exams.

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I'm gay :(

I'm 22 moved back in with my parents and don't have a plan in life, i chase the anxiety with the gym

I just had one of these

Im fairly certain this is the ultimate way to cheat a meal. Its fucking 1130 kcal per, but fuck lads, its tasty as fuck. Calories and whatnot here

Taking a holiday to lagos?

I'm a gay otter and I went to the gym for the first time today, didn't know what to do and was nervous so I just spent 20mins on the cycle and left :(

Nah Im a local from Faro, had one in my uni. Just 7 euros with a soft drink is a damn good deal, I love the cheap food here.

Ahh lucky, beautiful country you have

Thanks user, things aint always easy but its nice to hear folks enjoy their stay here. Hope everything goes alright while you are visiting mate, have fun.

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I know that feeling all too well.
Find a beginners routine and try it out.
The first things I did were bench press, deadlifts, and squats

I'm fat as fuck and I pretend it doesn't bother me but it does, yet I don't want to lose strength.

I lift without a belt so I can tell myself I could pull 6pl8 with it even though I probably could pull the exact same weight.

I've been stuck/regressing on OHP for 6 months and don't know what the fuck to do.

I can't bring myself to do smaller movements because it's so fucking boring.

I probably can't curl 40kg

I've NEVER had upper body pulls in my program, ever, because I don't like them.

I can probably do 12 pullups tops

I like to cry when I run on the treadmill.
I haven't been caught yet.

are you ok bro

I'm afraid to do deadlift because of potential back injuries.

I didn't go to the gym last week.

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calisthenics is all i do

i want to cry but i just can't do it

been wanting to plan a trip to portugal with the sole purpose of getting this

Everything in my life is going better, but I'm still dejected because of my inability to get with someone.

I haven't gone to the gym since Sunday

I just ate crisps (chips) and a LOT of sugar (10~ biscuits. some syrupy baklava thing that was on top of the fridge) for breakfast and now my heart hurts (again), even though I told myself I was going to eat a proper meal ;_;

I'm sorry Jow Forums forgive me. I'm sorry me. Please don't die of a heart attack! I'll eat proper! I'll do cardio! PLS

I feel ya bro. I hurt my back doing deadlift, and so far it only taught me to approach the iron with respect and clarity, no ego lifting. I'm just getting back to where I was a few months ago before my injury, albeit taking everything 5-10x more slowly

Part of the reason why I'm in the gym so long is that I'm afraid of being home doing nothing

I'm not counting calories as much

I stare at people in the gym

I eat like shit over the weekends and drink a liter of vodka as well

All I do Sunday is sleep, I'm actually only active maybe 3-4 hours on Sunday before I go back to bed

I hurt my shoulder because of bad form on bench and now im gonna have to take time off to do rehab

Fucking sucks

im a /zoo/ guy, i like horses in a way i shouldnt like (not furry)

>usually lift MWF
>going to a dance with gf this Friday so I'll have to skip the gym
I'm hoping one of my classes gets out early so I can go earlier in the day and not have to skip, but I'm not autistic enough to make a huge deal of it if I don't get that chance.

The food is turbo cheap here user, if you wanna chill around, plan out for more food and some beaches, shits great here in the summer and depending in how how you want it, you can come a month or two behind the average tourist wave and be at relative peace.

Just a word of warning tho, if you go to lisbon, hands in your pockets, thieves are unfortunately common there so always carry a fake cheap one with you with a drawing of a ass or something to fuck with the gypsie wanabee cucks.

*how hot you want it, damn phone

Yesterday, I ate a bag of small cinnamon buns (1000kcal) after workout (5km of running and squats) instead of eating proper food with proteins. At least I didn't exceed my TDEE.

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I fapped twice today ending my 6 day streak... feel like shit and I have to control myself more so I dont fall to the jews again

The bulk has overcome me and I am getting fat as fuck.

I'm nursing some shoulder pain and shifted temporarily to cardio for recovery. This killed my motivation. I skipped the gym yesterday.

I wear panties to the gym to keep my dick n balls from being crushed while deadlifting

Killed my 3 day nofap streak by masturbating to videos of my ex.

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now dat must have been fun

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My favorite farts I like to smell are the ones when I consume 6 eggs.

During my noporn streak I got so horny, almost crossed the Canadaian border and hired a ladyboy prostitute

>falling for no porn
>almost crossing a fucking border just for trap ass
Dude, fucking what?

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Yeah, it was a video of us fucking so I closed by eyes and pretended she didn't break up with me and we did it irl haha

Had to stop myself from crying after my nut haha

I want to trim my legs but I fear people will notice and give me shit for it. I have done it once and it was so weird, but a good kind of weird

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>"falling for no porn"
oy vey

I have sexual fantasies with one of my coworkers. She’s cute and funny but it doesn’t work out it will be awkward as fuck.

I am deviating from my 3 times a week program by adding a shitload of accessories, including 1 hour for shoulders every other day to fix my posture
it's fine right?

LOL fag

>t. Jew double agent

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Go to a chiropractor dingus

> went to bakery for a sandwich and a vegetables tart for my dad
>Lots of qts work there
>Before me,there's a very old woman paying for her bread.
> Woman takes her bread and accidentally (?) picks my bag as well.
>Qts cashier tell her that she's taking my bag
>She apologized
>I, to disassemble the tension with the old lady jokingly tell her "hehe you are gonna get me starving hehe"
>Old lady looks at me
>With the nerve of a sharp shooter she says "it wouldn't be bad for you"
>Old woman laughs
>Several qts laugh
>I nervously laugh and say "heheh you're right hehe"
>Qt cashier says "oh lady that was very inconsiderate"
>I laugh and pat my belly
>Never come back

Damn I really miss those sandwiches

After a year of lifting I look pretty good but can't do more than three pull-ups, so I avoid them completely and use the lat pulldown machine to do them.
Also even though I look better than most of normies where I live I'm still very shy about going to the beach. I'd call it "this isn't even my final form" syndrome, I don't wanna go to the beach unless I look absolutely amazing.
>yeah ill just get massive pecs and then ill hit the beach
>yeah I only lack the abs now
>fuck I got a bit too cut, my biceps got smaller
>fuck I look like a triangle, gotta do legs
I'm never satisfied

but my physiotherapist was the one who added shoulder day

Mate, if you almost went and cross bordered just to get some ass, you might wanna aknowledge that noporn may not be 100% foolproof.

I live real close to the Canadian border and never imagined fucking one until I started using Jow Forums
Also vamp is a bisexual in metal gear

I've been made

I looked at ig thots this morning

That’s a different guy you responded to
It’s fits fault with all the boipussi memes

I'm not that guy. But all porn is cuck porn.

Been fucking this girl who has a boyfriend recently. Feels bad cus I've been on the other side multiple times, but i'm lonely and she likes me...sooo... yeah... girl I like has been treating me like a side ho lately. Don't know what do

>all porn is cuck porn

what the fuck dude where do you live
who the fuck would say this to a stranger
people beat the shit out of each other for smaller insults

Haha just how fat are you?

oh snap

>>With the nerve of a sharp shooter she says "it wouldn't be bad for you"
like ice

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I got lazy last week and only went to the gym 3 times instead of my usual 6 days a week

>who the fuck would say this to a stranger
A fucking old lady, and as every old lady or old whatever, they think they can say and do whatever they want because they are too old and they probably gonna die some day soon. It doesn't happen wherever you live? Old people cutting in line at the supermarket, old people making comments on girls that would get they their ass beat if it would be coming from a young man. Everything.
182cm (like 5'11 or 6'0 I don't understand those metrics) and weight 95kg. Pic related if it fits the size limit.

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I went back to chest exercises after almost 9 months of minimal work due to a shoulder injury.

On my last rep of 70kg bench I dropped the weight on myself and had to do a roll of shame.

I used to do that as a warmup.

go for it faggot dont let your dreams be dreams and don't care what others think

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Where I live most of old people are nice but they make "oh the modern youth" comments if teenagers are listening to loud music in the street or acting stupid in general. The only cases I've seen of old people acting mean was when they're standing in a bus/tram and youngsters are sitting and won't let them sit.
I had only one confrontation with boomerinas when there was a pro EU protest that blocked the tram lines and I was late for my dentist.

Yeah m8 you need to cut that visceral fat will kill you in no time

I'm a 5'8 skinny fat manlet with delusions of grandeur and want to become a twink.

I switched to hex bar and I am happy

I wanna get big but I hate splits.

when I was 11 or 12, I borrowed a friend' original, first edition Slifer the Sky Dragon card and never gave it back to him.

me too

Post body.

Bonus points if you post ass.

To be fully honest, my true and only confession is that enjoy mogging every single jawlet on this board and listening to their butthurt lamentations about "tilting", its as if they genuinely believe that hard tissue traits can be manipulated with in any possible way.
@at me all you want, I genuinely wonder where all of you buy head-wear and headgear, at Toys "R" Us?

i'm a porn addict and it's fucking with my head, i have zero confidence in myself and i've convinced myself i'm a dicklet even though on paper i'm actually above average

What a cunt