2 or 3 times a week
How often do you drink BEER?
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>turns around
One night of heavy drinking then like 2 or 3 days of a beer or two
I haven't drank anything but water for the last 6 years. Except 1 chocolate milk on a date because I didn't wan't to sperg my autism and drink water
>i'll never have this
I cold turkey'ed the following: Beer, Cigarettes, Soda, basically everything unhealthy.
Stop being so weak
Milk please
Y-yes, user? o_o
>chocolate milk is less autistic than water
I only drink wine im not some kind of peon who drinks estrogenic hop based fizzy manchild drinks
I'm a bartender at a brewery. I drink maybe 3x a week.
zero. drink vodka instead, no calories
who cares? bud light is shit.
Drunk once a week and a bottle or two with diner 1-2 a week
>no calories are in vodka
lmao at your life.
The drink of French and Italians. Enjoy your slow decline into becoming a passive homosexual.
I have a beer with dinner every goddamn day. I brew it and I don't keep drinking I run out space to store it.
it was cold and we specifically went for chocolate milk at some comfy Christmas market in Europe. If she's drinking it and I order water, that is autistic as fuck
How did the date go? Is that the only date you’ve had?
>no calories
I keep trying to get into wine, but it fucking sucks. I've gone from bottom of the barrel up to 30$ something bottles from France and the US. It's just not appealing whatsoever. The only time I really enjoy it is with a rare piece of beef. And even then I cant tell the difference between the 6$ red someone brought and the 20$ cab. It was just wine. Chardonnay is okay I guess
3 dates so far (getting a drink, movie and bowling), tomorrow 4th one at her house. And yes those are the only dates I ever had
I drink beer everyday because its delicious FUCK the haters
I need to cut back,,, but it's the only time I talk to people not associated with work / gym.... when I'm at the local bar/pub.
>tired of waking up tired at 1pm
Once every 3 months
Oh I should add I usually have beer 3 times a week. Used to be one or two a day, but i started really cutting back lately
>goes to bar with 9/10 out of his league qt
>"yeah hey ill have a chocolate milk"
your autism is safe user
la fin du monde is a fantastic beer. cheers
try a cru beaujolais
Daily for 5 years. Beer is incredibly healthy
it unironically is healthy. people are retarded
>b-but muh beer belly!
>literally drinking poison
holy fuck user you can be serious
Fake and gay.
Alcohol causes cancer and increases all-cause mortality at every known level of regular consumption
I'll give it a shot. Isnt Christmas the time it's usually prime? Like just released or something
>muh cancer
what a pussy
You don’t have to drink, user.
The only time I’ve drank more than half of an ultra light beer (alcoholic family) in the last 2 years is when I felt poisoned. And then it was wine.
I work with a lot of dangerous chemicals so most people won’t understand, but you feel low key like you’re gonna die, and not from autism. Alcohol can help clean the system of certain chemicals that won’t come out in sweat.
That’s been 3 times and I did spring back the second day following.
Find a couple good friends who drink and go out with them. Order a soda cuz lol it’s better than liquidgainzkiller and chill.
If your bros get too rowdy, maybe you should find more mature frenz
So does eating food and drinking water
Thank you user.
If I wasn’t 70s big, people would get condescending about it, but my joocy size speaks for itself when I turn down liquor gifts/drinks at bars
let me have my fun!
That’s a lie. Go fuck yourself with your beloved beer bottles
Vs not eating food? Wrong.
I drink about 5 beers a week give or take, but I actually go out and get drunk maybe once a month tops. I'll have one beer maybe post workout and thats it for the day, with ample water and food.
A beer now and then isnt going to kill you. but 6 drinks in a night is.
Moderation is key.
Good for you user. Good luck
oh no you're thinking of another level of beaujolais. the next one would be beaujolais village. a cru is the next higher quality beaujolais' that are fairly cheap for the quality. try a valpolicella aswell. i would suggest sticking to European or cold climate wines and avoid Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz/Syrah, and definitely Malbec, as they can be very rich. it really depends on your pallete though. I'd prefer strong tasting beer but mild, thin consistency, fruity wines.
I only drink beer when i'm out with the lads, maybe once or twice a month. Other than that i drink wine. Gets you drunk faster, less calories, less bloating.
the French have literally been rioting and torching cars for the last month you retard.
I drink every night. It's not that i am proud of it but it helps me with my constant nightmares.
Also i enjoy listening to music much more when i am little bit drunk.
I'm going to need at least four of those to turn you into a 7/10, bitch
I love beer, but it's full of carbs and carbs are literally satan. At least thanks to sugar alternatives I can delude myself into thinking that drinking a Zero Cola once in a while is okay, but I can't do the same mental gymnastics for beer.
Sweet, cold, delicious beer.
NOT drinking in moderation increases your risk of death. fact.
T-thanks. I'm still a virgin, but if we're on a 4th date and I'm at her house, and we don't get to fuck is there something wrong here?
BTW, i forgot to mention the fact that if you have once fallen for the existential crisis, for your whole life you will look for stuff to keep your mind busy. Some drink, some smoke, some chase women.. whatever works, lads.
you have to initiate le fugg for most girls.
It's some sort of a new meme being born I guess. Seen it a few times this week
Nice shrine to homosexuality you have there
Normally once casually on a weekday with work friends maybe 2 or 3 pints but normally fridays with my friends I drink too much beer
How do I unlock her as my wife
Pretty much just the weekend these days.
I'll give these a try this weekend. I want to enjoy the stuff because I dont always want carbonation and liquor gives me acid reflux real bad. Thanks for the advice bruh. I'm looking for exactly what you described in a wine
alcohol in moderation has more benefits than not drinking at all. go look it up faggot. tired of you nutrition nazis
I have a 6 pack daily, a lot more in the week end
this is overdoing it. what beer?
holy fuck you have a problem bro
My hero
Definitely too much. A six pack a week is okay, maybe a few more with a party thrown in every now and then. Try to cut back lad
I did the averages, even though I haven't had a beer or alcohol in 3 years, over the course of my life I average drinking beer two days per week.
I like your style homie
As for me I typically have 1-2 beers twice a week and then as much as it takes for me to achieve a solid buzz on Friday.
i just have a beer every now and then, im addicted to sweet tea tho
Light 3% beer
My job is stressful, I need to cool down. Doubt you know what kind of work I'm talking about though, you're probably a neet
>achieve a buzz
I handle work stress a lot better now that I no longer drink, doubt you know about tho, you're probably an alcoholic
Not the same person, but drinking made my work harder and more stressful just because my body felt like shit the day after drinking more than 2 beers and my brain felt groggy
beer makes me sleepy so I drink vodka. No puking and no hangover either
1 w-e/2...
Gotta restrict myself since I was becoming quite the alcoholic (binge twice every w-e, often with minimal sleep) and it ruined my gains.
Almost never
Also that woman's face is so fucking ugly
I'd settle for a woman like that when I'm 40-50 myself
How do i get a job at a brewery?
Very rarely, I am unable to drink in moderation.
...send in an application?
Went from heavy drinking to not drinking anything for 7 months now. I feel a lot better, dont feel like shit anymore in the morning and i have more energy + saved money.
Tried having a beer a couple of weeks ago but i hated the feeling. Im done with the liquid devil
So does depression and being cut off from social contact. I know which I'd rather die from.
about 1x per week. it's always available at my job. trying to cut it out completely though since I heard hops are estrogenic
Like, no special qualifications required?
0. It kills gains, makes you fat and, most importantly, is absolutely haram.
I went from having a bout a six pack a day to drinking nothing for like 5 months and i felt no different in any way. Im pretty sure its effecrs are drastically overstated
Never unless I'm with friends.
t. nofriends
what type of work
I have a beer on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
cashier at a fortune 50
Once every 2 months if I can help it. But oh boy do I get fucking sloshed. Thots doing jello shots off my stomach, arguments with foreigners and playing pool into the wee hours of the night with my boomer neighbors. Plus, the vascularity from the dehydration the next day is ungodly.
never. its the only alcohol i refuse to drink, tastes like shit, made for women and turns your body into abomination. Only strong alcohol in moderation is fine.
pretty fucking rare. Just socially and since I've been entirely consumed by uni for the last 3 months i've done it like twice.
weed is legal where i live so no need to engage with booze solo
>cherrypicking CNN articles
I can do that too
>More than 100 prospective studies show an inverse association between light to moderate drinking and risk of heart attack, ischemic (clot-caused) stroke, peripheral vascular disease, sudden cardiac death, and death from all cardiovascular causes. [20] The effect is fairly consistent, corresponding to a 25-40% reduction in risk.
>The connection between moderate drinking and lower risk of cardiovascular disease has been observed in men and women. It applies to people who do not have heart disease, and also to those at high risk for having a heart attack or stroke or dying of cardiovascular disease, including those with type 2 diabetes, [32, 33] high blood pressure, [34, 35] and existing cardiovascular disease. [34, 35] The benefits also extend to older individuals. [36]
1 beer everyday.
That being said I might grab a second right now. I'm writing a final paper for the semester and this beer really has helped my writer's block. The thoughts are flowing now.