Would you fuck a disgusting, mentally ill fembot who stays inside all day?
[spolier] Id lick the all the sweat, dirt from pic related's feet and then proceed to suck her long asian toes [/spoiler]
Would you fuck a disgusting, mentally ill fembot who stays inside all day?
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Uuuuhhhhh.... Of course?
darn that looks like an uncomfortable way to sit.
Absolutely, but only if she was fat and hairy, and loved me and had a long term relationship with me.
Her hikki feet would be proper filthy m8
I don't see how she can play like that. She can't even see the Hutton's how is she gonna know what ones she presses???
after a while you know which buttons are where so you can play without looking at the controller
I don't think that's even possible. What if the buttons move??
Even better, I would lick her filthy feet clean of all gunk and dirt
Now how the fuck would the buttons move? They are stationary on the controller. Once you use a controller enough, you naturally know where certain buttons are located.
>what if the buttons move
Are you sure? They come out easily and the controller goblin might come in my sleep again.
Never.She looks like a degenerate who wouldn't even be capable of neither talking with me or care about what I'm studying right now.She would probably never clean here dirty a hole or FILTHY feet, so she's a big no no to me.I want a woman with I can discuss my interlectual thoughs and Ideas and not some nasty, pathetic waste of space, that is nothing good for, besides playing shitty anime games, that have nothing in value.
>t. Gender studies major and professional NPC
IIRC those subs are fake.
How do you evem know that?
not him but i googled it and found this.
apparently it's about bullying
>What if the buttons move??
dude, are you high?
that actually looks like it might be an ergonomic way to hold the controller instead of rounding your back forward
also my new fetish
The girl or her feet?
Japanese have different ass anatomy.
I would love to have her feet on my face
>t. mentally ill fembot
I almost bought it, but "interlectual" gave it away. Good chuckle though.
Ues. fuck yes.
What if your legs or feet stim, then you drop the controller ??
What if you bump the controller with your knee, in a quick time ??
You will still remember the shape of the controller. You remember the hand position retard
Depends on her personality and what she looks like. Many cases I would say yes though.
Let's make her a board mascot or wojak character for femanons.
Nikki chan be like I'd rather date gameu husbando, than you.
I play games like that, yall are missin the real shit
>go out with her at 3am since shes scared to be out in public
>grab snacks and a drink from the local gas station which is 15 minutes away on foot
>get home, smell her sweaty hikki feet while she nervously strokes your cock
>eat snacks and play vidya until shes tired and then cuddle
its all a dream and i never want to wake up
If she looks like pic related then yeah definitely
I stay inside all day but I'm not mentally ill as far as I know