Healthy vegan diet

>healthy vegan diet
>moderately rich
>fully dedicated to his training
>has his own place
>has a beautiful wife
>has a loving fanbase despite being a sociopath asshole

how comes this guys has such a great life and I don't?

Attached: 20181206_150729.png (1308x1080, 615K)

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i dont get it.
his wife looked ugly af 1 year ago.
how did she become a solid 7/10?

Lives in an apartment and has a moped, how is he moderately rich?

regular showers and a new haircut

He barely benches 2pl8 despite lifting for years.

>how comes this guys has such a great life and I don't?
Because he is better than you

his skin is not green anymore?

your standards fell as you got older.

Damn, didn't know el goblino found himself a cute boyfriend.

what are his stats? does he even lift?