What the hell is going on!?

What is this red bump shit going on in my mouth and how do I make it dissapear? This coupled with the constant tonsil stones could be the end of me. No amount of gains can hide and ugly, stinky mouth.

How can I get rid of this AND the tonsil stones too.

Attached: WTF.jpg (485x265, 13K)

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Oh no no no no. I'm gonna be a khv forever. Someone is punishing me for something.

I'M SORRY!!!!!!!

Attached: 1543223812778.png (1277x772, 1.44M)

Stop suggin dic

I don't suck dick. I don't even kiss women, I brush twice a day and floss but I still end up like this.

just get your tonsils removed, retard

cancer, RIP

3 months of SS + GOMAD should get rid of those bumpy thingies in your mouth

i have those too, id focus on the tonsil stones the little bumps dont matter at all.

They're normal, google it you dodo

Brush your teeth and floss sufficiently, drink water, sleep enough, lose fat faggot, eat better, breath through your nose. That’s a Start

Use a tongue scraper if you aren't already.

Attached: copper-tongue-scraper.png (1920x1080, 704K)

Id rather not. With my luck I'll die.
How do I stop the tonsil stones from coming?
Are there some kind of breathing techniques I should know or just always breath through the nose?
Sure I'll start using those if it will clean up this stinky wasteland

fucking mouth breathers

Over exposure to jizz.

I was talking to my girl friend the other day and she turned to me and said “user you are weird but handsome why do you not have a girlfriend yet?”
I was shy and told her that she could be my girlfriend but she laughed and said “no I’m Tj girlfriend, I’m just your girlfriend”
It burns deep and I wanted to be more than just her boyfriend but she has a boyfriend and he gets pretty hereabouts Jeremy (if you know what I mean)
Kind of confused why she would compliment me and then shit me down, I do know she always whispers to her younger sister when I’m around (if you’ll pardon the pun)

god, wtf are you saying man

Talking about the girl. (If you get the pun)

Looks a bit thrushy in there!

Try switching to a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate. Sensodyne Pronamel is a good one.

based stroke poster

There are tonsil stone kits that allow you to remove the stones yourself, or you can try a water oral irrigation unit.


That's your circumvallate papillae. Don't freak out and give yourself hypochondria like I did.


bait thread.
>oh look guys, I just noticed early stage of cancer by accident
>I'm gonna post about it on 4channel instead of going to the doctor