I'm gonna kill myself

I am 5'11 (manlet), I weigh 77 kilos.

Should I kill myself? I feel obese but at the same time I don't think I have an optimal body to lift.

I go to the gym almost daily, I train for two hours, I do cardio for one hour and I lift another hour, I have been going to the gym for 2.5 months.

I don't have any gains, I drink whey protein, I drink green juice and do dry fasting each weekend and nothing works, I am depressed and nobody cares for me.

What do?

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>What do?
Losing weight would be a good start, aim for 70-72kg or so, and then start eating more for sweet gains. It will take some time, but we are all gonna make it.

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eat more

do less cardio

Dude i am 5"7 i cut down to 70 kg from 85kg still looked like shit, lift were shit (still are but i am slowly making it) started bulking, lifts improved rapidly (still look like a dyel) but the satisfaction you get from being stronger made me realize I dont give a fuck about how i look i just want to be strong

your 'program', including your diet, sounds like a compilation of memes

pick a proven program for beginners, don't modify it (by doing something like adding an hour of cardio on at the end), and eat healthy food at a caloric surplus for the time being.

The fuck country do you live in that 5'11 is manlet?


Emphasis on diet and calories

Don't do cardio before you lift weights. If you want maximum gains you need to put maximum effort into lifting. If you deplete your energy running first that won't be possible.

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Fuck off. I'm 5'11", taller than most men, and get called tall all the time even though I don't feel like it. I also weigh about twice as much as you, but I'm working on losing the weight and getting stronger. Lost forty pounds already. And I'm almost at 1/2/3/4. You've got no fucking excuse. Know what you're supposed to be doing, work hard, eat right, sleep enough, and DRINK MORE WATER.

Don't do cardio first. Lift first. Fuck around with bullshit later, or you are compromising your lifts.