
It's Jow Forums humor time. How are your 1-rep maxes boys?

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If i wanted humor id ask for yours

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saw this one in the last thread, absolutely killed me

Attached: One of the funniest things I've ever read.jpg (1600x3600, 897K)

Do we have to do an humor thread every two days? It's not like there's anything new to share

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>no homo tho

good kek.

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This is fucking gay but so... heartwarming

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I discussed this with my gf. Letting your body be ruined like this is pretty much the same as cheating and a valid reason to change partners.

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Vroom vroom Fuckcycle!

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ur 1rm

Best thing that came out of this artist.

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What is this from? Is the whole movie as funny as a this scene?

No idea my brochacho. Stole it from previous Jow Forums humor thread.

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So close to that 3pl8 bench

yo what is the name of the bitch in the blue bikini top?

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Shit I'm sick and can't even finish my training. Sad.

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I know that feel
Im on meds
All i wanna is just work out


>sick for 2 week
>fine for a month
>hemorrhoid problem for 1 week
>immediately followed by being sick for 1 week again
I am seriously considering going to the gym tomorrow, I'm almost 100% but know people will hate it.

> hemorrhoid

fuck this shit, no matter what amount of fiber I eat and how much water I drink, they always come back

GOD I wish that were me.


Wow, this hits very close to home.

Does anyone have that webm of the bodybuilders on stage, and then a woman in high heels walks into the frame and it shows how small they are in perspective?

Attached: the last thing zyzz saw.webm (384x288, 148K)

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Being sad is the default state of humans.
of some, at least

i really like how he portrayed the scenario with the husband. Fits so well lmao

>I'm stuck drooling down the slide like honey on duct tape
Lost so early, these are sine nice posts Sanchez.

>Have haemorrhoids real bad once
>Still have a small flap of skin dangling on the ring of my asshole
>Wiping has become a chore
I know that feel brah

this is now a racecar johnny thread

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>I slowly roll away


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Right is better than the 3 little elliot rodgers

anyone got the
>u mirin
>yeah im miran
meme? need it real fast


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Can someone post the dude who isnt sure if the parent talking to her son is saying hes buff or a manlet

That's less than strongmen eat.

strongmen aren't 150lb

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The kids on the right all look disabled.

considering they got white trash for a mother, and presumably father, they pretty much are compared to a human


This is fake as fuck though. Even the incels on r/incels thought it was bullshit.

who's that cute busty girl ?

>tfw got sick for a month
>never really get better
>get chronic stomach problems
>get hemos
>might have some kind of bad disease that makes my whole body hurt
>haven't hit the gym for 1 year now
>barely come to /fit anymore because I can't take it
I just feel like crying nowadays, what has become of me.


based and cunnypilled
how can old hags even compete?

Had pneumonia for the first time. Could not lift correctly for a month. Fucking sucked.

I'd like to be woken up by those tits any time

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>someone saved and reposted an old ass gif that I posted a few days back

Feels good

One literally asked

>thanks Olivia, you fucking cunt.

Im listening user. Ive got HPV and cant train.

How do you feel? Hows your body looking

angie varona

dude i had to think for literally 25 minutes to remember

>wasting 25 minutes of your life to help a newfag

>wasting 25 seconds of your life to responder to a goatherd

Hahahaha, what the fuck is going on in this picture? It looks like /sir/ changed his art style for this year's comic.

I wish autistic shit like this happened at my gym.

>Not bull riding a half sausage at the Lego gym

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>Lego gym

I now also see this, holy shit. This is too good. And what the fuck is up with the squirt machine?

Attached: It+costs+two+hundred+thousand+dollars+to+dump+this+shit+_c75ca48cb602c33c0b986627c52fd755.jpg (256x384, 18K)

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I aim to please my dude, albeit this is merely a stolen content from previous threads.

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this one got me into tears

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Positively retarded, good read

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The squirt machine is what we used to call your mom back before she had you

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It's from a tv series "Girls"


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>hope that cleared everything up

audible keks were had

Tweaked my left rhomboid a couple weeks ago and still can't diddly more than a plate without it feeling like my spine is going to fly out my back. Kill me

>(this is healthy)
This guy's last post read like something out of the Fur Trapper Saga

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Funny thing is, he is right, but is also the most miserable man on the planet. Who would want that, to be the smartest and understand the most, but lock yourself in your own prison and never tell anyone anything except dancing weevils on a Lake Chad water examination site?

He's not right though. You faggots need to stop reading about life and trying to live vicariously through others and actually do it yourself.

Your him
But can someone maybe compliment my sick burn and not the content of my pic?

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>getting sick
I haven’t been sick in like 3 years. Get a better fucking body, immunlet

There was some /tg shit in the last thread too. Did they like, kick you guys out or something? I haven't gone to /tg in a year.

>But can someone maybe compliment my sick burn and not the content of my pic?
You fell for the classic newfag mistake of making a post wherein the picture was more interesting than the content of the post. The joke was alright tho

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This is honestly peak Jow Forums. Jow Forums as a whole was always autistic but it used to be loveably autistic. Nowadays incels can't stop reeeing and it's whipped the rest of the autists here into a negative mood. We need more tard wranglers

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