Should I get a job, Jow Forums? I never had one before and I don't know about it

Should I get a job, Jow Forums? I never had one before and I don't know about it.

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how old are you


jesus fucking christ user, unless you're about to graduate with a masters or phd next year, yes get a job

what is stopping you

im 21 and made the mistake of not getting a job first saving money and then focus on college

now im broke cant find a job due no experience and im about to leave college if i dont get a job because im running out of money

i wish i got a job as soon as i finished hs why the fuck nobody told me this fuck it im kind of dissapointed i feel like all the years studying were on fucking vain

Wow. Ive has 5 jobs since 15 and even I think that’s not that much. I honestly wouldn’t unless you have a degree. It’s better to just go wash car windshields or sell hot cocoa/coffee on the street.. Any kind of business you can think of.
Either that or go work a canvassing job for a leftist group. They’re retarded and have so much money they’ll pay you $14 minimum w/o you even producing results no

All of those options or you can work at Walmart like a retard..

t.22 now

>what's stopping you
horrible ugliness; very bad social skills, low IQ, uncertainty; I've never had anyone rely on me so much and I don't know how I will handle it; I don't want to quit on them, I might be too afraid to ever quit

21 is easy. If you're 27yo user then you're more fucked but it's not that bad as I assume you're not a drug addict or some fucked up recluse with heavy mental problems. I can't help you specifically but you need to be asking around your college for help with work experience, placements, job offers, etc. If your degree is hard to find jobs for you should do this right away, if your degree is in demand then just start looking for related jobs now. Also look into further experience in your field and start talking to people to find out where opportunities lay.

Christ your useless. Get a job

Ugliness how? This is Jow Forums you better be lifting. Lifting will add at least 2 points, further looksmaxxing with haircut, posture and clothes will add at least 1 more. Confidence will add another 1 to 2. That's 4-5/10 minimum, which is likely more than you rate yourself now. Social skills can be trained. I used to walk up the stairs to a club I wanted to join, go half way, then walk back down since I was too scared to talk to people. I once fucked up socially so bad a female straight up treated me as if I was retarded while being slightly scared herself and next time sat far far away from me. Low IQ isn't too bad, if you can be aware of your shortcomings and have strategies to make up for them. And let's be honest, wagecuck jobs have little to no responsibility, once you work for a while, the main thing is to figure out how to do the least amount of work, slack off as much as possible, while remaining in the bosses good graces.


Apply for a retail job but this isn't your main hope since thousands of other no-name expendables will be applying for the same job. You want to look for a job that requires a qualification, one which is easy to get, and is in a job with high-turnover. This means it automatically cuts down on competition while creating demand for applicants. For me, this was being a bouncer where I lived. Luckily, being a bouncer meant I also had to lift and even more fortunately, I was able to copy mannerisms from other bouncers. Bouncers and security guards have to be confident males and so I was able to learn how to at least act like one from working as one.

This helped me grind social skills but any job interacting with people will eventually furnish you with the skill for basic greetings and not freaking out, to really banal quick conversation, to less dull conversation that normies have. For retail workers, their fear is sometimes actually burning out on and hating social interaction, even if they become good at it.

Can't really help you on low IQ but you can think of tips and tricks to help you remember or plan. For example I kept on losing my keys, wallet, phone etc, so now I have specific spots around the house I will place them in and I remember the number 3 each time I go out, so I pat my pockets for 3 things which ensures I have my wallet, keys and phone. You can kind of extend this to studying too, which you must do at some point. Without education, a persons life is not too great unless they are lucky, very sociable, hard-working and very entrepreneurial. I doubt you're any of those 4 things. With education, doors open for pathways that will make your life less suffering.

Make small steps but you better start now at 27. I started fixing my life at around 24-25 and it's already quite clear I missed the starting gun. This is a do or die thing. Go to the gym regularly. Start looking for jobs like I described above. All these things, now.

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holy fuck you loser. find a job ASAP. it will do incredible things for your self confidence and social skills. how the fuck do you even pay rent or put food on the table??

Gotta pay for that gym membership and/or home gym

>horrible ugliness; very bad social skills, low IQ
As long as you're in shape you sound like ideal candidate for a tradey job. Go labouring for a while, or get into landscape gardening. I'm a tree surgeon and don't need to be pretty, clever, or socially aware at all. I just need to turn up, work hard, and not be a pussy. Plus I make ok bucks. Never going to be rich, but I take 4 months off a year to hike so it's not too bad.

It's just too hard for me. I tried to get a cart pusher job at target once and I failed the interview. I don't think I'm suitable for anything.

>how the fuck do you even pay rent or put food on the table??
my mom in control of my autismbux and buys food for me and takes care of rent

I see a lot of guys around here planting trees and shit lately. How do I get into that?

Did you start fixing your underlying problems preventing you from getting a cart-pusher job?

I swear you faggot you better be going to the gym. If you can't move your life ahead getting a job, you need to gain some self-confidence from getting fit. It's the process of setting goals for yourself, working through hard things, and seeing yourself progress. You'll also get your self-mires and eventually mires from other people, which is like alcohol for social lube when talking to people.

Stop thinking of yourself as not suitable for anything. Think of yourself as someone with problems that need to be fixed. Cut the problems down small as possible and start fixing them fuck.

>mommy takes care of me
You bastard, is your father a limp dicked faggot without a job too? Who raised you to be this way? Do you want this to be your entire life? How are your parents okay with this???
Get a job.
Get fit.
Get the fuck outside.

31 here, literally never had a job.

Going for autism testing soon.


I really tried to go to the gym but it was hard. It took months to get me through the door even though I had paid for membership. Then I only had courage to use the treadmill even though I'm underweight. I can look up tutorial after tutorial but I feel very uncomfortable using weights (that are surrounded by people, to top it off).

And it doesn't matter much because I don't have the discipline to eat big in the first place.

steal a car and do a plea deal if you get caught

You sound like a perfect candidate for union work

all these fucking excuses, you're just gonna end up the same way you are now in a decade, at 37

I didn't even look up tutorials, just read the sticky, looked at the animated gifs on exrx and started doing random exercises at first. No one cares, pop in some headphones and blast music in your ears if you must.

>I don't have the discipline
for anything in life it seems, does your mother need to die or be seriously ill for you to change?

>tfw 27
>tfw only highschool diploma
>tfw no job

will i ever make it guys?

I just got offered a software developer job for 55k a year.

Conflict one whether or not to take, what do I do bro?

at worst it's a learning experience

Story, user? I feel kinda similar to you.

I got my first job about 7 months ago, so far i've lost 80 pounds. kitchen work pays like shit but they are basically saunas during summer.

25 years old, never had a job. Final year of uni, which means I have only this year to make it in music and make my passion my actual job.
Uni shit is just for my parents

Why don't you get a job?

Why are you having doubts?

Your parents failed you, desu