Was quitting smoking worth it?

Was quitting smoking worth it?

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Yes, and so was picking the habit back up

I'm more addicted to vaping now, and I realized it's because I enjoyed the social aspect and the nice rush the nicotine used to give me.
Cigarettes feel like nothing but smoke now, I don't even get a head rush at all.

I still have an occasional cigarette for the social dopamine and aesthetic.

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OP here.

Been smoking heavily for about 2 years, getting real tired of it


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I'm and I smoked fairly heavily for little over a year. Got tired of the financial drain and the smell, and the having to go out during any social event.

Highly recommend you pick up vaping, a juul looks discrete and cool so you don't have to look like a fucking tool. They'll destroy any craving you have for cigarettes.

On another topic, what kind do you like? I'm a big fan of the full flavored dark blue parliaments.

Is this even a question? You're going to be 10, 20, 30 years older one day. Can you imagine how much of an idiot and a loser you'll feel like still being a smoker? Looking in the mirror one day seeing your face ragged and aged beyond its years because you didn't quit after the first year or whatever?

I saved so much, and I look and feel so much better. Don't make yourself live with the fact that you never quit.

Quitting each night so the first one in the morning is that much more satisfying.

>can actually run without getting winded
yeah I'd say it was worth it

How could it not be worth it? Cigarettes are horrible for you, there is no upside.

smoked so much toward my end that I couldnt eat at all. 3-4 packs a day of heavy cigarettes. decided to quit and did so with nicotine gum. 5 months later started vaping and realized nicotine makes my life much better, I just function better with it.
been vaping ever since. 7 months tobacco free now.
feeling much much better. best decision in my life quitting the sticks, quitting caffeine 2nd best decision.

I quit for 2 years and recently started again. Life was miserable not smoking

Why do cigarettes fuck me up more than pot? Is it just tolerance level since I’ve smojed weed for a lot longer over cigarettes? Can get down an 1:8 of an oz but will throw up over one ciggy

I would probably still smoke if they didn't fuck up my penis, 3 days after i quit (a year ago) my dick wouldn't go down, horny as hell 24/7 it was like i got my sexuality back, after years of believing i had ED turns out it was just the cigs

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seriously cannot kick this fucking habit right now. i keep trying to have discipline but that fucking insane buzz you get first thing in the morning is such ecstasy

I enjoyed sparking up at weekends and walking into the club thinking I was a rockstar.

Glad I grew up and kicked that shit in my late 20s. Despite a couple of brief, silly relapses. I've been tobacco and nicotine free for years now and am repelled by the damn things. You might as well offer me a turd on a plate to eat, I'm never smoking again. Same goes for booze too.

Any mental enslavement is worth quitting

looking cool user.. looking cool

Yes, I felt remarkably healthier in every way.

This guy knows.


You don't have to quit anything, just do whatever the fuck you want in moderation. Jesus christ

Christ user how did you breathe??

Even if I didn't indescribably better and more vital, and I weren't saved from a life lived in 45 minute increments of planning my next smoke, and I didn't have this incredible ability to breathe longer breaths than I had long since thought possible, and I wasn't grateful to stop having to fixate on whatever could agitate me next and cause me to need to escape, often causing those agitations, and even if I weren't so glad not to be coughing up black shit, and happy that my girlfriend will kiss me again because I no longer have brown hairs on my tongue;

It would still be worth it just financially. A pack a day is pretty goddamn expensive in the long run.

seriously, how the fuck do you smoke something that makes you feel good for 15 seconds max and then makes you feel like shit for the next 3 hours AND leaves a disgusting taste in your mouth. You have to be a literal BRAINLETTE to be addicted to something so shitty.

Do us all a favor and put that smelly shit down.

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smoking in moderation (few cigs per day maximum) is anabolic

snus when at home, smoke when out doing something. The true patrician way

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Yes. Any faggots on here who say otherwise are weak will crab people.

Yeah my skin, hair, teeth, and breath are better than ever

are you the >tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day guy?

>social aspect
Nofriends here
What's smoking with people like?

I only switched to vaping. The only notable differences are not coughing in the morning and a cold lasts 2-3 days instead of 2-3 weeks.

>Same goes for booze too.
i admire this

God I miss smoking. If it didn't affect your cardio I'd never have quit.

I started smoking at 17 and I'm 24 now and have recently developed a nasty smokers cough. I honestly love smoking but half decent darts can run you 18 bucks around here. I believe Export A greens are going for over 20 which is my prefered smoke. Between me and my gf that shit adds up. Every once in a while I'll get a carton of indians for 20 or 30 but they taste like ass. If I'm going to smoke I want to enjoy it.

Not the guy you replied to. Nothing special, maybe sorta satisfying because you're doing something with "the bros", but nothing else for me. Makes me more confused about how social smoking is the gateway for some.

Not quitting but I moved to ecigs, there's a high chance it's bad for me to smoke between sets but it calms me down

What about it makes you feel shit for 3 hours? Also, chewing gum gets rid of the bad breath.

I was coughing my lungs out gasping for air after even the slightest movement.

quit after 20 years smoking, breathe a whole hell of a lot easier. i also got rid of the psycho cunt who stressed me out every day so reliance on smoking was diminished.

Wouldn't know, winners don't quit :)

Yes it was worth. I live in Manitoba where it's now about $18-20 CDN a pack which is absolutely insane.

> girls go to the toilet together
> guys go for a smoke
> faggots are sitting at the table looking into their phones

>being this insecure

t. lonely non smoker checking his phone

I smoked for 10 years pack a fucking day and quit cold fucking turkey. It's not hard. It's only hard if your head isn't in the right place like a lot of these faggots itt. Get your head right and realize what a fucking retard you are for smoking.

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ex 3 pack a day smoker.
you're a fucking faggot.

Picked up smoking in engineering college, vaped for two years, then after 6 weeks of abstaining I beat the psychological addiction. Sure I'll take a hit of a friend's juul every now and then but I'm so glad I got over the nicotine meme.

nicotine is not that addicting
yeah the improved cardio is worth it

>not dying from small-cell lung cancer or emphysema at age 35
>not worth it
Wtf do you think, retard. Just quit already

cigarettes are retarded nigger tier
they impede musclegrowth and cardio
keep giving your money to the nicotine jew and hurting your fitness

Smoking on every party, avg 2-3 times a month (that is pack/month) and i'm not going to quit that habit.

people smoke socially to level your serotonin, cortisol levels from social anxiety

tried to pick up smoking because curiosity about the vague description people give of what it feels like

turns out it feels like burning your throat and licking an ash tray. i think most people just do it to look cool.

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I've been off cigs for 3 days now (may not seem like a lot), after being a pack a day smoker for 18 years. Having tried multiple times and failed vaping seems to be working. This is the longest I've went without cigs, with the ability to still get them easily.

I have terrible gum disease which has been attributed to the smoking. I'm not sure how much better vaping is for my gums rather than cigs, but I'm sure it's a little tiny bit better.

The next stop is to quit tho, so I'll be mixing my liquids together with non nicotine liquid next week to try and ween off it.

Also a problem with vaping I've found is I'm unsure how much nicotine I'm actually consuming. At least with a pack, you'd be like ah shit I've smoked a lot today (if you had to open another packet) but with vape you dunno unless you measure how many times you top it up. Anyone got any insight on that part?

Pack a day smoke for the past 5+ years.

Part of me wants to quit, for health reasons.

But another part of me doesnt want too. Smoking elivates stress for me, makes me feel relaxed. I'm geniunelly happy when I'm sitting outside smoking, thinking to myself. No matter how sad nor down I am, a cigarette always helps. It's not just the nictoine either.

I love the taste of the different blends, finding new tobacco blends and the alike. So I guess I'm not qutting anytime soon.

I think so

>smoked so much toward my end

did you died?

Don't this is so real

Why not just reflect without the cig

The cig makes it though, user.

I dont know why, but I do sometimes feel as though cigarettes are the only thing that allows me to cope with my life.

What do if I smoke and have constant boners cause incel

Health-wise? Hell yes.

Social-wise? Absolutely not. Most of the conversations and icebreakers I've had were started over cigarette breaks. Nowadays it feels like I barely speak to people.

6 € a pack of 20 here in Germanistan. Can remember getting them for 2 €.

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try $24 AUD here in Australia m8.

Its basicly just a "lets go for a smoke real quick"
Its not like you instandly get something to talk about so you still have to make a effort to not make it a awkward silence

You inspire me

Grab a Juul buddy, trust me. The boner gains alone make it worth it. and you know, not getting cancer..

>tobacco tastes like ash

$100 says you wouldnt ever order any spirit straight

cant blame cigarettes for your underdeveloped pallette

t. non smoker but by God a cigarette and strong coffee are a match made in heaven

This. Every smoker over 30 i know hates themselves for smoking. Just stop now, it's so much easier.

with vaping you know how much you're consuming based on how often you have to change pods/refill tank. Easy to tell after a few days.

Wasn't worth starting that's for sure. Shits fucking me up.

i smoke cigars, not gonna quit. gotta keep investing in projects having negative impact in third world areas while having positive impacts on my account balance

Still blazin it everyday you faggot

Worth what? What's so great about smoking to make it worth it in the first place?

yessir desu senpai.

I feel you bro

No user, you NEVER get rid of the bad breath unless you stop for a few weeks.
You are just used to the disgusting smell, but non-smokers can smell it if you get too close.

A smoking boxer is a smoked boxer.
My endurance went through the roof and I stopped getting those sharp needle-like pains on my right obliques

I started smoking because of the Marine Corps. I started dipping so I could stop chain smoking. Dip is cheaper and more discreet than smoking. I feel it was worth it.

I dont have daddy issues so i never started

Yes, smoking is literally sub-human tier

two of the people I work with are missing or have fucked up all of their teeth