
Is >pic related a good beginners program for aesthetics. I dont wannabe memed by SS or Rippletits

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It's just a basic full body push/pull routine.
It'll work as well as SS for a beginner, but then any non retarded routine will work for a beginner.

Killing yourself 1x1

It seems pretty strength-based for a goal of aesthetics. Too high-weight volume and little accessory work. And no stretching is just retarded.

Related Q. I’m running madcow + dips and chins over the winter for strength, but looking to add some aesthetic accessories (I’ll cut in the spring). Suggestions for lifts? I’m thinking 2-3 per workout. Maybe;
>Skull crushers & curls
>Calf raises & sit-ups
>Shrugs & good mornings
Thoughts? Suggestions?

1/2/3/4 is a meme. Legit just do .5/1/2/3 for 3x10 then work up to 5x10 slowly. Deadlift is 3x5 moving to 5x5. Do this on a Legs/Push/Pull schedule for consistent workouts with accessory movements for great results

strength=aesthetics for natties you stupid dork

>Deadlifting the day after squatting
>fuck all leg volume
>no varied rep ranges
Yeah sure why not
Stick with it Pajeet for a couple of months, eat a lot of protein and calories in general and you should be fine.
I'm not going to go full autism mode about the different ways you can achieve muscle hypertrophy/hyperplasia in the case of weighted stretching and why you should include all of them in your program.

you're not gonna get magic aesthetics at a beginner stage anyway

I'm not OP but I am just asking.

Is it better to do deadlifts on the same workout with squats (SS/SL style, 3x5 squats 1x5 deadlifts) or to deadlift the day after squats (Monday 3x5 squts, Tuesday 3x5 dedlifts)

I know it would be best to deadlift when lower body is fully recovered, but it does not suit my programming because I want to squat a lot, so just asking which is better.

>incline bench 245lbs 3x3, dip +90lbs 5x5
>chest 47.5"

I'd just do something like Monday 3x5 squats, 3-4x6-12 lighter deadlift variation (eg SLDL, deficit deadlifts, paused deadlifts, sumo if you pull conventional)
Wednesday Heavy deadlifts, light/volume squats or squat variations

Or something like that, I'd also throw in a fair bit more general leg volume (eg back extensions/glute ham raises/leg curls, split squats/lunges/leg presses/leg extensions/ hack squats) than just 3-6 sets/workout

wow, this routine looks so stupid, person who created it wanted it to be good for everything, ended up shitty at everything, master at none

>too much reps for strength
>too few isolations for hyperthrophy
you will get better, but at meh rate

I have same chest with 180 lbs flat bench, around 155 lbs incline bench
strength =/= hyperthrophy

>has a 47.5" chest
>bench sub 2pl8
>incline bench just above 1pl8
wanna know how i know you are lying?
>obligatory post body

Not that user but I'm sub 2pl8 and can incline bench 155 3x8. Chest small af tho

my point exactly when i said was lying lol

Just do your heavy compounds then add some hypertrophy work. Since your beginning do 5x5 to build good form under heavy weight and then do some 3x8-12 accessories (4x8 if your not a pussy). Try to get maybe 15+ sets combined. Should take around an hour if you stay on track, less if you superset

Assuming you got this from that Greg Nuckols article:

I did the same and added 20kg to each lift in two months doing this. Yes, even for bench and OHP

you wont ever become aesthetic without strength. repping dyel weights won't make you strong.

>weighted pull-ups for a beginner

>Thoughts? Suggestions?
No, sorry bro. We don't really talk about that stuff here.


>Starting Aesthetics
>3x6 instead of 3x5 to address that VOLUME problem of SS
>still hitting every body part 1,5 times a week (even ss does it better eg. you train your delts a bit when benching, so basically it's hit every training)
>bench, ohp and weighted dips on the same day will make a novice stall early on linear progression
>curls after heavy rows and pull ups
It's basically SS but much worse, it's like you got SS but shuffled exercises randomly and added that one rep to each set

you're fucking stupid

I don’t follow, this is at constant weight and you’re just working up to more volume?

Don't get me wrong, this is a pretty bad-ass attitude and I'm impressed, but take it back.

Couldn't you just do SS, but with 5x12 instead of 5x5?

>(no stretching)
you're being trolled, Pajeet

>SS, but with 5x12 instead of 5x5
do it for a week and then tell us how your hamstring feel

Take it back bro, I'm warning you. My feelings are dangerously close to becoming hurt.

I can't tell who is and isn't trolling on Jow Forums anymore..

Ill weigh in

The program is dogshit

Go do it, see you in a few.months when you blame it on your shitty genetics

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Your mother's stinkhole is dogshit, sir.
thank me later you fucking retard
buy the god damn book of the man, its good

I’ll check it out. What’s the basic summary of the program? For example, high volume isolation?

>still hitting every body part 1,5 times a week
because neither intensity nor volume are important but HOW MANY TIMES you hit the muscle per arbitrary period of time

is it too much to read the fucking page? if you have questions buy the book and read it. i did and i even translated it to make better notes.
if you are unwilling to invest some time and effort then please stick with your meme routine

I agree, just listen to Scooby. Replace his core workouts with ab raises and glute ham raises and you will have a better program than any of this bullshit.

Wow bro. Chill. You posted something and recommended I buy a book. Is it too much to ask you to explain the basic premise of the book before I buy it?


it explains principles to reach your goal effictive and with the most outcome. what else can i say, read the page and try the programm. if you like to advance or make your own programm according to your specificy buy the book and go for it.

Based merchant.

>buy this
>"cool what is this?"

based retard
i literally said to read the fucking page which is free
or pirate the shit
or stay with your meme routine

If you wanted to look as good as possible without any kinds of drugs and as little effort as possible, then just make sure you are not overweight and do bench press 1-2 times a week like 30-70 reps that's about it you will have natu gains 90% of your limits in no time. Mainly pecs and more muscular shoulders depending on your genetics for growth

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>responds to quote put out of context
>wow look at this SMART-ASS :-DDDDD

>it tells you how to get results
Thanks for the specificity brah. Enjoy your shilling.


fuck you

Okay, go back to shilling Holo or DERO you fucking street shitter

Fellow madcow. Here are mine. Since they're for aesthetics I do controlles reps, 3x8-10
>behind the neck press, bb curls, planks
>weight pull ups, weighted dips, weighted bicycle crunches
>lying overhead tricep extensions, db curls, side planks

If i'm low on time I'll do them in a circuit.

30-70 reps??
w-with lightweight, right?
h-how many sets?

What about including upper back exercises to counteract chances of risk of impingment?

Not enough volume, its TERRIBLE for aesthetics

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What does this mean?

If you have to ABxAxBx, you shouldn't even be here.

First of all you fucking faggot, I pretty much know it has to do with frequency of the workouts, but I've never seen it written that way.

So go blow it out your smug fucking ass, and thanks for adding to the shit soup of negativity this place has turned into.

Relax, I was making a pun. Wow you really got worked up.
By the way, how do you write in rest days?

Thanks, homes. Yeah I never got into the behind the neck but it sounds pretty good.
Maybe dumb but: Why not just do that instead of OHP instead of as an accessory?

D-D-Don't make f-fun of me!

>Not doing 5x5
>Never gonna make it

Holy shit. I was about to give you a serious answer. Then I read your reply to this guy’s cute little joke . Go eat shit as a preworkout and go do suicide benches to failure you overreacting dipshit. Unironically.

Probably means total volume. 5x12 would get you there.
What weight? Figure it based on what you can handle...

Too much legs; and drop the deadlift, that shit does nothing for muscle growth. Finally, no triceps?

You first, fuckbucket.

You, and others like you, are the reason why this place is fucking shit.

Shut up, faggot.

This routine is retarded - it's weight ranges really aren't in that sweet spot for strength and size. If you want an aesthetics focused beginner routine, do the Reg Parks 5x5

I was actually going to say the exact same thing about you, redditor

No, that program's fucking stupid.
>No pulls on A day
>No press on B day
>Weighted crunches
>3x5 deadlift

If you really want this to be worth something, move the OHP and dips over to B day and move the Rows and Curls over to A day so that they can activate the deadlifting muscles on non-deadlift day. And when you do get to deadlift, 3 heavy 5rm sets is very quickly going to become too much.

Also, ABxAxBx is fucking retarded. The overload events from the first A aren't going to eb adapted to by the first B. And this looks like an aesthetic routing based on the weighted crunches and calf raises, but the rep ranges look like a strength program. All in all this is garbage.

That thing about the deadlifts is a good point.

Way too much.

>came here for tips
ruined it
learned from that you shouldn't eat ass for preworkout or do suicide benches to failure

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fucked up my carrot posting ;(


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Ass is way too filling. A couple of braps is all you need pwo famski

OHP has a greater range of motion and utilizes the lats and 'upper chest'. You can go heavy relatively safe which is better for overall strength.

Behind the neck press hits the lateral and posterior delts better, as well as your traps, but more strain on your rotator cuff, so most people can't go as heavy, so not as effective from an overall strength perspective.

I really need to put BtNP as an accessory for my C day so that it interferes less with my B day, but it's only just recently been a problem of recovery.

>As well as SS.
No, it will not.

its kind of shit. people tend to give out on OHP in the higher rep ranges faster, doing more sets across is normally better for hypertrophy. Theres also a lot of other unnecessary shit. keep it simple tbqh. i'll just give u a sample novice program.

3x5 squats
3x5 bench
3x8 pendlay rows
10 Minutes of Dips AMRAP

3x5 squats
6x4 OHP
1x5 DL, then take 10-15% off and do another set of 1x5
10 Minutes of chin ups AMRAP

AxBxAxx, alternate with;

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wtf is amrap

as many reps as possible

read the sticky faggot.

why not just say xf, my man?

cause i dont want you to go to failure. AMRAP is to get as much volume with clean reps as possible.

Because you're not actually meant to hit failure.

thanks, i never knew that and i've been lifting for a while.

hey man thanks for this. seems like something i can follow.

a few questions - how do you figure out what weight to use for your sets

also with the AMRAP dips/chinups are you doing as many clean reps throughout the 10mins? as to say, if you start to fail, take short break and keep hitting clean reps?

>how do you figure out what weight to use for your sets
start with the bar and warm up. After the first set of 5 reps you should feel like you have 2 more reps in the tank.

To progress, you'll want to keep adding 5kg to all barbell exercises every workout until that feels like to much. then you'd switch to 2.5kg instead.
>if you start to fail, take short break and keep hitting clean reps?
pretty much. you'll find that you'll be able to do more clean reps the more you go along.

thank you!