These are the steroids that made Jason Blaha's body. Say something funny about it
These are the steroids that made Jason Blaha's body. Say something funny about it
>roiding for this
imagine what he would look like not on anything LOL.
how many videos can he make saying the same shit about sticking to the big lifts and doing linear progression?
For eternity. He is lazy and will never get a real job.
love this one. Mind if I save it?
Its all yours, friend
-Jim and Nancy
well. at least something goes in and something goes out, right?
>mfw you save it
>roiding for this
At the end of the day, Blaha still didn't drink the piss of a black tranny.
Is Brittany name of Blaha's tranny? Are they not together anymore or why is she sending those pics?
Sry I don't follow this shitshow anymore.
They're both shit, Bloho is much worse.
Brittany is Bloho's EX tranny. They broke up and she started giving away his secrets because he tried to get her arrested. He has dirt on her tho so she has shut the fuck up lately
that's a lot of steroids. he should just run Naturally Enhanced (TM)
There is no way he is on roids, just look at him.
hes admitted it so many times man, hes run them basically his whole life
Nah Lenny is worse. He let a tranny fuck him and let someone film it.
He has no self respect.
Either do you you fucking faggot
>Say something funny about it
his body is already the best punchline
All I see is some testosterone though, which is what he already admits to using?
Ok, I don’t follow him at all, but every picture I’ve seen of him he looks like absolute shit. Does he just roid and then sit on his ass all day making videos?
He has been claiming he is on TRT which is Doctor prescribed. This proves otherwise. He's blasting steroids and still looks like shit.
He looks so much like a fat version of a boss I used to have. Absolutely disgusting.
Our boi Hemmingway
I remember some guy said he saw him on a gym and did exactly that, took long ass rest periods lifting with 1/8 rom and not interacting with anybody in an autistic way
Don't know if true but it sounds pretty plausible
how the fuck do you make your own juice?
If you can follow a recipe and you can get powdered test you can make your own test injectables.
he looks like he's sick.