Being normal and healthy means you have to go against you bodies urge to eat 80% of your life

>being normal and healthy means you have to go against you bodies urge to eat 80% of your life

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We fucked up real bad and broke evolution

Your body urges for survival. It doesn't know that you have food in fridge or that you can go and get food whenever you want.
Throughout thousands and thousands of years it has been coded to make most out of the food you get, if you manage to catch an animal you can't store it so you have to eat it all at once or it will go bad and instead body stores it as fat, and you don't know when you will manage to hunt another animal, might be tomorrow or maybe next week, Humans had access to the amount of food we have today for a very short time, relatively. And never in history did humans have to work so little for it.

We evolved in a situation where food was scarce now it's not.

Good question. I always wondered that myself.
And good answer. I alwawys thought of that myself.

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i'm white and i don't have this problem. shitskins btfo

Literally "i'm fat because of genetics" excuse

mankind has a lot of experience surviving adversity, but almost none surviving prosperity

No. It's an explanation to why you want to over eat. People who say "i'm fat because of genetics" trying to say that being fat is their normal state

>It's an explanation to why you want to over eat.
Speak for yourself. I have to force myself to eat else i'd be a skellie

Lmao no. I have to go against my body's urge to not eat to be able to gain weight.
Gaining weight is objectively harder than losing it.

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I'm not talking about you.

>literally im fat because of genetics
The people who say that drink their TDEE in soda alone, and then blame everyone else for their failures. My argument was that we (as a species) are used to fighting and dying for a chance to eat, so food was always scarce. Now we can take a 5 minute drive in a protective shell to a big warehouse full of ready to eat food thats big enough to feed half of africa. We literally are not bred to handle this



Guess fucking what. You fags wouldn't survive the natural selection were you born when that was a thing. Storing food is one of the most important abilities. Today even disabled don't have to worry about that since society provides. Consider yourself lucky you were born when you did.

>being a retard with low impulse control means going against your body
you are an gay. You know what else you crave after getting used to it? HEROIN YOU FUCKING INBRED PSEUD FAGGOT

>You know what else you crave after getting used to it? HEROIN YOU FUCKING INBRED PSEUD FAGGOT

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>Literally "i'm fat because of genetics" excuse
People literally are fat because of genetics though, but that doesn't mean you can't make a conscious decision to not be fat.

>tfw my appetite is naturally inclined to maintain a normal and healthy body weight
>tfw I have to force myself to eat more if I want to make gains

Just do more of a slightly pleasant activity. You lift weights right? That's a very tedious slightly uncomfortable activity eating is like that but without the shit bits and pleasurable

just exercise you fucking retarded faggot

eat actual food instead of processed bullshit all the time, ever tried getting fat on fucking beans and salad?
I did, and I never managed to do it, it's impossible to get fat on beans and kale.

To be proper healthy and experience life as you're supposed to you need to abstain from 80% of activities popular in the modern world
>paleo diet
>lots of cardio
>avoiding social media, pop music, porn

humans and animals were/still are half-starved goblins eating everything they find. now we find a lot of shit to eat and eat it

Yes it it possible as long as you eat over your TDEE. Why are you on a fitness board if you don't know simple things as that? Have you even read the sticky?

He's talking about how difficult it is.

good luck eating 3000 calories of Kale

>meme, the post

faggots like you and op are looking for a quick magic solution instead of putting in work in order to change things

Unlikely that you need this much to gain weight. And I love how you started out with healthy food, then beans and kale and now backpedaled to only kale. eating only kale isn't very healthy either. But still possible.

>having to "fight" your body
I don't have control over my body but I don't have to "fight" it, you are all weak.

Whites are the fattest people on the planet. Is this a joke?

Spics are the fattest, t spic.

Most of your body's urges to eat within a day aren't natural and are a result of your shitty 6+ meals a day diet

Spics in America or spics in general? I'm not American so wouldn't know, but in Europe whites are disgustingly fat. I'd say the majority of over 30s are obese, it's disgusting.

In general, here in south america every other person is over weight.

Why is that? Your food seems relatively healthy compared to anglo diets

What are you even talking about you stupid fat fuck?

This a thousand times over. You fucking idiots have no self control, fuck I hate the fat autists that come on here

Lot of meat I'd say, kebabs are a very popular street food, lot of fried stuff too.

Assuming you were talking with a single person was one of your numerous mistakes

Not assuming I was talking to retards was my biggest one yet.

Dubs and underrated

Nature has selected for adaptation to scarcity for 4 billion years or so


>Gaining weight is objectively harder than losing it.
That is false. If that was the case then nobody would be fat.
You are just having a hard time because I assume you are trying to eat a massive amount of calories to bulk which is unnatural for the body.

I don't think most people in the west really understand hunger anymore. Not being full isn't hunger.

no argument lmao
eternally BTFO (seething!)

>go against you bodies urge to eat 80% of your life
you can just do keto and never feel hunger again. lmaoing @ cuckohydrate sympathisers

This, lmao stop eating so much. Your tummy hurts? Fucking deal with it pussy.

Top quote

Shouldn’t your body’s default be homeostasis? I feel like weight set point isn’t a myth but a culmination of physical and psychological habits.