>match with tons of hot girls on tinder >always have a nice conversation, manage to get number and we continue talking on whatsapp >user, how tall are you >tell them im 5'7 >they say: awwhh cute and then proceed to ghost me after
the reason i went to the gym was to look better, and it did make me look a lotbetter, i went from a 5/10 to a solid 7.9/10, but my height is literally killing all my chances
You can get height gains by repeatly breaking and revealing your legs. That should be your new leg day routinr
Oliver White
Wear lift shoes and give them the exaggerated height. Bitches wear makeup and use Myspace angles, so it's fair game.
Jayden Martin
Anonymous 12/07/18(Fri)07:46:09 No.48639037▶>match with tons of hot girls on tinder >always have a nice conversation, manage to get number and we continue talking on whatsapp >user, how tall are you >tell them im 5'7 >they say: awwhh cute and then proceed to ghost me after
the reason i went to the gym was to look better, and it did make me look a lotbetter, i went from a 5/10 to a solid 7.9/10, but my height is literally killing all my chances
should i just kms at this point?? >> Anonymous 12/07/18(Fri)07:48:00 No.48639064▶ (OP) # Don't rely on tinder. Pick up chicks irl [Post a Reply][Return] [Catalog] [Top] 1 / 0 / 2 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
I think the problem is you tell them how high you are. I always say I am higher than I am they never care.
Wyatt Rodriguez
lie and say you're 6'3", wear lifts when you go meet them. then later in life get heightening surgery where they bust your legs to make them heal longer.
Leo Campbell
this. just lie and say youre 5'9". women aren't good enough at measuring things to know the difference.
Bentley Hernandez
Dude you think you have it rough try being 5"3
Kevin Scott
youre get high too?
Henry Miller
literally the only req for being on the bachelorette is to be single, young and above 5'11
Be careful with this, I used to do PUA approaches at the mall, then one day I went and they had a poster with a surveillance picture of me warning girls. Apparently some girls had complained about me.
Levi Thomas
Fuk it. I’ve been kicked out of college campuses bc of “harassment”...I touched a girl on the shoulder. This society is honestly so pathetic..
I'm 5'9'' and need to get in the habit of telling girls I'm 5'10''.
PUA is trash. Social circle or internet. Those are your two choices.
Jayden Campbell
I approach girl just to make them uncomfortable
>what are you, a phone addict? why are you so shy? >don't worry I love you even tho you ugly
Jordan Reed
just write 6'7 and then say oops must have been a typo when you meet them
Ayden Jones
Stopping meeting women online.
Conquoer a do,win for yourself. This is where you are most attractive, somewhere you are competent and respected.
Stop telling them how tall you are. When they ask lie, or be truly based and ghost them.
Connor Scott
Oliver Brooks
Fucking ios.
Ryder Bailey
Ethan Green
Julian Morgan
This desu user, I’m 5’7 and hitting that 5’8 threshold makes a huge difference. The issue is people really do notice the difference between shoes on and off, try not to stand around girls with your shoes off, they notice fucking INSTANTLY if you’re suddenly 1 inch shorter.
Jace Bailey
David Thomas
Man there is some shit advice in this thread. Find a girl you can hold a conversation and don’t bring up height yourself, allow her to do that When it comes up tell her you’re like 4”0 or some shit, be able to joke about it. It’s not the height they mind so much as your insecurity associated with it I’m the same height and have pulled loads of girls on tinder, the last one was also 5”7 and she didn’t have a problem with it. You’re your greatest enemy here, stop criticizing yourself on things you can’t change and work on things you can.
Christian Rogers
You know there are short women out there as well? You will find someone.