My girlfriend is had two abortions is two abortions too many abortions?
My girlfriend is had two abortions is two abortions too many abortions?
Even half is too many user.
fuck off normalkike you make me fucking sick
It's okay if she hasn't had her 3rd yet OP
Enjoy the haunted pussy
there is no such thing as many abortions. 1 child is worst than 400000000 abortions user
I would rape ciara and still feel an emptiness within me.
ye, my fellow goyim, children are the devil! dont procreate! never!
oh but we need those immigrants goyim, cuz of demographics!
That all depends on the race of the baby .
More dear black babies are great. I just don't want anymore dead white babies you feel?
I call dibs on her poopchute
id marry her and live happily ever after
>covering her chin
every picture, every time
>every picture, every time
wait until you hear about the jews, friend
what do the jews have to do with chinposting/chinposter?
It's good. You know that she knows that life isn't sacred and the bottom line is all that really matters.
jesus ur low int
kek but there are plenty of ciara chin pics.
im not anti abortion. But i don't think it's something to make light off either. Allow one because mistakes happen, but t the end of the day it really isn't that fucking difficult to not get pregnant.
as many as you like for medical reasons tho
Depends on if it's clinical or medical. One clinical abortion is one too many. Why the fuck would you let it get so far in?
She's BPD. She'll leave you in ruins.
so are plenty of jews involved in shady shit
im not saying ciara isnt hiding her deformed chin im saying something else..
true i find myself saying "every single time" daily since ive been on 4chin.
>im not saying ciara isnt hiding her deformed chin im saying something else..
ib4 chinposter the shadow hides part of her chin. sad!
You got a keeper right there, if she is cool with getting an abortion then keep her around.
she was payed for making this pic
als long as she gets the money she will do everything for the next shot of heroin
You got a keeper right there, if she is cool with getting an abortion then keep her around....desu