Why do guys like to manspread in public...

Why do guys like to manspread in public? I was at a panel discussion yesterday and this guy next to me had his legs spread out the entire time leaving me no room of my own to comfortably sit in criss cross position or any sitting position at all. And once I tried sitting in criss cross position he just kept spreading his legs further out, its as if he wanted me to curl up in a tiny ball so he can hog up my space too.

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if it's such a problem ask him to move his legs you retard

because you're a woman and therefore of lesser value

Maybe he wouldnt do it if you didnt like it so much.

if you have a super sensitive pair of balls in between your legs, you'd spread out too

Fun fact: The vast majority of men can comprehend verbal expression. Just tell them next time :)

there's something called balls
they get squeezed

stop samefagging your dumb bait threads op

He was probably just trying to be comfortable, just ask him to close his legs a bit or just suck it up
Guy's have differently structured hips as well as sensitive balls between our legs, it's incredibly uncomfortable to sit with our legs closed

because we have a sack between our legs thats super sensitive to pressure and heat and having your legs closed is painful. For me I actually have to try really hard to keep my legs closed and my legs cramp up fairly quickly. Its extremely uncomfortable. But since you're narcissistic and only think about yourself with a victim complex on the side you instantly think all men are out to get you when in reality they're just sitting with their legs open because they don't want to crush their balls and get cramps in their legs.

fucking obvious bait

Attached: maxbait.gif (625x626, 561K)

Guys only "man spread" because we need to give our dick and balls space to not be squished. Feminist have this squed image of guys spreading their legs to such huge degrees that they think that we purposely try to take up all the room around us.

That's a lie. Admit it, we man spread because it's more comfortable. Balls are not that sensitive.

It's more comfortable because we have differently structured hips than girls
The balls certainly don't help though

It's natural I don't even think about it. It's not intentional. Btw you're attracted to it you like the manliess you slut

speak for yourself. My balls hurt if I don't sit with the right posture.

still doesnt allow you to take up our space. Have some common manners.

Very few men will spread their legs so far to take up any significant space, and if they do they probably aren't doing it intentionally
I don't understand why people don't get pissed that girls will take up seating with their big ass purses yet they will get pissed that guys have the AUDACITY to try to sit comfortably

I only man spread when I've made sure I'm not taking up anyone's space. I don't mind when women do it too.

>one inconsiderate autist sat next to me and all men are aggressive assholes

because it's dominating and puts women back into their place, I bet you liked it, filthy whore

.15 rubles have been deposited in your putinaccount

>I was at a panel discussion yesterday

some dudes are gay and want to touch knees with you