How does he do it?
He doesn’t lift weights at all, he just plays soccer at an amateur level.
His father also played soccer and looks like a Chad. Is it just Chad genetics?
How does he do it?
He doesn’t lift weights at all, he just plays soccer at an amateur level.
His father also played soccer and looks like a Chad. Is it just Chad genetics?
Here’s his family, even his sister is a Stacey.
You sure it wasn’t superior athlete genetics from his father?
>He doesn’t lift weights at all
We can tell that just by looking at him.
So why is he then not that much smaller than most natty lifters while also being really lean?
Either Natty gain potential is atrociously bad or this guy would be the next Zyzz if he started lifting
Jesus Christ this man does not even lift weights and yet he looks better than 99.9% of lifters on Jow Forums
Genetics are insane
Even his non lifting mates are shredded
The fuck man
You're retarded if you think he doesn't do any form of resistance training
>this man does not even lift weights
>Genetics are insane
You're so fucking retarded its sad to see.
Ehhh, he looks okay. His shoulders are a strong point. Other than that I don't see why you would complain.
why are there people that think muscles just appear without training?
Just delete the board already.
He’s lying
It’s more impressive that way
They all lift, they are all on gear
> mfw when people on fit are asked if they lift they all say they do yoga or pilates to fuck with the other person
> this guy does it and everyone loses their minds
His legs are not impressive. For a soccer player they are god damn awful.
If you're this desperate to post yourself just make a CB thread fucking christ
Because a lot of people here don't actually lift weights.
There's a lot of lazy fat guys, trolls lazy skinnyfat guys, smelly nerds, incels and people from other boards that come here to shitpost.
If you lift weights in any form, you would know the guy in OP's pic even if he's using gear looks like he lifts weights because of his muscles.
this. The guy definitely works out.
dude the year is 2018. All the soccer chads are lifting these days. This is the truth.
We keep telling you to just be yourself and that you dont need to lift but you never listen. This is what could be user.
>There's a lot of lazy fat guys, trolls lazy skinnyfat guys, smelly nerds, incels and people from other boards that come here to shitpost.
>yeah bro just wii fit and zumba
Holy fuck you actually fell for it
He is lying retard. You're an idiot if you acctually tell people you lift. Makes you look like a God if you just 'play a bit of rugby and eat well' compared to every other DYEL
Calisthenics. He doesn't even look like he benches 1 pl8.
This. He probably:
1). Doesn't boast about his lifting
2). Has an appetite that is low compared to his energy needs which keeps him lean