For you I have a concept, a design for a new Jow Forums free of trannies, faggots, roasties and other trash...

For you I have a concept, a design for a new Jow Forums free of trannies, faggots, roasties and other trash. do whatever you want with it.

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Bump, this is good, I like it

banning the faggots would make this board a lot better

>step 1 get rid of current r9k mods as they have let shit fester (unoriginal content)
>Step 2 ban contactfagging
>start publicly banning shitposts mark them with (user has been banned for this post)
>add ids to prevent samefagging
>ban repetitive threads of the same topic
>ban people who repeatly post copypasta threads and bypass r9k bot
>ban fembot threads
>ban red flag green flag etc threads
>ban obvious bait threads ("LOL u a manlet XD", "How will you ever compete?")

Where else am I gonna complain about tfw no bf?
I understand wanting to ban trannies but us fags have done nothing wrong

I do support the other things though

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all gays are just male stacies who have sex with strangers they met on the backpage of craigslist

>banned thread is pinned
because I'm sure the people posting this don't want all that attention and people looking at their thread, oh no.

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Fine, r9gay can stay. You are based because you don't spam or shill, you keep to yourselves. I have it in my filter anyway so I never see your thread.
Rest of the fagshit must go.

Ban all 3D porn, 2D porn is fine.
at least allow ecchi


originoli AaaDfm,klsdm

I like step one because if gets rid of people like you. Die

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Im a tranny and I love you guys and this board, why would you want to ban LGBT posts?
Simply banning discord posts will solve the problem because not all trannies ruin this board, its just the discord trannies

hey brooke here im inviting all my female and gay friends to use r9k thank me later xoxooxoxo

Bump, this is actually good.

Thats a yay from me

hmm what about locking it also? most attentionfags feed off replies rather than the very fact that people see their thread. also discussing the banned thread is not allowed.
sorry, but when the discord trannies start shilling 100s of posts every day which are subconciously programming you, I don't see much of a choice.
Maybe you could make an r9k general on /lgbt/

Anyone want to be my bf, we can get drunk and play steam games together

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take the 2D pill firend

Trannies and schizos are the most oppressed minorities.
Fuck off white boy faggots with your "sad boi" faggotry because you're socially retarded and the other kids pick on you.
Those aren't real problems.
If you haven't attempted suicide at least five times, you should just leave.
Five is a laughingly low number btw

Ah I see, it's attention you want. Well look here now you have it.

If you really wanted to kill yourself, you would have done it after at most the 2nd-3rd fail.

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Aggressive rebbit purge needs to be done

Ah so much of a fuck up you cant even kill yourself right. fuck off cunt.

>needing more than one attempt

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All good suggestions.

Those faggot trannies need to gtfo to /lgbt/ or better yet kill themselves.

I agree with everything except #5 and #7.
#5 will just clog the catalog and #7 ruins the purpose of an anonymous image board

>r9fags can stay
They can go back to

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Don't forget the mental inferior tranny faggots too, user

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I like it a lot except for:
>Add user IDs to posts
Jow Forums needs to remain as anonymous as possible, having a ID would make me so fucking anxious.

Nice try OP but I've figured out a better way to fix this board after deliberating with a committee of 500 wizards and having the plan approved by moot himself.
>add funny randomised names to each post, but they change with every new post
>no visible post numbers, people have to reply to other posters by saying their funny name
>remove the catalog
>anyone who mentions their bf or gf gets banned no exceptions
>if you make a post about feet then you have to post a picture of yours, this is the exception to the no pics rule
>anyone posting disgusting 3D women will be publicly banned
>permanently stickied pissbottle thread

I like discord and gay theads. If you want better content POST IT. Stop complaining.

Unironically genius tier

Make Jow Forums a text board

>traps/gays are the REAL robots

How? You are literally a protected civil rights class in every major country. You are given advocacy groups and special protections that no normal robot male would ever have. Every major business and media corporation caters specifically to you.

You don't get to be a robot just by being rare and a "deviant" from the norm. You don't get to be a robot just because you have weird fetishes. You are a robot when you are an unnoticed nothing in a sea of interesting people.

Remove rule 2 and 4. Rule 6 is questionable, while I agree orbiting should be banned, what if they are requesting photos of non e-girls or something? Other then that, your ideas are pretty good.

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When r9k was good it still had skype/omegle threads(which are basicslly the same has discord threads) and egirl threads(in the form of 'cute girl' threads)
OP obviously wasn't around when r9k was good an therefore his opinion should be dicarded

good. fags trannies normies and roasties dont belong on r9k. but i doubt chinkmoot will do anything about it, he only cares to sell our date, he has no soul or integrity. even moot was a soulless sellout, he deleted r9k and works for google

power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. and they say god is good

None of that stops faggots from fitting in here though if thats what you're implying, I can't tell if you are. It's like saying a generally mentally ill poster doesn't belong here because there's plenty of programs and health care out there to help them. If they were the kind of people I'd expect to or prefer to post here then I don't believe they'd fall into whatever bullshit the media panders to them with in the first place.

Claiming you're a REAL robot or whatever is just a shitpost anyway, trying to fall under a label like that doesn't suit the people on here, it's just failed normalfags trying to fit in on le epic internet outcast board.

didn't arcanine have IDs until a few years ago?
I remember coming here quite frequently until they removed it.
Also rules are perfect.


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Yes yes yes this would make things so much better

>Where else am I gonna complain about tfw no bf?

you have no clue how to properly moderate any sort of community, d*scord servers don't count

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BUMP for based thread

fuck you homochan I got banned for a day for posting on /a/

eat shit you mass-replying tranny

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Why does everyone worship discord? It's just as normie as whattsapp at this point.

What alternatives are there? Irc is a fucking dead meme that no one uses

only normalfags use discord. idk why everyone has to make shitty discord servers. They all record everything you do and watches your computers process list. Their privacy policy is very alarming especially a time where even huge multi billion dollar companies are leaking data (facebook, google).

most actual robots use irc.

Discord isn't normie you mong

Irc is dead. If you use it you are probably autistic and browse Jow Forums

>Remove names and tripcodes
>Add IDs

Make up your mind

then why is there a discord thread on /soc/ right now

>Being so contrarian that you spurn high-utility tools, just because they're highly used.

A kek kek A rino.

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>irc is dead
>27k people currently online on rizon just one irc server
>twitch chat's backbone is a modified version of irc

enjoy your spyware and have fun when it comes out that discord leaked all of your chatlogs tied to your phone number and email address

How about delete this board so you kids can go back to fortnite and discord. Most of the KHV on this board aren't even in their 20s. Jow Forums is just b 2.0 anyways. No one makes original content anyways and it's always the "I'm sad girls don't wanna touch my willie :'''((((". Hardly anyone has real problems otherwise this shit wouldn't be such a big deal. If you lose a family member or get a terminal Illness you're not going to be thinking "wow I sure hate having to filter out the same 3 threads". Delete Jow Forums, it's a waste of data and only breeds a tumblresque echochamber of edgy teenagers that have a limited scope of life.

This tbqh. It's either heavy moderation and mass bans or just outright deletion

Hirojew has probably long forgotten about this board

You are decribing how Jow Forums always was. Sounds like Jow Forums is just too normal for you. Might I suggest finding a better website

Go to fucking /lgbt/ holy shit.

Originally, make Jow Forums great again!!!

Go back to r/incel you faggot.
This is r9k either like it or fuck off!

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I agree but as a tranner I think we are indeed robots and deserve to stay.

How about we ban crybabies like you instead, bitch

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I think most if not all boards that have IDs have them per thread at this point. It's enough to prevent at least lazy samefagging while not giving you a board-wide identity.

Cry more you pussy

>a high utility tool

Fucking kill me if i am ever this pathetic

Go back to Jow Forums then end yourself

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bumping because this is good, number 5 is fucking stupid though

why fix this normie infested shithole when you can go to the alternate normie free Jow Forums (pic related)

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He means eight chan, an even more underground board of frognazis and wizardfaggots we can invade next. They have dog porn!

Wherever you came from

t. falseflag r9gay shill
No, you cant stay, faggot. The primary target of the rule is you. So get fucked.

So what? No one has ever said that r9k is for whoever is the "most oppressed". Nobody cares about how "oppressed" you are. This board is for people who are social outcasts because of lack of social skills and desirable traits. You are not part of that group. Get this, MOST HOMOSEXUALS ARE ACTUALLY SOCIAL BUTTERFLIES. You are the ANTITHESIS to robots. You get bullied for political and identity reasons. You could stop getting bullied right now if you stopped announcing you're a faggot. Im not even saying you have to stop being one, just stop announcing it to people. Robots dont have that choice. We arent bullied for a choice we make or identity politics that we willfully engage in. We get bullied for how we act and look, things that you cannot change.

So eat shit and die, tranny scum.


>the only people I recognize as gay are the flaming gay chads with the gay voice, therefore I think theyre all like that

imagine actually being this much of a fucking brainlet

>we dont get bullied for a choice we make
>we get bullied for how we act
>things you cannot change

Holy shit it actually managed to get even more profoundly stupid.

The funny thing is you actually think you have a single valid argument.

>in b4 kill yourself trannyfag

Im not even the person you responded to, brainlet.

Here are a few facts that you can take into account

>homosexuals here reliably form communities
>homosexuals here always have tons of internet friends
>most discords are homosexual dating servers

Yeah, definitely not social butterflies.

On one side, you have a single choice that you make, tell people you're gay or not. On the other side, you have your very personality and your face. Which one do you think is easier to change.

Here is the thing though. If you disagree with everyone else on this board, why don't you just leave? If you need to replace the majority of a boards population so you can fit in there, then you probably need to look for another site

I want r9k to have a loosely enforced topic of "loserdom" like its destined to be.
Like you don't have to be a virgin or talk about your life but there is a simple rule to cut off humblebraggers to drive discussion.

>R1. Do not admit or allude to having had a relationship or regular sex within the past 4 years, or currently.

Trannies are parasitic pests. They're essentially human lampreys.

Im not gay you fuckin idiot. And im not leaving either so you can have a pathetic little exclusive safe space of self pity. Learn to deal with opinions. snowflake.

They are. Think about it, for weak, useless, emotionally unstable tranny genes to have been able to survive they had to leech off other men. They would never have survived on their own in the wild. Their survival strategy is to find something thats good and strong and then to latch onto it and suck it dry until its dead. Theyre a pest.

Then expect to be continually shit on then, normalfag.

Why are you so angry lad? You are allowed to have your thousands of tumblrs, discords, subreddits, twitter groups and even national support from the countries biggest media outlets and celebrities, but we arent even allowed to have this one shitty board? Why do you hate us so much? What have we done wrong to you? We are just sad losers who want ONE SINGLE place where we can commiserate. We have nothing in life and you want to away even this little relief we have from the suffering that is life? Why? What have we done wrong to you?

Channel 8 has some decent porn boards
RIP in pepperoni /8teen/

Okay? Im not the childish fag trying to ban people from my super secret safe space. Also why would I care about what you say to me?

Nobody is stopping you from having this board or commiserating, bitchtits.

1. Wait on this until it becomes /b/ levels of porn because censorship is ass.
2. Yes
3. Homophobic piece of shit
4. Please do this
5. Sure, why not?
6. No.
7. This works on Jow Forums where everything is politically driven but not on here.

Why didnt you answer the question?

Double chan also has a trap board AND a cute boy board.

>implying Im so angry

I dont give a fuck about you, dude

yeah right, this gets discussed on a weekly basis and nothing ever changes
this board will never be great again and its time to get used to it

Why do you keep avoiding the question? I'm being geniune here and i'm trying to understand you. You're just attacking me for no reason.

I'm against 1, 4, and 7. R9k was always nsfw, names and trips should stay like on the rest of the chan (so we can at least laugh at the retards using them, and people with actual good shit to say can get some identifiers, like that robot last year that ran away from home), and id's are cancer. R9k is for original, not high quality, content. Let's bring it back to 2011, with the greentext threads.

Your question was based on a false premise, that I am mad and need to invade this board to hurt you or some crybaby nonsense. So theres no way to a false premise and satisfy you.

If it pleases you I will answer another question

>why do you come here normiefag?

Because its fun to be asses to each other and say sarcastic and rude shit without being downvoted and chastised like on reddit

8ch r9k has a power tripping faggot nigger mod who ruins the place. its actually filled with quite horrible people, im so off put by the quality of the people there. 4ch r9k is bad because theres tons of normies, but atleast you can shitpost in peace

>ban those fembot threads
>Ban the term fembot pls it's annoying as fuck.
>lets just ban fembots-

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The only reason you think 2011 was great is you were in high school and your life wasnt total shit yet

Fembot here, fuck off kiddo

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>Ban discord faggots
Honestly this right here would be enough to improve the board quality dramatically.
Given enough time discordfags would migrate off the board and find some other place to do discord shit. With them would go the tranny faggots, a good chunk of the zoomers, and the beta orbiters.
The thing is, it's already against the rules, we just need a sticky so that people are extra sure to get banned when they do it.

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Why do you keep posting dick pictures? Keep that shit to yourself.

RIP text boards

Thus is why, that's retarded as fuck. You're like those 'GuRRRRL gUmErZ' I'm not saying ban women, just the ones who are like 'owo Fembot #imsounique'