Tfw 5"8 204 pounds

>tfw 5"8 204 pounds

Attached: 1410063567900.jpg (3936x2164, 174K)

>tfw 6' 115 lbs

Attached: 1518210289839.png (665x534, 107K)

literally just eat nigga what's so hard about that

do you look like pic related?

Attached: auschwitz mode.jpg (900x1200, 127K)

nah. My skin is olive and blotchy and I have body hair, plus more fat than muscle. I'd be a shitty twink despite my size.

Why do skinny hairless male bodies look so hot?

God imagine you walking in the showers and pinning him to a wall, hahah would be funny


Cause youre gay.

Its okay user, i am too
