How much of a vagina needs a pad
ITT stuff you see that pisses you off in the gym
I understand you're angry about something but I'm not sure what
t. Uses a pussypad like a FAGGOT
Just pretty much anything boomers do in the gym pisses me off. They never use the equipment for its intended use. We have one proper bench press. Boomers use the bench to sit on for stretches and shit. Or they’ll stand straddling the bench and curl the barbell. They’ll also do various exercises in the squat racks that don’t even involve a barbell. Or in the stretching area they’ll lay down diagonally in the middle and take up all usable space even though like 4 people could fit in the area if they thought about it for 3 seconds and moved to one side
for whats the t. ?
you have to go back
Samurai Jack
Go home
YoU hAvE tO gO bAcK
b8 or r*ddit