When did you realize humans are weak and slow

his 500 kg deadlift doesnt surprise taking in count in my first lifting year i got up to a 250 KG deadlift

when did you realize strenght is a meme and everything comes down to aesthetics ?

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The moment I liked the man in the mirror

Everyone trains for aesthetics until they realize they have shit genetics then they gain fat to cover their shit insertions and dumpy bodies and become power lifters

kek it took you a whole year?

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Tfw when godly serratus and ab insertions but ugly pectorals and average shoulders. Even getting fat cant hide this shame.

lol dyel i did 250kg in 8 months

this fat fuck i so obviously photoshopping his gigantic gut & arms

this just proves my point even more how strenght is overrated

can't stand this cunt

you don't do sports or fight much do ya, kiddo?

no auntie he not tyrone or a dumb beaner.

...he's not....that's the tragic part

lmao I reached 250 within my first month of lifting. Weak faggot

>what is competitive fighting

>haha if i just keep making the same progress forever 500 kilos is a joke what a weakling
t. Newbie.

what the fuck, how did it take all you people so long to get to 250kg lol.

get a coach or something, once you have proper form and understand the lift any novice can pull that.

>Not hitting 250kg for reps on your first day

>great pec insertions
>wide big shoulders
>great serratus
>wonky ab insertions

Literally doesn't matter as long as you are healthy. Only reason to lift is to brain and moodmaxx

a-aesthetics are j-just overrated

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OP you really are a weak fuck, I don’t even have a lifting background and I pulled 250KG for reps after my first month of SS. Sorry you have inferior genetics

You realize the difference between those weights is decades long, right? Or did you get your little baby gains and think "oh this is easy. This is always going to be this easy." You're dumb

>The world record doesn't surprise me because I got halfway to it on steroids.

>everyone in this thread is an elite level deadlifter according to symmetric strength

how obvious does bait have to be before you stop falling for it?

Am I the only one here who thinks Eddie Looks retarded whenever he smiles

Fuck aesthetics, get strong and date a qt3.14 that's blind.

one of the problems with being autistic is I take everything literally

kek he sort of does. he used to be pretty good looking back when he was ligther and presumably on less gear

In my personal opinion he looked better when he had the full beard

If you did a 250 kg deadlift in your first year and you don't just e-statting, pls consider a powerlifting career because you have elite genetics maybe 1% on earth have.

yeah I think he had it back when we wasn't a bloatloard at some point.
also he actually looked significantly older back then, r u g g e d as fuck

Eddie is retarded.

This, imagine doing that amount of irreparable damage to your body and inducing several chronic health conditions in yourself just to lift slightly heavier weights than other people.

I really want to respect the guy for his drive and lifts but he makes it pretty hard at times.