I've been dating this girl for 3 months and I just recently noticed she has these fucking club thumbs... Does this mean my children would be condemned to having clubbed thumbs as well? How would it affect lifting / athletics / coordinated activities?
Would you date a girl with clubbed thumbs? Would they affect lifting / athletics?
i have club thumbs as well and my coordination sucks but im good to anything that envolves strenght power and speed
i never realized i had it untill i read this thread lol
That is disgusting. How do you let her touch you? Make that bitch wear gloves OP and it should be okay just don't look at her deformity
C'mon man, it's just thumbs. If you like each other's company, don't make something out of nothing.
Do either of your parents have it? Is it a dominant gene? I don't care that my girl has it, I just don't want my kids having it...
Answer is obviously no, OP. I am absolutely revolted by clubbed thumbs and I know a number of ladies with them. Fingers are one of the more important attributes in a woman, and surely you wouldn't want those deformed monstrosities stroking your cock.
They look disgusting. Something non human about them. Another thing I hate is outie belly buttons. Shits gross.
Honestly no. Disgusting really
>something out of nothing
t. Fucked thumb nigger
Who is this thot
i wish i could tell you but i dont know who is my father
my mom doesnt have it