Just had to watch my best and only friend get put down.
She was 21 years old and still full of life, i put her outside so she could get some sun while i cleaned her bed (a towel and pillow i keep in the corner of my bed) 30 minutes later i hear her howling and rush out to see my mums dog standing over her, i tackle her to the ground and headlock her and see my cat get up and try walk away but fall over several times seeing her leg bent beneath her. I call my mum and she comes home early to take her to the vet. Got an xray and the bone was fragmented bad that even surgery would be difficult, and considering the price started at 3k. I was left with no option. I don't know how I'm going to sleep; every night or day i have her right there next to my pillow so the first thing i see when i wake up is my cat.
I wish I could let my cat in my room when I'm sleeping. He just gets so damn excited around me that I can't sleep and I need to kick him out.
I don't get to spend much time with him since I work full time. I feel bad about it.
Zachary Moore
The sun in the heavens shall eternally warm her soul, OP. There is plenty of treats, snacks, and those annoying fucking tinklebell toys they love so much in the great catnip fields in the sky.
Sorry for the loss of your friend. Ignore the edge this thread shall bring.
you must kill and eat your mother's dog to honor your cat
Brayden Howard
sorry buddy. post made my heart hurt. can you see yourself getting another cat? it might save your life.
Kayden Bailey
Rip PussPuss. Fuck that dog piece of shit
Caleb Lewis
21 is a grand old age, I'm sure you gave her a great life homie. Her suffering is over.
Matthew Lee
I would have kicked the fucking dog to a pulp
Josiah Hernandez
That dog would be getting a bullet to the back of the head if that was my cat
Jace Ross
Rest in piss, doggo.
Isaiah Anderson
Did anyone else have a heart lul reading this and pretending he was talking about a human?
Josiah Wilson
Id fuvking snap that fucjers neck. Fuck that pup man. The only resson im akice is mh mitty
Adrian Cook
good luck snapping a dog's neck dude they literally use their neck to break other things' necks
Jose Johnson
I know your pain, user.
It's all doiwnhill from here, life was always somehow bearable as long as I had my best friend (cat). He was "put down" six years ago. Nothing's ever felt like a stable presence in my life since.
Matthew Howard
It may seem difficult to do but the sooner you adopt a new pet as a "replacement" the better you'll feel. And if you do adopt a new friend don't forget that he we'll never be the same as the one you once had with you.