Do negative pullups improve reggie pullups or are negatives a meme?

do negative pullups improve reggie pullups or are negatives a meme?

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Negatives are for when you're too weak to do regular pullups. If you want, you can just lower yourself more slowly when doing regular pullups.

negatives are legit, couldn't do 1 regular, worked my way from 1 negative to ~5 negatives, then to 2 regular...
now can do 3x10 regular

Who the fuck is reggie?

If you can do sets of 4-5 chins, do chins

If you can do less or none, do negatives, banded, and jumping (jump up and grab the bar, use momentum to assist the chin)

Assisted pull-up machine is a meme


nigga just do rows. By the time you can row 135 for reps you should be able to do a couple pull ups. Way more convenient way to progress

wouldnt u need to do a regular pull up to get into the starting position

just jump up to the bar or do it CrossFit style

Negatives will help you get your first pullup if you can't do one.
If you are already good at pullups the best way to improve is to add weight. Even just a little weight will massively improve your pullups. I only add 5-10lbs and it has really improved my pullups

Negatives are legit. If you're stalling on negatives, try adding a static hold to each negative.

they don't improve regular pullups, they allow people who can't do 1 pullup to build the strength to be able to.

Lat pulldowns worked for me

It's not though. You get stronger at pullups by practicing the movement. If you can't do the entire movement, doing negatives is the next best thing.

it literally is. By doing rows you are training your CNS to actually utilize your lats, which is what is going to give you the ability to do pull ups

I went from doing 0 to 15 bodyweight pullups by increasing my barbell row from 95 lb to 250 lb. I literally went from 0 to 10+ without doing a single pull up in between

Not that guy but dumbell rows in my workout for the past two months got me to doing 3x5 pullups without practicing the motion at all. I'm fat too 5'7" 290lbs. Working on losing weight and being able to do more reps before adding weight to my pullups.

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Also, it's funny how you think magically increasing your bent over row has zero carryover to pulling yourself up. Haha yeah imagine being able to strict row 225 but not being able to do a single pull up that happens all the time xD

>290 lbs
Typo I meant 190. If I weighed 290 I'd kms.

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makes sense

I can only do 3 pull ups then 2 then 1. I’ve tried the machine but it skways hurtd my shoulder so i stopped using it. Why is it bad?

i made this same thread with the exact same picture about a month ago and can do 3 or 4 pull-ups now. negatives actually work wonders. what worked for me was doing high sets, around 7 with low reps, taking a long time to reach the bottom.

niggas can do one pull up? i thought pull ups were DYLE baby shit
holy fuck i feel a lot better about myself now since i do like 30 a day as apart of my home routine

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Any lifter with respectable stats can do a minimum of 10 pullups.

happens, rowing your bodyweight is the same as a pullup

They can help. Program them like they're a negative 30lb pull up or something, do them in sets. Also assisted pullups can help. This is mostly assuming you can't do any or many pullups alone. They helped me get my first full pull up.

>be me
>do rows, lat pulldown, assisted chin ups
>make extremely slow progress on chin ups over 6 months
>I started out fat so it's even worse
>was at 70 lbs of assistance on chin ups on the machine
>people here tell me assisted chin/pull up machine is shit, do negatives
>I do
>after just 2 weeks of negatives I can do 1-2 chin ups
>can currently do ~5 and making steady progress

Doing negatives was legitimately some of the best advice I got from Jow Forums. The assisted pull up is a fucking meme, and lat pulls and rows wont help you much. My progress was crazy slow until my body had to adapt to pulling all my weight. Do negatives

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My thoughts exactly... I guess you could use a step stool?

the assistance machine is useful if you only set it to 30-40 lbs and emphasize REALLY SLOW eccentrics

I actually prefer that to regular negatives, and they're arguably harder because you have to control the inertia of the assistance machine

I do dips this way, doesn't fuck up my shoulders the way regular dips too and I find them just as challenging

Reminder that half of the difficulty in a pull up is technique, NOT strength. People who can't do them have shit technique.

Yeah it's a meme. Everything is a meme. Don't do anything anyone ever says because it's just a meme.

100 manlet experts not understanding reasons for appliying eccentric or concentric training methodology.. "we all gonna make it brahs"

They work, I started with 3x5 negatives back in August.

Then Once I could do pull-ups I would do as many as I could of 3x5 and get the rest with negatives

Now I do 3x5 with 17.5 lbs attached to me

I did pull-ups every workout by the way(3 times a week)


I should say add that once I could hit 3x8 I started doing weighted with 10 lbs attached and I’ve been adding 2.5 lbs every other workout, then deloading by 5 lbs after failure, and climbing back up. Rinse and repeat

improve grip strength, watch pullups go through the roof. negatives can help, grippers are better

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got a routine for that?

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